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Messages - skerrigan


If you mean the movie, yes it did come out a bit dark. If you mean the screenshots, the 8th Doctor's TARDIS is meant to be dark. The verb coin has changed slightly in the latest version.

Doctor Who and Time's Vanguard

Doctor Who and Time's Vanguard is an Eighth Doctor adventure game set before the outbreak of the Time War. The player takes the role of the Eighth Doctor, and his companion.

The Doctor is driven off course onto a bizarre red-skyed world resembling his homeworld of Gallifrey. Unable to leave due the Doctor explores that planet and finds it devoid of life, beyond an amnesiac time lady. Exploring a Time Lord structure the Doctor and his companion discover the terrible secret of Time's Vanguard.

(everything is WIP and original resolution is 1024x768)

EarlierYoutube Footage:-


* Prerendered 3D scenes and graphics
* Explore the Eighth Doctor's TARDIS
* Cutscenes
* Switch between 2 characters


The Official Website

How easily is this adapted to a higher resolution AGS game? The new AGS supports 1024x768 resolution doesn't it?
Beginners' Technical Questions / Backgrounds
Thu 31/12/2009 01:34:03
Is there any tools or tips available for creating good high quality LucastArt style backgrounds for use in AGS? This is always a problem when it comes to using AGS - my sprites look good, but my backgrounds look awful.
The 8th Doctor is kind of a bridge between new and classic Doctor Who, so it will be a hybrid of both.
I do have a vague use for the daleks in Episode 2 - "Castle of the Daleks". I don't suppose anyone has castle backgrounds (interior and exterior) they could donate. It's really backgrounds that seem to take forever - and I'm not convinced they'll look particularly consistent.
Look in the centre of the vortex.
All the old Dr. Who episodes have silly names - this one is sillier, and the reason for it being so will be apparent towards the end of Episode 1.
Er... evidently not. Here's one though I made earlier.

There's a sparking panel - you need to fix this.

Perhaps you also missed something beginning with S that's ever so vital to the Doctor's persona that's on the floor?
You can learn more about my game here, but I -really- could do with a background artist on the Eighth Doctor adventures. I don't really need a lot of backgrounds for the first adventure, but if anyone fancies a stab at any of the following could they PM me:-

- view of city
- hotel exterior, interior and rear of
- generic corridors
- command room

Otherwise I fear the later stages of the game will look like this:-

Yes absolutely.

Incidentally are there any budding background artists who'd like to help cut their teeth on this project?
Quote from: Nostradamus on Sat 23/02/2008 21:02:07
Why the Eight Doctor though?   :-\

You had to ask...

I like the Eighth Doctor best -  cool personality, great actor, closer to the new TV series than the classic and yet more restrained than 9 or 10 and yet as barmy as 4, young as 5, actiony as 3. Plus he has the coolest TARDIS. Also he doesn't have the "baggage" of the other doctors as he only had 1 TV outing.

I do plan, if I ever get to the stage, of adapting some of my favourite Eighth doctor stories from his radio show on Big Finish ( ),  particularly Storm Warning and The Horror of Glam Rock. The latter would be a very, very fun adventure game.

Anyroads there already is a pefectly good 4th Doctor AGS game in production.

Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor Adventures
Episode 0: Tardis Trouble

This is a proof-of-concept 1 room adventure game featuring the Eighth Doctor, portrayed in the TV Movie and subsequent radio dramas by Paul McGann. The TARDIS has been banged around by a strange current in the time vortex. You must repair and pilot the TARDIS to safety before it is destroyed.

This is intended to be a series of episodic games featuring the Eighth Doctor - Episode 1 is still in production (and may be for some time), but you can download Episode 0 here. Please bear in mind the following:-

1. Yes I know the graphics are borrowed. :)
2. This is my first AGS adventure.
3. This is meant to be the first few rooms of a larger adventure.
4. There are doubtless bugs, things I didn't think of etc. Also I still never figured how to keep the Tardis spinning all the time!

You can download Episode 0 here.

As Episode 1 is still in the making this thread is unlocked.
Indeed it would be - you can send it to
I'm not an artist - doing the walkcycles for the doctor took me 2 full afternoons of tinkering - and since I intend for there to be 6-7 characters in Episode 1 I may be a while if I did it all by hand.

Rest assured credit will be given where due. The artist's page is
How do you set it to use only 1 animation regardless of movement etc. then?
True enough - there will be a nice little credits bit at the start of the game listing all the "borrows". But for posterity

8th Doctor Sprite - me! Yippee!
Background-  from Shada Webcast
Sound - BBC sound library, and Dr. Who sound library
Music - BIG Finish and McGann TV Movie. The BIG FINISH deserve a big plug in this as they kept the 8th Doctor alive after the TV Movie.
Tardis sprite - taken from the other Doctor Who thread on this forum...

Once I get a proper list you'll see it.
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