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The AGS Panel is a team of AGS forum veterans who play all of the games here, and give them ratings from one to five cups. The rating system is as follows:
1 Cup Not serious entertainment
2 Cups A reasonable game, worth a try
3 Cups A good game, worth playing
4 Cups A great game, well worth your time
5 Cups An outstanding, must-play game!
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If your game has been rated 1 cup, please don't be offended! It's common for your first game release to get a 1-cup rating, due to the game having a lack of polish and flair -- which is understandable, because you're just getting started!

Please understand that the main purpose of the ratings is to help potential game players find high quality, bug-free games to play. You've probably learnt a lot about AGS as a result of making your first game -- so why not use that knowledge to start afresh, and do even better with your next game!
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Alien Threat

by Coolio

Screenshot 1 of Alien Threat

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Download Options for Alien Threat

File size: 0.9 MB
Downloaded: 4,948 times
Graphics: 320x200, 16-bit color
Operating System(s):


Game Genre:
Game Type:
Story Type:
Release Date:
15 Aug 2006
AGS Panel Rating:
Player Rating:
Rated 49% by the community (8 votes)Rated 49% by the community (8 votes)Rated 49% by the community (8 votes)Rated 49% by the community (8 votes)Rated 49% by the community (8 votes)
Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
Training Game Games made just to try out AGS
<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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Bad LanguageNone


Public Opinion

If you've played this game, why not help out and give us your votes?
8 people have rated this game so far:
Puzzles & Pacing:
Overall Enjoyment:

About this game

You play Roger C. Ego in this epic adventure of epic epicness.

You wake up one morning to find that you can't remember anything. You know that something has happened to you, but you don't know what.

Can you unravel the mystery and eliminate the alien threat before it's too late? The world is counting on you...

This is my first game made with AGS, but I thought I'd post it anyway to see what you think.

9 people commented on this game (newest first):

Come on guys, this game probably wasn't intended to kick ass with its stunning graphics. It's obviously a beginners project and it's well done. No bugs, no dead-ends, a story, continous gameplay and an ending. Please check out the screenshots first, if you're looking for a more professional game.
I like it! It has some touch of B-movie style on it :)
2010-11-29 09:18:42 by Brett Borsto (BrettBorsto)
I do enjoy the occasional rookie adventure game. There's blatantly room to improve the game in detail, depth, and the odd spot of music.

But I didn't come across any bugs, and enjoyed playing. A bit of an easy one, but worth it to see the final part of the game.
2008-12-16 22:49:52 by Andy
3 cups for this!!! No, you're kidding me. Default character and 3 cups? You are crazy!
2008-10-22 12:07:21 by !?! (Stan)
I agree with most comments... not bad for a first try, though. It definitely got much better as it went on... Puzzles were pretty easy, but at least enjoyable. The main thing that was kind of lame was the key sitting by itself on a shelf in a room at the beginning.
2007-10-06 04:58:05 by uvaagsfan
Not enough graphical detail, puzzles were too easy and too much help was given if you tried a wrong move. More thought was needed to make this game good instead of just OK.
2007-08-11 16:21:16 by acme (Acme)
Well for a first game it's pretty good, the story is good but it didn't have alot of time to let it grow. The rooms were extremely blank, and the graphics weren't good either your character looks alot like a zombified Roger Wilco. Also the puzzles were decently difficult although alot of their ideas were stolen from Space Quest and Mission Impossible, all in all for a first game it's not bad, and it shows promising new games to come.
2007-03-11 19:17:43 by glamrocker91
As far as first games go, I've seen much worse. The game is coherent and cohese, though it won't win any awards. There's obviously some detail gone into the animations - they are basic, but usually in these games they are non-existent. The final scene, with the explosions, is a nice one indeed. All too obviously a "first game", but one that shows definite promise.
2006-08-30 07:27:58 by \"Trovatore\" (redruM)
Definitely the most empty rooms i've ever seen
2006-08-16 08:56:07 by Tinkerer (tinkerer)
Not bad for a first effort. I found several few bugs, the graphics are not the best and the puzzles aren't original, but the game hangs together and is easy enough to complete.
2006-08-15 05:46:18 by paolo
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