Ratings | | x5
Release Date 3 November 2019
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | None
Operating System Windows
Setting Sci-Fi
Genre Comedy
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Language English
Graphics Other, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 968 All Time


Thinking about buying a used spaceship? Think again!
In this cautionary tale of great emotional impact (?), our heroine Clotilde finds herself stuck on an old spaceship, directed towards the sun!
Only you can save the ship! Oh, and her life too.

lorenzo Story, coding, graphics, animations
AGS Cameras Tech Demo Art
Bartolomeo, misled by circumstances, learns that appearances can be deceptive Story, coding, graphics, animations
Breakfast on Trappist-1 Art, additional coding
Captain Disaster and The Two Worlds of Riskara DEMO Art and animation, additional coding
Clotilde Soffritti in: Never Double Park your Spaceship Story, coding, graphics, animations
Elia, Ilaria & the Kids Having a Good Time at the Sea (or at least they try) Story, coding, graphics, animations
Snow Problem Testing
SPHONX testing (game + trailer)
Stranger in Utopia Story, coding, graphics, animation
The Ancient Art of Staying Alive Title screen art, Steam Achievement icons
The Rat Pack (Full version) Testing
Tom and Jimi in: Blowout! Game Testing
Where Did the Humans Go? Story, coding, graphics, animations

CaptainD Testing, proofreading
A Landlord's Dream Brainstorming Help, SFX, Proofreading
A Sloth for Both Seasons Story, game design, voice acting, SFX, worst singing in history
AGS Cycles Everything
All Pigs Deserve to Burn in Hell Play Testing
Baldy's Adventure Play testing
BARBARIAN vs. ROBOT Voice Acting
Beyond Dream and Time Proofreading, Betatest
Beyond Eternity episode 1 Voice acting
BlindSweeper Everything
Blue Lobe Inc. voice acting
Captain Disaster and The Two Worlds of Riskara DEMO Story, coding, SFX
Captain Disaster in Death Has A Million Stomping Boots (Demo) Game Concept and Design, some graphics, testing, voice acting.
Captain Disaster in The Dark Side of the Moon Story, game design, graphics, animation, sound effects. voice acting
Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots Lead Designer, VA, SFX
Cave of Avarice Writing and additional testing
Clotilde Soffritti in: Never Double Park your Spaceship Testing
Colour Clash Everything
Columbus Lander Voice Acting and Testing
Conspiracy: Below-Zero Voice of Agent Malden
Daleks Coding, graphics, partly responsible for birth of 6 year-old daughter who provided the sound effects.
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator writing
DSM: Are we alone? Ideas collaborator and Beta testing.
ELF: And soon the darkness... Beta testing.
Eternal Chrysalis Story, Puzzles, additional Graphics, Pink Socks
Fanbots Sound, Design, Voice Acting
Feria d'Arles Testing
Finger of suspicion Voices of Lord Fairfax and the Butler
Flow Problem Everything
Football Game Testing
Indy Bones: The Book Of The Gods Additional ideas and Beta test.
JACK Voice of Charles Davonport
Let's Cook: with Koala Tester
Lunar Lander Everything apart from music (freesfx.co.uk) and explosion sound effect (my young daughter)
M*A*S*H: Point n' Click adventure game Testing
Maelstrom Obscura: Case 1 Twins voices
Mr Bear Teaches English Voice acting
Neofeud Voice Acting
Number Rescue Design, scripting, graphics, sound, voice acting
Play It Again: An Improv Point & Click Adventure Voice-Acting & Dialogue
Red Hot Overdrive Sound FX editing and brave testing
Sharky's 3: The Heist Testing
Shoaly You Can't Be Serious! (Deluxe version) Everything
Shoaly You Can't Be Serious! (MAGS version) Everything
SLEUTH Voice acting
Snow Problem Concept, coding, SFX
Sonic and friends in: Club House Additional ideas and Cartoon character will-writing service
Space Tunneler Coding, SFX, Graphics
Space Tunneler Deluxe design, coding, SFX, most graphics
SPHONX Story, Voice of Professor Nowicz, testing
Sphonx Tech Demo Story, Professor Nowicz\' Voice
Splinter Voices of the Tarks
Spot The Difference Design, Scripting, Graphics
The Hamresanden Chronicles II: The Black Prism Testing
The Ancient Art of Staying Alive Everything
The Cabin Testing
The Cat Lady Voice acting
The Cat Lady DEMO Voice actor
The Journey of Iesir Demo Writing and design
The Old Man and the Sea play testing
The Potion Master (MAGS version) Story / puzzles / sound design
The Rat Pack (Full version) Design, coding, voicing
The Rat Pack (MAGS version) Design, coding, SFX, testing
Thrymly disguised voice acting
Trails and Traces: The Tomb of Thomas Tew Voice Acting
Troll Song - Verse One - DEMO Story, Game Design, Voice Acting
Troll Song Verse One - Completely Stoned Story, Game Design, SFX, Voice Acting
Unexpected at the Rising Star SFX, Voice Starbuck + Deimos + Easter Egg
UNGA needs MUMBA dialogue editing, additional puzzle ideas, voice acting
Zid Journey (demo) Proofreading (English)

Awards & Reviews

Image by 4KbShort

AGS Awards 2019 Nominee

AGS Awards 2019 Nominee

Best Background Art
Best Character
Best Character Art
Best Freeware Game Created with AGS
Best Short Game

AGS Panel Rating

Beautiful art and clever puzzles make this a good short game. Could benefit from adding more linearity to some puzzles and fleshing out the main character.

Pick of the Month

November 2019

All space travellers will tell you: many merchants are not too fussy about the security of their customers. Poor Clotilde should have read the title of her first adventure! With a style reminiscent of the best European comics Lorenzo builds a lousy spaceship, yet a solid comedy.

Other Players Rated

9 votes

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Showing 5 of 6 comments

By lanchong on 25 January 2020

Beautiful short game. Would love to see a longer version.

By selmiak on 23 November 2019

A well executed short game that maybe needs a longplay for that password puzzle... find a longplay here:


By Michael2968 on 7 November 2019

This was a fun short game that I would like to see continued in the future.

By Andy on 7 November 2019

Quite a short game with beautiful visuals, animation, and storyline. Very much like the style and would love to see more.

By Durq on 3 November 2019

Very fun game with great art. Would love to see more from lorenzo.

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