I want to become a Moderator here what should I do.

Started by shadowface, Tue 13/08/2013 16:42:29

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If you think you are being mistreated, read the rules of each forum first.

Your threads in the Games in Production forum are good examples. Read the rules of that forum and you will understand why your threads are being locked.


I heard more people could become moderators...


Quote from: shadowface on Wed 14/08/2013 02:54:20But see1 I try to use proper spelling,2 and the moderators complain about my posts3. Most of the time, and they4 don't explain what is wrong with them. How can5 I know what is wrong with my posts6 if people don't want to explain what is wrong?

1. Omit unnecessary conversational words for clarity.
2. Use a comma before "and" when an independent clause follows.
3. "Most of the time" implies posts, plural.
4. Rambling sentence. Separate the third independent clause into its own sentence.
5. Tense mismatch. Either "would I have known what was" and "people didn't," or "can I know" and "people don't."
6. See 3.

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