World history quiz thread

Started by milkanannan, Sat 07/10/2017 05:13:52

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Pro is the opposite of Con                       Kids of today are so much different
This fact can clearly be seen,                  Don't you know?
If progress means to move forward         Just ask them where they are from
Then what does congress mean?             And they tell you where you can go.  --Nipsey Russell

Darth Mandarb


Cool, it was the only ruler I could think of from that time period.
Ill Post my question shortly.
Pro is the opposite of Con                       Kids of today are so much different
This fact can clearly be seen,                  Don't you know?
If progress means to move forward         Just ask them where they are from
Then what does congress mean?             And they tell you where you can go.  --Nipsey Russell


What was the name of the nephew that fought in the navy against his uncle who was a dictator?
Pro is the opposite of Con                       Kids of today are so much different
This fact can clearly be seen,                  Don't you know?
If progress means to move forward         Just ask them where they are from
Then what does congress mean?             And they tell you where you can go.  --Nipsey Russell





Pro is the opposite of Con                       Kids of today are so much different
This fact can clearly be seen,                  Don't you know?
If progress means to move forward         Just ask them where they are from
Then what does congress mean?             And they tell you where you can go.  --Nipsey Russell


Wow, never heard of this one! I googled it and I am excited to see who knows this O.o

Darth Mandarb

William Hitler was the nephew of Adolf Hitler and served in the US Navy during World War II. I seem to remember a different last name too but I can't come up with it. If I'm right I will then Google it :)


Darth is correct
William Patrick "Willy" Stuart-Houston (né Hitler; 12 March 1911 â€" 14 July 1987) was a British nephew of Adolf Hitler who worked in Germany and later emigrated to America in 1939. Born to Adolf's brother, Alois Hitler, Jr. and his first wife, Bridget Dowling, in Liverpool, England, William Hitler later moved to Germany, but subsequently emigrated to the United States, where he served in the United States Navy in World War II.
Pro is the opposite of Con                       Kids of today are so much different
This fact can clearly be seen,                  Don't you know?
If progress means to move forward         Just ask them where they are from
Then what does congress mean?             And they tell you where you can go.  --Nipsey Russell

Darth Mandarb

I knew the different name I couldn't think of had a connection to Star Trek in some way! I just couldn't remember (nod)

Next round...

This 16/17th century ruler was rumored to bathe in (and sometimes even drink) the blood of their tortured victims (estimates range between 600-700 total victims).


I know I have heard this story but not sure of the name. I think it was some queen.
Pro is the opposite of Con                       Kids of today are so much different
This fact can clearly be seen,                  Don't you know?
If progress means to move forward         Just ask them where they are from
Then what does congress mean?             And they tell you where you can go.  --Nipsey Russell


Yeah I vaguely remember hearing about this but I can't remember who it was.

Darth Mandarb

We are on the right track...

While not a "queen" this person is considered to be the most prolific female serial killer in history.


Darth Mandarb

Quote from: Mandle on Thu 12/10/2017 12:53:45Catherine The Great?

A good guess, but about 200 years too late!

Another snippet of info...

She was married at the age of 15. Her husband was away near constantly fighting wars. She spent her days with her witchcraft-practicing aunt, her devil-worshiping alchemist uncle, and her pedophile brother.

I am seriously not making this up!


sounds like a good making for a spooky adventure game. lol.
If not a queen then perhaps a countess or duchess or maybe that is just a title she was known for. something like the countess of blood.
Pro is the opposite of Con                       Kids of today are so much different
This fact can clearly be seen,                  Don't you know?
If progress means to move forward         Just ask them where they are from
Then what does congress mean?             And they tell you where you can go.  --Nipsey Russell

Darth Mandarb

Quote from: dayowlron on Thu 12/10/2017 16:40:18If not a queen then perhaps a countess or duchess or maybe that is just a title she was known for. something like the countess of blood.

You are very close, actually (nod)

Quote from: Klatuu on Thu 12/10/2017 16:43:04Lucrezia Borgia?


Another bit of info...

When authorities arrived to arrest her they found 1 dead girl, 1 dying girl, 1 wounded girl and many more young girls being held captive waiting for their turn to be tortured and murdered.


I knew who you meant from the very beginning but it took me a while to remember her name:

Countess Elisabeth Báthory aka "The blood Countess".

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