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Topics - AGA


We have just migrated the site and forums to a new and shiny server, and I have completely rewritten the AGS site.  You shouldn't notice many differences, but some of the changes include:

  • fixed site search!
  • improved stability of forums and site!
  • SSL! (ish - read below)
  • a few small improvements and changes to the games pages

You may very well notice some glitches here and there, and I have forgotten to address issues people mentioned in the past.  Anything you do notice from now on, please let me know!

I have made the first steps to getting the site fully SSL enabled.  However, until everyone updates their forum profiles, posts and signatures to use only HTTPS links (so no HTTP ever again!) we cannot be fully compliant.
So it's early in the new year, which means it's Mittens planning time!

Given our usual 'every third year in America' tradition, 2018 is another America year.  For some reason Boston has jumped out at me as being a good idea, and when I mentioned it on the Discord chat channel, people seemed in favour.  There should be plenty of interesting things to see and do, and the whole historical bent seems nice.  It looks possible to rent places of various enough sizes and prices to house however many people attend.

So, who's interested?

We booked this place:!  15-22 September.

Confirmed Attendees
Layabout's +1
MillsJROSS's +1
m0rph84 [no bed required]
Privateer Puddin'
= 14 [15]

Interested Parties
Pesty [no bed required]
= 1
So it turns out that open source projects like ours are eligible for completely free, unlimited access to all Atlassian applications, which includes JIRA, Bitbucket, Confluence, etc. etc.

Given this, I've thought of a few reasons why it might be good for us to move our various source control, wiki and issue tracking solutions into one (professional quality...) stack, since it'll cost us nothing:

  • There is a new major release of SMF (the forum software we use) coming up, which is almost guaranteed to break the Project Tools mod we use for issue tracking. I am a JIRA administrator in my day job, and I think it would be a very good alternative.  It would also allow give us tools to plan, which is something we currently lack. We could also offer these services to people for game development purposes.
  • Bitbucket can import GitHub repos with only a few clicks, including the full history.  It also integrates with JIRA, allowing you to tag commits with the issue that's being addressed (whether it's a bug fix or a feature request / story).  The learning curve would be very small for current users of the AGS GitHub repos.
  • The AGS Wiki is pretty poorly maintained atm.  It could be if we move that over to Confluence things'll improve.  It certainly won't get any worse!

I've signed up for a trial of JIRA, with an example issue here.  This issue shows how it integrates with the AGS Bitbucket trial, where I've committed a 'fix' to a reported issue.  To gain access, all anyone will need to do is create a free Atlassian account.  We can of course limit the ability to push to the repos or administer the JIRA projects as required if we decide to go ahead; all Atlassian require is the software be publically accessible.

So what do we think?
Mittens 2017 is confirmed for this house in Hafnir, Iceland from 15-22 July.


Privateer Puddin'

It's that time of year again when we need to think about organising this year's Mittens. Does anyone have any suggestions? I think someone might have suggested Iceland during last year's Mittens.

Interested Parties

Monsieur OUXX
Privateer Puddin'
Mittens will be from Saturday 30 August to Saturday 06 August on the island of Orust, Sweden, please read!

Info from Andail:
Okay, just updating the thread with some travel info.

From Gothenburg, buses depart from Nils Ericsson-terminalen, which is right next to the central station.

You take Stenungsund Express to Stenungsund station, where you change to bus Orust express which will stop at Edet on northern Orust.
Here's a site that will allow you to check the times.

Esseb will hop off at Uddevalla and take the Orust Express directly to Edet, which is a much quicker trip.

Once you get off the bus it's a 5 minutes' walk to the cottage, and I'll put up signs.

I'll drive up there on the 30th with my car, which has room for 4 passengers, so give me a shout if you want to tag along.

We will have to leave the cottage in the morning of August 6. If you need to stay another night in Gothenburg for connection reasons you can use the guest room of our apartment, but we won't be there ourselves until midnight or so, since we're going to a wedding that same day.

Planned activities for this Mittens:
* Mittolympics (with events such as archery with historically accurate bows, ring-tossing with historically accurate rings, darts, croquet etc)
* Beer and sing-along around bonfire
* Board games
* Board game jam (we'll form small teams and construct our own board games using a plethora of cards and pencils and other stationery I've probably nicked from work)
* AGS show and tell (bring memory sticks)

Since there's no booking or renting involved, you're free to show up with just a day's notice, but signing up late means you'll probably get to stay in a tent, depending on participation (which will probably be all time low, considering this is basically a plan B mittens).

Do post here if you have more questions!


  • 2ma2
  • AGA
  • Andail
  • Chrille
  • Esseb
  • Monsieur OUXX
  • Tamara
  • yamipanda

It looks like the Caribbean is a good option for many of us this year.  The Australia idea we can maybe come back to next year.  Please see this post for some possible Caribbean destinations.

So the idea of Mittens 2016 being in Australia was raised at this year's Mittens.  Quite a few people seemed interested, but since I appreciate Australia is a loooong way away for most of us - and quite expensive - it might be good to have this possibility on everyone's radars sooner rather than later.

We didn't really discuss a time or a place, beyond the suggestion that it might not have to take place in the traditional July or August Mittens timeframe, now so many of us are grown up and not at school or university (with their associated summer holidays).  I mainly wanted to start the discussion now, and to make people aware that it costs around â,¬1200 to fly to most of eastern Australia (I checked Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane) from Europe so you should all start saving!

Australia seems a fair idea, since over the last 14 years we've had 9 in Europe and 5 in North America.  Maybe for the 15th anniversary we should try a whole new continent, one which many of us will have never visited before!  Plus of course our lord and creator Chris Jones will likely be there, since he emigrated to Aus last year.
So I worked out a way of identifying which image links in the games database are broken.  This page gives a full list.  As you can see, around a third of all games has a broken link, which is unfortunate, and messy looking.

Could everyone who reads this please make sure at very least their own games have valid image links.  If you're playing another game that doesn't have a valid image, please take a screenshot and send it to me, and I'll fix it for you.  Images should be hosted places that support hotlinking, and are ideally quite reliable (such as or  Keeping the hosting within the community should make it a lot more likely to last.  A local mirror of the image will also be made on the AGS site every time an image link is updated.

If anyone has any difficulty with this process, please let me know!
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