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Messages - AGA

All the forums weirdness seems to due to the "pretty" URL rewrites not being quite correct.  I'll fix them as soon as I can!
Quote from: Ponch on Mon 27/01/2025 00:30:29
Quote from: AGA on Mon 27/01/2025 00:03:07The Actions menu under the image gallery should give you an Edit Game link?
Doesn't save the changes though.  :confused:

Doesn't really matter at the moment, since I just wanted to tweak the title a bit.

What does not saving the changes entail?  Do you get any error messages?  Or does it give a success message but without actually saving?
Quote from: Laura Hunt on Mon 27/01/2025 09:40:11
Quote from: tampie85 on Sun 26/01/2025 23:17:27It should be updated in both places now to your "Laura Hunt" username :)

Sorry, looks like I spoke too soon. My awards nomination page still shows the old username for some reason.

Hopefully fixed now?  Should be correct in the header, game credits, and Awards nominations?
Quote from: Ponch on Sun 26/01/2025 23:49:57The new site is very impressive. I especially like the new games database.

Just one question: How do I edit a game's page in the database if I want to make some changes? I just uploaded my MAGS game and I can't see a way to edit the page now.

Thanks for putting all this work into the new site!  :kiss:

The Actions menu under the image gallery should give you an Edit Game link?
Quote from: cat on Sun 26/01/2025 09:31:42The smiley bar in the reply window is broken, both quick reply and regular:

I'm using Firefox Desktop

Could you give some definite examples, please?  "Sometimes" is unfortunately not very helpful...  I do notice that the links to individual posts aren't being rewritten the way they should; they appear as "" instead of "".
Site & Forum Reports / New AGS site release
Sun 19/01/2025 00:03:56
I am planning to put the long-awaited new AGS site live on the evening of Saturday, 25th January; this will likely take a few hours.  While the main site will completely change, the forums and wiki should continue to look and operate as they usually do.

This thread will be here for you to report any issues noticed after the site is up again!
It's updated in the new site.  Which may be released soon.
General Discussion / Re: AGS user "SinSin"
Sat 11/01/2025 16:16:11
He's active on Facebook, if you use that?  Let me know, and I can pass on his details.
Yeah, he sent it to me within what felt like seconds after my posting.
Looks like we're fairly evenly split between Japan and USA, not that there's been a huge number of votes.

I guess one big thing in favour of Japan would be the relative rarity of the prospect of a Mittens there, versus the five we've had in the USA already to date.  Not that the USA doesn't have plenty left to offer us of course, just more that Japan could be a break from the norm, like Australia was in 2019.

Would anyone like to take on the burden honour of arranging a Mittens Japan or Mittens USA somewhere from 21/07 - 01/09?  I know Stu's local, but has implied he might not be available.
A group photo from this event is the only one we don't have on the Wiki page.  Does anyone happen to have this?
What page exactly are you talking about?
Quote from: eri0o on Thu 21/11/2024 14:10:02@AGA is there some way to dump all of these into an Excel (or Google or libre office...) Spreadsheet? I was going through these and taking notes but if there was a spreadsheet maybe it would be easier to color them as done or not relevant or to take a closer look later., with raw data at if you needed it.
I've added a poll to see if there's any strong preference for Japan over the US, if everyone who's interested in attending could please vote.
Quote from: Privateer Puddin' on Sat 09/11/2024 02:30:12Yeah, let's go! 行きましょう!

Does that mean you'd only be up for Japan?
We managed to reboot Mittens this year, after a long Covid-induced hiatus.  Great fun as it was, it was a relatively small group, so I thought maybe we should start planning earlier for 2025 to see if we can get some more interest!

The US - given every third Mittens tends to be there - and Japan were floated as potential destinations.

Speaking for me and @tampie85, this would need to be during the school summer holidays (21/07 - 01/09).  We would also aim to bring our son along with us again, as we did to Mittens 2024.

Does anyone else have any particular interest in any destination, limitations on availability, etc etc?  The more we know about everyone's requirements, the better we can hope to address them all!

Tagging repeat and recent attendees!
@2ma2 @abstauber @Andail @Baron @bicilotti @cat @Chrille @Creed Malay @Darth Mandarb @Dave Gilbert @ddq @Disco @DoorKnobHandle @DutchMarco @edmundito @Esseb @FruitTree @Goldmund @Grundislav @Helm @Igor Hardy @jetxl @KANDYMAN-IAC @Kira @Layabout @LimpingFish @MachineElf @magintz @Matt Frith @Matt Goble @Miez @MillsJROSS @Monsieur OUXX @Mr Jake @MrColossal @Nacho @Pesty @Pet Terry @Privateer Puddin' @Pumaman @Quintaros @Radiant @scotch @Scummbuddy @Sinitrena @Snarky @Sylpher @The Ivy @tzachs @Wiggy @yamipanda
Ah, great point!  All icons should now be on the same line, with the same styling.
Quote from: Babar on Wed 02/10/2024 18:32:28
Quote from: AGA on Mon 30/09/2024 23:02:01Should be okay on both mobile and desktop now.
Somewhat related, so mentioning it here, I dunno if it was ok before and just recently got messed up, but on desktop, the awards icons that show below a person's avatar in a comment on the forums seems to be following some weird down then right scheme. So for example for you, it is showing 3 awards in a single column, for someone with 4, it shows the fourth on a second column on their right. This also seems to happen in combination with the icons that show what people can help with.

I don't understand from your description what you're seeing, sorry.  Can you give a link to any posts where you see this, or provide screenshots?

The layout of the section has changed somewhat to account for the tiny icons issue Gal reported, but we may need a second look to account for other things like the awards on top of it.
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