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Messages - Le Woltaire

I have a sequence of connected rooms with different legacy music volume adjustment properties.

When I enter the room sequence from the first room by an;   command they get all ignored.
When I enter the room sequence from the last  room by an old PlayMusic(5); command they work.

If I try to use the old command in the first room it doesn't work.
When I try the new command in the last room volume also doesn't get adjusted in the last room...

What can be the reason for this and how can I fix it?
Is there any possibility to change the cursor's graphic brightness to make the active inventory item glow?
I would like to indicate possible inventory interactions to the player.

So if the player has an active inventory and flows over another inventory item
the curser starts to glow if the inventory interaction is possible.
The same for objects, characters and hotspots.

Like this people don't have to tryout that much unnecessary inventory combinations.

What would be the best approach for this script?
Thank you I solved the issue yesterday night.

There was an integer on right click event that caused a delay of 8 time loops on right click events.

int right_click = WaitMouseKey(8)*IsButtonDown(RIGHT);

This caused a delay in the scrolling reaction and the storage of all variables.
I removed this integer now since it was never used again.
I hope it didn't have any importance...

It now seems to work pretty good and even all right clicks are a tick faster!
Ok, I came to the same conclusion before.
But in my case it doesn't work or I did something wrong...

Script for a process command for verbcoin look action is:

Code: ags

ProcessClick(mausx + (viewportx - GetViewportX()), mausy + (viewporty - GetViewportY()), eModeLookat);

Where mausx and mausy are the stored xy coordinates right before verbcoin opened
while viewportxy are the stored viewports while coin opened.

i didn't get the last point.

by offset do you mean manipulate the variables in the smooth scroll module?

perfect would be to fix mouse cursor and coin together leave them in position for about a quarter second until scrolling is over and then
leave the choice to the player where to go...
ok that worked thanks you.
Is there a similar way to parallely leave the mouse cursor into the same
position during scrolling without permanently hanging it up?
My verb coin moves when the background is scrolling.
This causes that sometimes while the background is scrolling a hotspot doesn't react because the voin has moved forward...
How can I keep it exactly in position over the hotspot even though the background is scrolling?
Quote from: Stupot+ on Thu 20/06/2013 12:34:46
Useful friends! No wonder A Second Face gets so many downloads. It must be all up in them search rankings ;)
(and nothing to do with the fact that it's an awesome game, I'm sure)

Not really...
As you can see from the following graph only 5% of the visitors come through search engines...[imgzoom][/imgzoom]

Ok, everything is alright now again.
The sites are totally clean and work better than before.

I have some friends who work at google and contacted them directly.
The result was that the warning was removed without taking any action from my side...
Hi Peder.
Since you are hosting all my websites you should have a look at all your websites aswell,
if there is a security hole on your server...
Have a look at my mails.
Thank you for the fast reply.
I exclude the possibility of a virus infection on my system.

I did not modify my websites in the last year.
I didn't even logon with ftp for a year...

Apart from that my system has a good defense against virus and malware including firewall...

I've now set all file permissions to 644 and the folder permissions to 755.
File permissions were at 755 before...
Could that have been the reason?

Google indicated my websites as malware infected now.
How can I get rid of this?
General Discussion / Website Hacked - Malware
Wed 19/06/2013 08:12:50
This morning all my game websites were hacked and compromised.

The result was that a malware called JS/Blacole.DH.1 was distributed for some minutes through my game websites.

I instantly managed to delete and reupload all my content and it is clear now, also changed my passwords.

However I wanted to ask what else I should do in order to prevent this from happening again.

Thank you for all support.
Maybe try to get in contact with Leon, so you can take over his task and/or cooperate with him!   :)
He is a very kind person.
I've never written one.
I see this as a task of the gamers.
Feel free to write one.
Leon usually used to write the walkthroughs for me...
Most serious magazines and websites ask you before they release stuff.

My games were published by the magazines ComputerBild, Chip, Level, Escapist and some smaller ones on DVD so far
and they always asked me very formally if they may do this.

I tend to give them the kryptic answer:
"Please send a free copy of the issue to every person, who has participaded in making the game."

But nobody ever got anything...
Quote from: discompalas on Sat 09/02/2013 10:20:34
I've done all the above and cannot use the burning wool in the pipe. How I can proceed?

Use the hosepipe on the car to fill the canister with petrol.
General Discussion / Re: What's a good tablet?
Sun 13/01/2013 15:36:18
I also use a Wacom Graphire 4 CTE-640.

My experiences:
1. Buy a Wacom, nothing else.
2. Don't buy a big one, A5 is enough.
3. Make sure you can remove the cover of the tablet so you can keep it clean. (I put the cover of mine in my dishwasher and it always comes out like new)
4. Buttons on the tablet usually are not really useful. Especially if you're a lefthander and use the mouse paralelly with the right.
5. Take a pen with no silicone or rubber on it. Because it robbs of with the time. I had to tape mine a lot.
6. The tablets rubber feet are pretty harmful aswell. Maybe get one with teflon feet.
7. Resolution is important but nowadays they all have pretty high resolution.
Here is my entry.
It's a piano cycle about the christmas carol by Charles Dickens and the different christmas ghosts.
Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by the ghost of his friend Marley and the well known three ghosts of Christmas...
He finally becomes a generous man.

1. Marley's Ghost. Appearance of a ghost that is tied with chains.

2. Ghost of christmas past. Appearance of a small white robed ghost of indeterminate age.

3. Ghost of christmas present. Appearance of a ghost with a green robe with dark brown curls.

4. Ghost of christmas yet to come. Appearance of a ghost entirely muffled in a black hooded robe.

5. Scrooges ending as a generous man.
Thank you, Peder.
A great christmas surprise.
For those who play.
Just remember to look into the manual.
I still think it's the best manual I've ever written.
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