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Release Date | 2 January 2015 |
Release Type | Freeware |
Content Advisory | None | None | None |
Operating System | Windows |
Setting | Sci-Fi |
Story | Original |
MAGS | |
Language | English |
Graphics | 800x600, 16-Bit Colour |
Downloaded | 1,458 All Time |
On an island far in the North, where nighttime can last for months, a researcher is left alone with a big staring moon, his boredom and an important research to complete, if only there wasn't a power shortage...
Ultimately, this is a game about overcoming boredom and getting stuff done.
Originally developed for MAGS December 2014
LostTrainDude | Everything |
A Homie Adventure | Coding help, proof reading, English translation |
A Landlord's Dream | Design, Coding, Music |
A-Mused [MAGS January 2014] | Everything |
Agent Trinity - Episode 0 - The Ultimatum | Everything |
AGS Awards Ceremony 2018 | Intro Show (music) |
Bitstream | Music |
Captain Disaster in The Dark Side of the Moon | Beta Testing |
Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots | Testing |
Dakota | Testing |
Dreamagine | Concept, Writing, Scripting, Art. |
Fanbots | Code, Design, Voice Acting |
Maniac Mansion Mania Episode 40 - Trapped in the cellar v.3.1 | Italian Translation |
The Fickle Hands of Fate | Everything |
The Journey of Iesir Demo | Testing |
The Visitor | Testing and proofreader |
The Visitor 2 | Proof reading |
TRAVELERS (Prototype) | Everything |
UNGA needs MUMBA | testing, voice acting |
Adeel | Gamma Coding Help (v1.1) |
AGS Rock, Paper, Scissors | Scripting advice |
All Pigs Deserve to Burn in Hell | Play Testing |
Banana Racer | Testing |
JACK | Part Testing and Voice of Jack |
Moustache Quest | Bug finder for v 1.2 |
Ponderabilia | Game Tester |
Space Cross: The BSG-Team | Beta tester |
Summer Woes - MAGS August 2013 Winner | Game Developer |
What the f--k happened!? | Testing |
Report as Broken |
Showing 4 of 4 comments
Very short game with interesting graphic style that sadly was not fully executed throughout the game.
This is a good fun MAGS game
An excellent little game with unique gfx, smart plot and good puzzles. it's Worth to play it.
This was a fun short game and it would nice too see a continuation of this game at some time.