Release Date 23 November 2009
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | Mild
Setting Contemporary
Genre Comedy
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Graphics 800x600, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 1,554 All Time


A very short game about China's culinary peculiarities.

lea Concept and design

Awards & Reviews

AGS Panel Rating

This strangely macabre effort is more of an interactive cutscene than a game, and in spite of its comedy classification it doesn't seem particularly amusing.

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Showing 5 of 5 comments

By Ascovel on 7 November 2010

Not really a game, but a neat little animated film with a good share of macabre.

By chompermom on 20 December 2009

This was quite disturbing... I'm taking it as a joke, but as I cant understand the Asian language the text is written in, I can't be sure. Hopefully no one would be offended by it. Glad it was short, because it was also sort of a waste of time, no puzzles, just click click like an interactive movie.

By Shay Avramov on 3 December 2009

That is quite an interesting piece of work.

By MisoSoup on 3 December 2009

This isn't a game, it's a disturbing grocery shopping trip. I loved the simple hand drawn graphics and the charming grusomeness of this short but effective piece.

By jkohen on 23 November 2009

Similar to Ulitsa Dimitrova, but less polished. I suggest you play the other one first or instead.


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