Favourite | |
Release Date | 18 May 2020 |
Release Type | Freeware |
Demo | |
Content Advisory | None | None | None |
Operating System | Windows |
Setting | Sci-Fi |
Genre | Other |
Story | Fan Game |
Play Length | Demo |
Language | English |
Graphics | 320x200, 8-Bit (256 Colour) |
Downloaded | 349 All Time |
In the future it'll be multiplayer AGS game in the Counter Strike style. You can play rebels or Sequel Police. You must kill all enemies (like in CS) in some SQ locations (SQ12, for ex). It'll be have more new features (grenades, special places in location to hide from everybody (camper style), chat, ...)
For now it's demo version (v0.4). You can play any character. Tab - change character. Home - change team (Rebel/SP)
Sledgy |
Audio Quest | Programming |
Boxes | Programming |
Donkey.Bas (AGS Remake) | Programming |
Guyver Quest I: Sho Adventures | |
Guyver Quest II: Cronos | |
Koschei The Immortal: The Beginning | |
Sliders Quest | Programming |
Space Quest 5.5: Save captain Roger [DEMO 1.1] | AGS remake, txt, music |
Space Quest 7 Mania. Episode 2 | programmer |
Space Quest Visual Novel | Programming |
Time Quest 2 | |
Turtles Ninja in Time |
Report as Broken |
Showing 1 of 1 comments
This isn't really playable yet, but it probably would be fun if the multiplayer could be implemented.