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Topics - Retro Wolf

At the moment you can skip character speech with all the keyboard keys, I want to map it to just one. That way you can't fast-forward through dialogue accidentally when using keyboard movement.

I appreciate any help!
Hints & Tips / All Gone Soon 2
Thu 03/12/2015 14:48:30
Stuck at the very first part, probably missing something really simple. Not sure how to use inventory items!
Gunbots vs The Gooze is a strategy defence game inspired by projects like Plants vs Zombies. YES! it is being made in AGS!

I've long had an obsession with tower defence games and have been testing the feasibility of such a project in AGS over the last week or so. I feel I've got to a point where the base mechanics are complete so thought I'd share. I have no story for the project so far, but in a project such as this, I don't think it is as important due to the nature of gameplay.

Why AGS?

For the challenge, I've been experimenting more with AGS over the last month or so and I've learnt a lot about the way things work. Plus I like to add story to my games and AGS's dialogue system is the best and easiest I've come across in a game engine.

Progress so far:

320 x 200 resolution.
Player can build from a selection of 6 towers.
Towers can identify the nearest enemy to push back and damage.
Towers are animated.
Towers can be deleted by the player.
One enemy type.
Stress tested with hundreds of enemies on screen, sporadic dips in framerate but still playable. Highly unlikely the finished product will allow this many enemies due to increased complexity in code and gameplay reasons.

To do:

Unique stats for towers and enemy types.
Unique tower purposes/abilities.
More enemies.
Money/resource management system.
Level backgrounds.
To not get bored or distracted and abandon project!!
We've been getting people basically joining the forum just to spam advertise their games. While I often find their projects interesting, it can be annoying. I often wonder how they get past the initiation test.

An idea I had would be to have a message come up when posting in the completed and in progress forums. "Is your project made with Adventure Game Studio?" With yes\no buttons. Pressing no would redirect to the general discussion forum.
I've been waiting a year to do this!

RONatar v1.1

Using RONatar:

Up and down keyboard keys select the body part.

Left and right keyboard keys cycle through the currently selected body part category.

Sometimes you will be given the option to press X
This might adjust the height position of the body part or generate a completely new colour.

Press S to save a 120x120 png which is compatible with the AGS forums (most forums I'd imagine).
Some forums require that you host the avatar on a server, tons of free sites are available.

Mess about and have fun!
Feel free to PM me on the AGS forums, let me know if you use a forum avatar!

Adventure Related Talk & Chat / Starr Mazer
Fri 23/01/2015 09:59:27

Interesting mash up of genres, including point and click.

Did you know that as of this post it's been 1 year 8 months 19 days 17 hours 4 minutes 17 seconds since there's been a finished RON game!

It would be interesting to know if there are any AGSers out there working on something, it's a shame we don't see more content.

My son is 2, he likes to watch me play Sonic Adventure on the ps3.
Today I handed the controller over just to see what would happen, obviously all he can do is spin round and jump.
Does anyone here recommend an age to get them into gaming? What games did you play?
The cool thing is that being an amateur games developer, I could make games for him, one day even with him. That would have been amazing if I could have done that with my Dad as a kid, I'm going to be the coolest Dad at school!
My on off relationship with Games Development since 2009 has generated a lot of unfinished projects. The games that our beloved AGSer Ghost calls "RAM Ghosts". I was thinking about it today and felt motivated to write this:


So who wants to share their best RAM ghost regrets? Maybe you've got a screenshot or two of a project that only you know about. Half an unfinished walk cycle?
Maybe you've got something lurking on your harddrive from the old days, the embarrassing noob days!
Come on don't be shy! You might even get get motivated to pick up an old project, be a RAM GhostBuster!
I've been asked to work with a guy on a series of articles about getting into games development as a hobby.
The first part is me being interviewed.

On ByteXplosion.

I was talking to him about it, and he was a bit taken aback (as was his editor) by the fact that there are places out there like the AGS community that just do this for fun. Most regular gamers just don't know this area of gaming exists.

Future parts will be more about how to start off getting into the hobby.
Came across fan art for three adventure game classics.

Art by Glen Fernandez Sardi.


Since I'm a member of a community of adventure game enthusiasts, I felt obligated to share!
I had a tons of ideas for RON games, but I have to move on.

I now find myself in a position to create games for Android devices, possibly make a little money.

One last contribution, a template I've been working on since I released Moustache Quest.

This template combines Ghosts Lightweight BASS template with Edmundito's and Tzach's Tween module.

I've added:
-The ability for the player to flip the mouse buttons: (left-look right-interact) or (left-interact right-look)
-Custom GUI.
-Simple auto save system.
-Random comments: If the player interacts with a hotspot and can't do anything he won't just say the same thing over and over.

It might be a bit hacky in places, but gosh darn it, it works!

I've got an old desktop that I rarely use, I'm thinking of turning it into a media/emulation station.
It runs XP, since this is no longer supported by Microsoft; I figured I might try Linux.

Is anyone here a Linux user? Do you run into many compatibility problems trying to run software?
I'd consider making a full switch (Vista laptop) but I doubt I'd be able to run GM:Studio, not so sure how well I could run AGS (I've looked into WINE a bit).


Moustache Quest was created for the March 2014 MAGS competition. The theme was "Moustache!".

Join Moustache Mike as he prepares for the annual Facial Hair Championships!
You must guide Michael to find his manliness, confidence, and style to win the competition. Meet some crazy characters, and experience the inevitable and tired Monkey Island references!

A short point and click adventure created in a week.
I had larger plans for this game, but I came into the competition too late, perhaps I'll do an extended edition one day.

Music track can be found here:

Special thanks to Ghost for the Lightweight BASS template.
                  Edmundito and Tzachs for the tween module.

Voting is over; Moustache Quest came 2nd!

19th April 2014:
Version 1.2.
-Fixed a couple of gameplay niggles.
-Fixed the one spelling mistake I accidently made; which Adeel punished me for. Thanks Adeel. (roll)
-Fixed a very rare but very bad bug: The player would disappear forever.
-Fixed a rare bug: The GUI would get stuck.
-Added a credit for the music artist. :-[
-Added a credit for Adeel S. Ahmed (bug tester for 1.2).
-I've included all sprites and backgrounds.
Reality-on-the-Norm / RON RPG.
Tue 14/01/2014 22:46:19
------------Update 27 Feb 2014------------



Instructions in game.

------------Original Post 14 Jan 2014------------

I wanted to make a different type of game (other than point and click adventure) set in the world of RON.


Arrow keys to move (you have to click to focus your browser onto the game).

Nothing much to show at the moment, just a little experiment.
General Discussion / Cold callers...
Tue 08/10/2013 17:23:33
I'm having a nice afternoon nap, the phone rings.... A genuinely concerned sounding gentleman from an Indian call centre informs me that he's from Microsoft, and that my computer has viruses and malicious software!

8-0 with his guidance I download some software which cleanses my computer, I need only enter my finanical details!

That last sentence is a lie, but that is would have happened had I fell for this scam, I've heard of it before. Even if I hadn't heard of it, I've used computers for 20 years, my father is a self taught expert, I have IT qualifications, and I'm not THAT stupid.

What really happened: "I'm an IT technician." (I lie, though this could have been a potential career path years ago) "You're full of it, I'm onto you..." (In so many words). The cold caller still tries to go through with the ruse, I put the phone down.

Part if me wished I'd took a bit further, asked him what version of windows I was using, how did he know there was something wrong with my computer? To try and catch him out. But then again what would have been the point? His auto dialler would contact the next victim regardless of the outcome of that conversation... I can only hope that they will not ring again, as other cold callers have done in the past:

1. Company trying to get me to claim for free government sponsored loft insulation. I live in a new build, legally required to have loft insulation installed. I've told them a few times.

2. Another Indian call centre, asking for Mr Road every time. These people used to ring almost every day, asking for someone who does not live here, never did live here. One day I decided to say "Yes I'm Mr Road...", they tried to get me to sign up to anything and everything: LoveFilm, British gas, Oxfam, it just went on and on everytime I said "NO!". They must have been after commission from these companies, or just your credit card details.

Fortunately, calls from any dodgy company have dwindled, though they still like to call at inconvenient moments. Signing up to certain services to stop these calls has not solved the problem.

Anyway, has anyone else had any cold caller experiences they would like to share? Have you been plagued by them? Have you managed to beat them?
Critics' Lounge / Unsure on side view....
Mon 05/08/2013 15:01:16
I've been tinkering with a possible character design for a future project. I like the front view, it's the side views I'm not so sure about.
Thankyou in advance for any help or suggestions!

I've toyed with the idea of having a go at acting before, but I am shy! So why not do some voice acting?
I've had no training, the microphone I used is not the best (though I could borrow/steal one off of my Dad if I wanted to do more). I also have problems speaking my "FF's" and "TH's" sometimes.

Click here.

Any feedback is appreciated.
Play SpaceTwine.

I discovered Twine last night, thought I'd give it a go.

SpaceTwine is one of those "Choose your own adventures" a multiple choice text adventure.

Join Captain Cornelius of the Earth Space Federation! Will you uphold the Alpha Directive? Or become a space pirate! Will you live? Or will you catch a deadly Space STD?!

Twine software.

I'm tempted to make a graphical version in AGS. Using Twine as a game/story planner could be useful.
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