Release Date 2 September 2015
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | Frontal nudity | Mild
Operating System Windows
Setting Fantasy
Genre Horror
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Language English
Graphics 640x480, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 1,053 All Time


A young girl and her father, struggling to make ends meet, are forced to seek their fortune amidst the treacherous rocks of the infamous Cold Hand Reef. But there is more to the reef than just mere rocks, and something evil awaits in the darkness.

I set myself an additional challenge of making a game that would never need a translator, and could work with players of all languages. As such there is no written or spoken english (or any other language) anywhere in the game. The game also sports a very simple one-button user interface, suited for even the Macintosh computer mouses of old. ;)

I hope you enjoy this short adventure. :)

WHAM Design and Production
A Place of Significance Story, Art, Development
Alien Cow Rampage: Orion Needs Your Milk! testing
Anna's Quest Vol. 1: Winfriede's Tower Tester
Big Blue World Domination [MAGS] Design and Production
Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots VA, additional grpahics
GNRBLEX (Final Version) Design and Production. Voice of Mind Maggot.
GNRBLEX (MAGS version) Design and Production
He Watches (DEMO) Design and Production
Infection - Episode 1 - The Ship Design and Production
Infection - Episode 2 - [Demo] [REMOVED] Design and Production
Of the Essence [MAGS] Design and Production
One More Fathom Design and Production
RAM Ghost Object Donation
Sinking [OROW] Design and Production
Submerged - LaSol (MAGS) Design and Production
Technobabylon - Part 3: In Nuntius Veritas Testing

Mandle Testing
AGS Awards: Backstage Pass Author
Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots VA, Testing
Chronicle of Innsmouth English translation
Chronicle of Innsmouth - Mountains of Madness English Translation
Columbus Lander Author
Crankosaurus Prime and the Blue Crystal Pursuit V1.8: The Fangs of Fortune Goat Milker and Mastodon Consultant
Danger Mouse Demo Testing & proof reading.
Deadly Consequences! Proofreading, text editing and beta tester
Donald Dowell and the Ghost of Barker Manor Proofreading and Text Editing
Dreams in the Witch House Proofreading, text editing, testing
Easter Encounter Author
Easter Island Defender Author
Feng Shui And The Art Of TV Reception Everything except sound effects and video
Indiana Jones and the Gold of Genghis Khan English translation, Proofreading
JACK Part Grammar / spelling
Kanji Gakusei Testing
Kathy Rain Testing
Let's Cook: with Koala Tester as well as his infant student Nao
Magic-8-Ball Author
My First Big Adventure Story,Coding,Graphics
Number Rescue Testing
Out of Gas Proofreading/Editing, Beta testing
Pickpocket RPG Author
Pod Dwellers
Predators Prey For Plants Author
Quest for Ekoban Tester
Rat Playing Game Author
Red Hot Overdrive Testing
Scary Maze Halloween 2016 Author
Shunday Author
Space Tunneler Testing
Space Tunneler Deluxe testing
Speed Buggy: Manifold Destiny Author
Stable Pete and the Joust (DEMO) Proofreading (not all text)
Strawman Bombing Disposal Author
T.O.T.S: Trick-Or-Treat Simulator Author, Coding, Graphics
Tales Text-editing, Play-Test, additional story content
Tales - Tech Demo Text-editing, Play-Test, additional story content
The Black Hand Gang Coding
The Clockwork Labyrinth testing, post production
The Condemned Lead game tester, spelling and grammar editor.
The Era-Gone Trail MAGS Author
The Garden of Hades testing
The Hobbit: Rise of the Dragon King Bug Testing.
The Rotary Club (MAGS June 2017) Author
The Shaft Playtesting
The Smallest Points Author
The Visitor 3 Testing
The Weird Thing Under The Bed
Three Guys Walk Into Heaven Author
Thrymly disguised voice acting
Tomb Hunter: Ramitupem Testing and Grammar.
Trivial Pass You It Author
Unexpected at the Rising Star Voice Adama + Narrator, Beta tester
When the worlds calls... Play tester

Rusty Testing

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Showing 2 of 2 comments

By Andy on 3 May 2017

This game looks so nice at the beginning. Speech bubbles with pictures so anyone from any language can understand the storyline.

But then the sinister kicks in! A horror race against time...with no save slots!

Don't be put off by that though. This is a MAGS game, and so is of a fairly short length. It is quite easy to pick up where you left off if you do end up....in trouble....!

By AprilSkies on 6 September 2015

Superb pixel art, great music and superb atmosphere! Very easy interface (just one click) and very interesting game to play.
The only thing is that you can't save... but it's ok, cause the game is time based so.. you can't cheat :P


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