Release Date 21 October 2003
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | None
Play Length Medium Length Game
Graphics 640x400, 16-Bit Colour
Downloaded 3,650 All Time


The game is a pilot project to teach highschool kids about electricity laws.

The english is somewhat crappy here and there.(a Dutch version is also available)

Awards & Reviews

AGS Panel Rating

Due to incomplete English translation, the game cannot be completed easily. Game is also in Dutch

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Showing 1 of 1 comments

By Stupot on 4 June 2018

The artwork is simple and the English translation of the game (despite the author's own words: "somewhat crappy") isn't actually that bad. It's just not finished, so about a third of what I played is it the original Dutch.

That said, it's a fun and educational game made to teach highschool kids about Ohms and volts and resistors and all that. The electrical parts are the best part of the game. First you have to fix a broken lift, and then you have to light a bulb in order to see your way around.

Unfortunately, that's the point at which the game crashed.


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