New AGS site release

Started by AGA, Sun 19/01/2025 00:03:56

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I think alerts for threads don't work anymore. I have set this thread (and others) to "receive alerts" but I do not get them. Alerts for likes, quotes and reported posts work fine.


Do you mean email alerts specifically?  It does seem those have been stopped for a while, but I'm not sure if the server move was the cause.  I'll look into it.


No, not email, I haven't tried that. When clicking the button "user actions" (mobile site), there is an option about alerts. Clicking it there are 4 options (not following, no alerts or emails, receive alerts, receive emails and alerts). I chose receive alerts.
I'd expect an alert at the bell icon on top of the page, whenever a new post is written in a thread with alerts active.


Bear in mind your user settings are also in play here.  If you have alerts disabled there it won't show them, even if you do subscribe on a board or topic level.


I changed my profile settings and it's working now, thanks!


When choosing the AGS awards after the nomination time has expired, we're met by a page that gives the impression that the awards are finished already.


Quote from: heltenjon on Mon 10/02/2025 09:38:30When choosing the AGS awards after the nomination time has expired, we're met by a page that gives the impression that the awards are finished already.

Fixed! It was because the voting start date wasn't set, I've now added the logic to take an unset date into account.


Not sure if this is a new problem. I tried to link the awards thread to a calender entry by pressing the button "Link to Calendar". I enter a title for the event, add the dates and save. But I get an error "Invalid date". I tried both, making it "All day" or with a specific time, it didn't work.


When editing in the Game Database (I was removing misplaced MAGS tags), it seems like every game is missing info in some fields. Has the data not been carried over to the new pages, or are these perhaps new tags? I feel like I've been asked to fill the box named "role" (Creator, Programming, Graphics, etc.) and/or the boxes for language for every game.


Quote from: heltenjon on Fri 14/02/2025 09:20:08When editing in the Game Database (I was removing misplaced MAGS tags), it seems like every game is missing info in some fields. Has the data not been carried over to the new pages, or are these perhaps new tags? I feel like I've been asked to fill the box named "role" (Creator, Programming, Graphics, etc.) and/or the boxes for language for every game.

All available data has been carried over to the new pages. A lot of data is missing indeed as previously the fields were not mandatory. We decided to make it mandatory to be able to return better search results on it search page (which is the most visited page).

Would you mind keeping an eye on the game page and compare it with the edit page? If it's not on the game page before editing, it's missing data that should be added. If it's on the game page and you have to reenter it on the edit page, it's a bug.

Hope that helps!


In this case, should we ask all game authors to have a look at their old DB entries and update them accordingly?


Quote from: cat on Sun 16/02/2025 12:36:02In this case, should we ask all game authors to have a look at their old DB entries and update them accordingly?

I think that would be a big help if that's possible!


It seems that when you search by game author, if you accidentally put a space after the name, then it returns no results. If you delete the space, the search results are as expected. Nit sure if this is fixable or not.

Also, on the forums page, if you click on posts from the "unread posts" page (on mobile) those posts are still listed as unread until you click on them from the main forum page.
They/them. Here are some of my games:


@tampie85 @heltenjon
Could you tell me what exactly has changed that has to be updated by game authors? I can write a post in the Adventure Related board, but I have to give people a detailed description of what to do.


Quote from: cat on Sun 16/02/2025 19:36:06@tampie85 @heltenjon
Could you tell me what exactly has changed that has to be updated by game authors? I can write a post in the Adventure Related board, but I have to give people a detailed description of what to do.

What they need to do:
  • Make sure you are logged in
  • Go to the game page of your game(s)
  • Below the image/video carousel, click on the orange "Actions" button. That'll take you to the edit game page
  • Scroll all the way down and press the "Save Your Game" button
  • If it shows the "game updated successfully" screen, you're all good
  • If there are mandatory fields missing, you'll be sent to the first field you need to update.
  • Complete all the fields with yellow warnings and press the "Save Your Game" button again to confirm your changes.

I don't think it needs more explanation. Every field has a question mark that gives an explanation when you hover over it, and all fields which aren't dropdowns or checklists have an example text in them. All mandatory fields were also already present on the old site, most of them were already made mandatory over time, so it's mainly the older games who have the most missing fields.

The advantage for game owners updating their game details, is that their games show up in more categories on the search page and therefore have a higher likelihood to be played by others.

This URL may also help when they are logged in (it shows a list of their games):;newest-releases:checked

Hope this helps!


I checked it with one of my games and could save without problems, that's why I was a bit confused. But obviously I just had it filled out alright anyway.

I'll make a thread to remind people once award voting is over. With Voting and Mittens planning there is so much going on anyway. Gotta have something to do when those are done ;)


Searching the database with tags doesn't work properly. It looks like it returns only games tagged "Fantasy", for instance, for the current year.


Quote from: heltenjon on Thu 20/02/2025 00:08:55Searching the database with tags doesn't work properly. It looks like it returns only games tagged "Fantasy", for instance, for the current year.

That's because tags are a brand new feature, and user generated.  So only games where someone's added a tag will have them...


Quote from: AGA on Thu 20/02/2025 00:32:02
Quote from: heltenjon on Thu 20/02/2025 00:08:55Searching the database with tags doesn't work properly. It looks like it returns only games tagged "Fantasy", for instance, for the current year.

That's because tags are a brand new feature, and user generated.  So only games where someone's added a tag will have them...
I guess that means that we also should encourage creators to add these tags when they update their games. This will likely be confusing, as many games are already marked as "fantasy" or "horror" or something from earlier. (It confused me, at least.)


Would it make sense to automatically assign some of the tags with a DB query? For example, all games marked as fantasy could get the fantasy tag.

Also, shouldn't those categories be curated? I'm afraid there will be quite a huge list of tags in the future that will not help with searching. I want to try to update Toffee with a tag that has a meaning of "is suited for children". But what tag name should I use? "Children" "Child friendly" "Suited for Children" "Kids" all come to my mind. I think it makes sense to establish at least some scheme how to define tags.

And a small possible improvement: When clicking the magnifier icon on the main page, it would be nice if the search input box on the search page got focus automatically so you can just start typing.

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