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Messages - tampie85

Quote from: cat on Sun 16/02/2025 19:36:06@tampie85 @heltenjon
Could you tell me what exactly has changed that has to be updated by game authors? I can write a post in the Adventure Related board, but I have to give people a detailed description of what to do.

What they need to do:
  • Make sure you are logged in
  • Go to the game page of your game(s)
  • Below the image/video carousel, click on the orange "Actions" button. That'll take you to the edit game page
  • Scroll all the way down and press the "Save Your Game" button
  • If it shows the "game updated successfully" screen, you're all good
  • If there are mandatory fields missing, you'll be sent to the first field you need to update.
  • Complete all the fields with yellow warnings and press the "Save Your Game" button again to confirm your changes.

I don't think it needs more explanation. Every field has a question mark that gives an explanation when you hover over it, and all fields which aren't dropdowns or checklists have an example text in them. All mandatory fields were also already present on the old site, most of them were already made mandatory over time, so it's mainly the older games who have the most missing fields.

The advantage for game owners updating their game details, is that their games show up in more categories on the search page and therefore have a higher likelihood to be played by others.

This URL may also help when they are logged in (it shows a list of their games):;newest-releases:checked

Hope this helps!
Quote from: cat on Sun 16/02/2025 12:36:02In this case, should we ask all game authors to have a look at their old DB entries and update them accordingly?

I think that would be a big help if that's possible!
Quote from: heltenjon on Fri 14/02/2025 09:20:08When editing in the Game Database (I was removing misplaced MAGS tags), it seems like every game is missing info in some fields. Has the data not been carried over to the new pages, or are these perhaps new tags? I feel like I've been asked to fill the box named "role" (Creator, Programming, Graphics, etc.) and/or the boxes for language for every game.

All available data has been carried over to the new pages. A lot of data is missing indeed as previously the fields were not mandatory. We decided to make it mandatory to be able to return better search results on it search page (which is the most visited page).

Would you mind keeping an eye on the game page and compare it with the edit page? If it's not on the game page before editing, it's missing data that should be added. If it's on the game page and you have to reenter it on the edit page, it's a bug.

Hope that helps!
Quote from: heltenjon on Mon 10/02/2025 09:38:30When choosing the AGS awards after the nomination time has expired, we're met by a page that gives the impression that the awards are finished already.

Fixed! It was because the voting start date wasn't set, I've now added the logic to take an unset date into account.
Quote from: heltenjon on Fri 31/01/2025 02:53:36I cannot find Stormwater on the list of games to nominate. Is it perhaps automatically blocked because of the demo release the year before, called Stormwater - Early access? I don't really think it ought to be.

Really sorry about this! Kastchey is right, we only used the date, which caused the cut-off date to be 31/12 00:00:00 instead of 31/12 23:59:59. Stormwater was added at 31/12 05:36

It's fixed now. It is the only game in the database added on 31/12, so no other games were affected.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 31/01/2025 18:35:07
Quote from: cat on Thu 30/01/2025 05:40:34Good news: Jumping to the correct post now seems to work, thanks, this was really bothering me.

Bad news: clicking on a username now leads to the index page, not the profile. This has been working before (I was impressed that even usernames with spaces worked again)

I know bug hunting can be like that - fix one thing, break the other.

Oops! I thought we tested everything. It should be fixed now (including usernames with spaces). Let me know if you find anything else.
Quote from: Creamy on Tue 28/01/2025 21:21:44It works, thanks. I can even edit the whole game page  8-0

That's a conscious choice :) There's a lot of missing/broken information in the games database. Dedicated members like you are now able to support improving the quality of the data.

Quote from: Creamy on Tue 28/01/2025 21:21:44- The "downloads to review" counter still shows a game that I've just reviewed.

What game did you review? And what is your definition of a review? Did you give a user rating, a comment, or both?

Quote from: Creamy on Tue 28/01/2025 21:21:44- I was logged in when I wrote a review for Carnival of Shadows but the comment is credited to "UNKNOWN".


Quote from: Creamy on Tue 28/01/2025 21:21:44- the right and left arrows don't work when you type a comment in a game page - but the up and down arrows operate.

Do you have a bit more information for me? What browser are you using? I just tried on Google Chrome Desktop and cannot reproduce it. Your cursor is in the comment box and you want to move within the text you just typed?
Quote from: Ponch on Tue 28/01/2025 23:35:12
Quote from: AGA on Mon 27/01/2025 23:34:53What does not saving the changes entail?  Do you get any error messages?  Or does it give a success message but without actually saving?
I made the changes, tried to save them, and it just seemed to hang there and never update.

Would you mind trying again please? The unexpected slowness of the site may have caused a time-out. If it still happens, can you please let me know what game you're trying to edit? And what fields you're trying to update? Can you maybe include a screenshot? That'll all help me finding the cause.
Quote from: cat on Wed 29/01/2025 07:42:59Tiny detail: The tool-tip for the search (next to the switch between light and dark mode) says "Switch to Dark Mode" but actually it should be "Search games database" or similar.

Whoops! Very well spotted. Updated now.
Quote from: glurex on Sun 26/01/2025 17:38:05I'm not sure if that's how it's supposed to work, but on the site (play section), when I try to view the games created by a specific user, it only shows the ones they uploaded, not the ones they collaborated on.

It should show the person mentioned as author, plus the first person mentioned in the credits (same behaviour as on the old site).
At the moment it only shows the author, we're working on a fix.
Quote from: cat on Tue 28/01/2025 09:54:29Seems to be working again (except for the wiki)

Thank you, we're aware of the wiki, but it's not a quick fix. We're working on a fix (same for the forum URLs)
Quote from: pell on Sun 26/01/2025 21:01:15I know I'm probably a user interface curmudgeon, but it's a little jarring as a viewer for the screenshots in the "Play Hundreds of Games" section to be covered by interface elements.

It's not that the wavy windows look bad. But the web design is partially hiding the very information the page is there to show. Maybe the waves could be moved down a bit, but then there's a lot of extra space taken up. Maybe a more subtle wave can be used that doesn't interfere with the screenshots, or rectangles with rounded corners if normal rectangles are too stiff for the design.

The wave in the highlight tiles is a conscious design choice. The purpose of the tiles is to trigger your interest, and invite you to click into the game. When you do that, you can see the same image in the carousel in its full extent, and you can zoom in or make it full screen (if the image resolution is high enough).
Quote from: jfrisby on Mon 27/01/2025 03:48:46I miss the word "Games" from the menu options, "Play" seems less clear imo. "Play Games"? 

That's a conscious design choice to try avoid overusing the word game. Every page is about creating and playing games, and joining a community of people who love creating and/or playing games.

Quote from: jfrisby on Mon 27/01/2025 03:48:46- "Search" might be clearer that it's the full database if it was "All Games (Search)."

I've updated the title to be "Search All Games" to be in line with the button on the homepage.

Quote from: jfrisby on Mon 27/01/2025 03:48:46- I zoom 150% on the forums, and it used to look fine on the main site.. but it's too much now. I don't know if I can separate these in firefox somehow. (maybe this is my problem.)

Zoom levels are indeed based on root url, so it's not possible to distinct zoom levels between the site and the forums. Unless you visit them in different browsers.
Thanks for all the feedback so far, really appreciate it!  :-D
Quote from: Laura Hunt on Sun 26/01/2025 20:31:02Another issue I've noticed: when I first registered on the website, my username was "notarobotyet", but I later changed it to the one I'm using now. The new site, however, is showing the old one both in the top right user menu and in the credits of my games (and games I've collaborated in). For example, here.

This also means I have two different profile URLs depending on where you are: or on the forums. on the new site.

I changed my username because the first one was just meant to be a crappy placeholder, so I hope this can be fixed at some point.

It should be updated in both places now to your "Laura Hunt" username :)
Quote from: RootBound on Sun 26/01/2025 19:47:13Another thing--I'm almost certain that some of my games had gold-cup player ratings (Tunnel Vision did, I think--it has 5 comments), however this seems to have not carried over to the new site. Has the number of ratings to display a gold-cup rating increased? Curious if anyone else has noticed this with their own games.

The logic is still the same; you need a minimum of 5 votes (note: this is different to the number of comments).

It was a bug, that's fixed now. You should see your gold cups again.
Quote from: RootBound on Sun 26/01/2025 16:19:05Just a small thing, but when you click on a "download" button from a game page, the text changes to "downloading" before sending you to the game's website. Given that no games are actually hosted on the AGS website, having the text say something like "connecting" or "redirecting" instead of "downloading" might eliminate that few seconds of misinformation where the button indicates that a download has started.

Fixed! It says "redirecting" now. If you don't see it immediately, please try a hard refresh.
Quote from: Creamy on Sun 26/01/2025 14:31:36The "Play" page is showing the Pick of next month.

Fixed! And it's also fixed in the search filter.

Quote from: Creamy on Sun 26/01/2025 14:31:36On a side note, my links for the Pick of the month don't work any more:
- add a new entry.
- edit an existing entry.
- list of existing entries.

The list has been moved to the search page: Search Filter: Pick of The Month

The add/edit Pick of the Month doesn't have its own page anymore. If you navigate to the game page you want to add/edit the pick of the month for, you see an "Actions" button under the image carousel. This changes depending on your profile permissions. When you click it, you should see "Pick of the Month", which takes you to the correct section on the game edit page.

Please be aware that if you select an older game, you may need to complete missing mandatory fields.

I hope this helps!
Quote from: Privateer Puddin' on Sun 26/01/2025 03:58:56Not sure to post here or the other topic where it was discussed previously. Do we have a list of remaining assets which are still using AI and need to be replaced? Is it just the main homepage banner?

I think it's just these ones left:

1. Game Homepage Banner
Please be aware that the images you see on both the dark and the light mode are as is. A replacement should have a similar gradient, to allow the text/buttons to remain readable. Also, it needs to look good on different viewports.

2. Confirmation Page when a game creator has successfully added their game to the database.

3. 403 - Not authorised

4. 404 - Not Found

Also, the images of the engine in the carousel on this page are probably as old as the previous website, so if someone has more recent screenshots I'm more than happy to replace them.
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