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Messages - Mugs

The painting in the young woman's room seems familiar, but I have no idea why...  ::)

I absolutely love this game.   Great job guys!  

Quote from: GuyAwesome on Tue 14/07/2009 01:23:14
game.inv_activated is: a) an int value, not an InventoryItem (the ID of the Item), and so can't be null (-1 might work, though); and b) the last item CLICKED ON, not the current 'active' Item (I think it includes 'Look At Item', 'Talk To Item', etc, interactions).
(Pre-v2.72, player.activeinv is the way to go...)

Alternatively, the method you already have for referencing the Item - inventory[game.inv_activated] - can be null, but as I said isn't actually the ACTIVE Item, just the last clicked...

Thanks to your help I was able to figure it out.  I tried using -1 like you suggested and that didn't work.  Then I tried using 0 and it worked! :)

Player.ActiveInventory != null wouldn't have worked because by "active"  I really meant "last clicked on" (I just didn't think of it that way).

Anyways,  thanks a bunch GuyAwesome.
My game keeps crashing and I know why.  However, I don't know how to fix the problem.

In my game, I want the graphic of the currently active item to change if i press on the look button.
If no item is active however,  the game will crash.

Code: ags

//Somewhere in GlobalScript.asc

function blook_Click(GUIControl *control, MouseButton button) { 
mouse.Mode = eModeLookat;
inventory[game.inv_activated].Graphic = 78;

I tried doing the following,  but it did not work:

Code: ags

//Somewhere in GlobalScript.asc

function blook_Click(GUIControl *control, MouseButton button) { 
mouse.Mode = eModeLookat;
      if (game.inv_activated != null){
      inventory[game.inv_activated].Graphic = 78;

I get "Type mismatch: cannot convert 'int' to 'null*'"

Is there a way to make AGS check if there's a currently active item?

Thank you very much.   I knew that the solution would probably involve iPencil.Graphic,  but it didn't work when I tried it on my own.

The code seems to be working fine, however, I might run into a problem later on.  Its kinda hard to explain. 

I'll post an update if ever I run into another problem.
I looked everywhere for a solution to my problem,  but I couldn't find one.  Anyways...

I want the graphic of an inventory item to change when it is selected.  This is so that the player knows which inventory item is selected (the game does not use inventory cursors). 

I don't know what details to provide,  but here are some details anyways:

iPencil =  Name of inventory item ("Normal" graphic slot is 46  -  The desired "selected" graphic slot is 48) 
cPlay = Player character (Note:  I plan to have many player characters in the game)

Please tell me if I am missing any necessary details.

Thank you in advance.

Quote from: Mr. Psychopath on Wed 19/03/2008 20:48:13
Anyway, back to the original poster: the reason why many people don't get Mac's is because they're so damn expensive!

So true.   My 15" MacBook Pro cost $2,499(US/CAN) while a Dell with equal (or maybe greater) specs would cost $1099 (US/CAN).  Lucky for me, I got my MBP as a gift.

When it comes to pricing,  the MacBook Air is Apple's worst product ever!

-1 USB port
-no firewire
-can't remove battery
-can't upgrade memory
-no built-in CD/DVD drive
-80 GB  HDD(Slow) or 64 GB SSD
-Poor battery life
-Mono audio (I think)
-No ethernet
-Less than average graphics

All this for the wonderful price of $1799 (80GB HDD version) or $3000 (64GB SSD version).   Awesome!   :D

Yes, all Mac mice now have 4 buttons. 

The laptops are still single buttoned, but they have a cool workaround.  To right-click, all you have to do is place two fingers on the trackpad and click. 

Permanent Daylight

I was looking for a adventure/point&click game-making software on google and I found AGS.   I played Permanent Daylight to see what kind of game the software could make.   

Quote from: Darth Mandarb on Fri 29/02/2008 18:10:32

I just like to tease mac users when their "everything just runs on a mac" statement doesn't hold true.

People seem to confuse "Mac" with "Mac OS X".   When the ads say "everything just runs on a mac",  they are talking about the computer itself, not the OS.   This weekend, I bought myself a copy of Windows XP  for my MacBook Pro just to enable me to run AGS games on it (I love AGS so much).   I can run an AGS game on Windows, which runs on my Mac, therefore I can run an AGS game on my Mac.  Everything DOES run on a Mac.

BTW:  A Mac is a PC, and always has been.  People seem to confuse "Windows" with "PC".
Grundislav, you are at the top of my list when it comes to "the best game creators" (without forgetting the people who helped you with your projects).  I am speaking for everyone when I say that we are grateful to have awesome people like you (and MANY others  ;) ) within the AGS community.   

I am wishing you luck on Ben Jordan 7.  I can't wait to play it.  ;D

Too bad the series is almost over :'(. 
Oh well, sometimes we just have to move on :P.
General Discussion / Re: The Crap Joke Thread
Sat 12/05/2007 05:00:43
I can think of two at the moment:

3 out of 2 people have trouble with fractions.

A guy walks into a bar.     Ouch!

Quote from: rodekill on Wed 05/04/2006 00:49:19
Here's some more interesting facts on swearing in french... tabarnak.

Too bad, the page doesn't seem to load up on my PC.

Anyways, swearing in french is quite amusing since it doesn't seem to be as bad as swearing in english.Ã,  As you may our probably don't know,Ã,  I am a french Canadian and I swear (in french) in public all the time, and no one seems to care!

:P Tabarnak is probably the worst of swear words, but it's more tolerated than sh*t.
Quote from: modgeulator on Sun 19/03/2006 00:34:24
Also remember that only ogg files can loop seamlessly, mp3's will always add some silence at the start and end.

If it's the mp3 that's causing trouble, I'll try converting the song to a OGG file.  Thanks for the little hint.
When I get the money... 

I can't even afford a 2L bottle of Soda Pop right now!

I think it's time I get a job.
I made an object that would animate at different times according to a script.   The object animates the first time, but it doesn't the second.

This is my script:

Player enters room (Before fading)
Code: ags

object[0].SetView(3);Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã, //Object 0 is set to View 3

Player enters room (After fading)
Code: ags

object[0].Animate(0, 2);Ã,  Ã,  Ã, //Object 0 is animating using "loop 0" with a delay of 2.Ã,  
object[0].Visible=false;Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  //Object 0 is now invisible. 
gExample.Visible = false;Ã,  Ã, //GUI example turns off. 
gOther.Visible = true;Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  //GUI other turns on.
TypeLine("This is my script.");Ã,  Ã, //A line is being typed in gOther.
wait_click();Ã,  Ã,  Ã, Ã, Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã, Ã,  //AGS awaits the player's click.
TypeLine("This is text");Ã,  Ã,  Ã, Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã, //A line is being typed in gOther.
wait_click();Ã,  Ã,  Ã, Ã,  Ã, Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã, //AGS awaits the player's click.
TypeLine("AGS is great!");Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  //A line is being typed in gOther.
wait_click();Ã,  Ã,  Ã, Ã, Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã, //AGS awaits the player's click.
object[0].Visible=true;Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã, Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã, //Object 0 is now visible. 
object[0].Animate(2, 2);Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã, //Object 0 should animate using loop 2 with a delay of 2. 
SetBackgroundFrame(1);Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã, Ã, //Changes the background to frame 1 
object[0].Animate(0, 2);Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã, Ã,  //Object 0 is animating using "loop 0" with a delay of 2.
object[0].Visible = falseÃ,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã, Ã,  Ã, //Object 0 is now invisible. 

When it gets to the second animation, the first frame of the loop appears, but it doesn't animate.Ã,  Ã, 
 :D It works!!!Ã,  I can finally relax!Ã,  Ã, 

Thank you for helping me with this problem (and other problems in other threads :P)

The two movies deserve an Oscar.

I've been looking at the script for a while.Ã,  I tried adding and modifing things,Ã,  and nothing works.Ã,  Ã,  What's wrong with the script?

EDIT: I double posted by accident, sorry.
I've tried that many times and I'm still trying.  I'm having trouble cutting the music at the exact place. 

I'm asking for a converter to see if there was a better solution.   
I want the music to sound the same for every computer.  I've noticed that a few of my songs don't sound right with different midi settings.
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