Ratings | x1
Release Date 22 September 2020
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Occasional, mild | None | None
Operating System Windows
Setting Historical
Genre Comedy
Story Original
Play Length Demo
Language English
Graphics 800x600, 8-Bit (256 Colour)
Downloaded 573 All Time; 7 This Month


The Party needs you! You must come to Absurdistan immediately and join Leszek on his little quest to save his father's name day! A trifle you say? Oh, Comrade, how wrong of you! Don't you forget that Absurdistan is a place where logic is nowhere to be found and that Absurdanis are reluctant to help each other out. Where keeping your profile low and showing your devotion to the Party is your bread and butter. Hope now you understand that in this place even a simple task becomes an adventure in its own right.

There is no time to lose, so get your passport ready and hop on the first train to Absurdistan!

Glory to the Party!

About the game:
Absurdistan is a partially text-based, side-scrolling adventure game featuring simplistic graphics.

You play as Leszek, a young Absurdani, who, just like his family, is fed up with the regime imposed by the Party. But, dear Adventure Gamer, fear nothing! Despite the seemingly gloomy setting, the game doesn't intend to get you down, as its main goal is to poke fun at many absurdities of the daily life in a totalitarian-communist state.

The game will feature a whole variety of puzzles, which, unlike the state of Absurdistan, do make sense. Some of them may even require you to grab something to write and figure them out in real life.

-You control Leszek with the mouse and occasionally with the keyboard.
-Left mouse click is used to BOTH inspect and interact with objects/hotspots/characters.
-Right mouse click is used only to click out of GUIs, interfaces or deselect active inventory items.

Pogwizd Scripting, puzzles, story, art
Absurdistan Coding, story, puzzles and art
Good God! practically everything
Knorrig the Gifted Troublemaker Scripting, story, puzzles

heltenjon Beta-testing
Absurdistan Beta testing
Batman: Prep Time Design, coding, writing.
BYO-Hero Awesome TESTER Extraordinaire!
Challenge of the Tentacle Testing
Desolate Testing
Don't Give Up the Cat Testing
Getting the Picture Almost everything
GIGANT Play Testing
Halloween with an Unexpected Guest Everything
I Rented a Boat testing
If On A Winter's Night, Four Travelers testing
M*A*S*H: Point n' Click adventure game Proofreading and testing
Masquerade at the Con Design and scripting
Menial; a Utopian Bagel Simulator (demo) testing
Pedro's Adventures in Spanish Beta tester
Scales Training Game Everything
Space Quest: A Son of Xenon - Full Version (2022) testing
The House of Mr Chocolate beta tester
Trade it forward Story & Writing, Music selection, Alpha & Beta testing
Use It All (Or Forget Your Ball) Original idea, main puzzle flow

newwaveburritos Proofreading and beta-testing
Absurdistan Proofreading and beta testing
Central Standard Art, Programming, Story, etc.
Don't Give Up the Cat Testing
Dreams in the Witch House testing
GIGANT English Proofreading
Saturday Night is the Loneliest Night of the Week programming art writing
Why the Wrong Face? art writing programming

Awards & Reviews

Image by 4KbShort

AGS Awards 2020 Nominee

AGS Awards 2020 Nominee

Best Demo

Other Players Rated

5 votes

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Showing 4 of 4 comments

By Creamy on 21 March 2021

Nice demo. Despite the very low resolution, you get a good sense of the run-down state of everything through the descriptions.

Only virtually would I like to come back to this dictatorial country where simply baking a cake becomes a challenge.

By Jack on 28 January 2021

I promised to check this game for wrongthink, and unlike a communist functionary, I do eventually perform my duties.

The game has a very expressive writing style in the descriptions which is a perfect fit for the strange environment in which it is set. But the first thing that will lead you into this environment is the excellent presentation. As a programmer, I also enjoyed the puzzle at the end.

The default speed of the typewriter effect should probably be increased.

This is a short game, and I am looking forward to an expanded version.

By Andy on 4 December 2020

The life of an adventurer is rarely straight-forward, and perhaps even less so in a communist environment.

Graphics are stylishly simplistic, but there is plenty of narrative to make the game contentedly absorbing.

Not too much in the way of gameplay yet, but if a complete game comes out I will be giving it a go.

By Tampere on 3 October 2020

Good satirical game about Absurdistan, a pastiche of a Soviet-block republic.
The graphical choices, way of narrating are fresh and a welcome addition to the genre.
There is only one true puzzle, but it is excellent (logical, funny to solve, not too difficul): I hope to see more of this.

Since this is a demo, I will point to the author what I did not like so much:
- this game is a bit wordy, and the "typewriter text" after a while was annoying. I turned it off and enjoyed the game much better.
- in the elevator puzzle, the "reset" button should be placed higher (so the player immediately knows how to get to pristine state)
- as I have said the game is a bit on the wordy side (a good narrative that adds to the atmosphere!). As now I cannot skip cutscenes, skipping text is not immediate — at least in the typewriter version — and "flavour text" in descriptions is repeated. I felt it a bit frustrating.

All in all, a very *very* promising start for what could well be one hell of a funny yet satirical adventure. I will keep a close eye on this!


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