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Messages - Daniel Eakins

The broken link has been corrected.
The broken link has been corrected (again).
Hey, what a coincidence, I was cleaning up my Dropbox folders just now and so I had to log in the forum to check some old links, after months of inactivity. I do not have AGS installed on this computer anymore so I can't check your edit Monsieur OUXX but I'm trusting your expertise :)
An easy way to convey how something is done in the game's world is to show another character do it first. The player observes them in a cutscene or the background and then has to imitate them. This can be a puzzle, but not necessarily.
Is there any real reason to even use full screen nowadays? "Borderless windowed" (as in adapting the game's resolution to the desktop as opposed to adapting the desktop resolution to the game's resolution) is so much better.
Wow, that art style is amazing!
Thank you for your hard work! There is no need to be ashamed.
Concept: Mad. With all the different characters, The Goonies would definitely make a great adventure!

Artistic Execution: Miez. Woah, this background looks as good as the old classics! The palette, the dithering, the composition... everything looks perfect.

Playability: Miez. This screen is like Last Crusade meets Simon the Sorcerer or something. It looks full of hotspots and I can already imagine a fun, one-maybe-two-room puzzle involving getting past the guard. Seeing the airship move would be an awesome reward for completing the puzzle.
Quote from: Abisso on Mon 24/02/2014 15:49:37
Sorry to stick my nose into that, but... doesn't the fact that you seem to be misinterpreted most of the time ring any bell to you Monsieur OUXX?
Yeah I was looking for a way to say this without sounding confrontational or something. When someone's posts are ALWAYS "misinterpreted" by multiple other people on the forum, surely the problem lies with the way the posts are formulated rather than everyone else on the forum.
Snarky said it all.

You can have anti-aliasing, but it should be much more subtle. Have you had a look at other games that use a comic book artstyle? Comix Zone is 320x224 (not counting the TV distortion) and had a very clean anti-aliasing:
AGS Games in Production / Re: Anarch Universe
Tue 18/02/2014 13:21:17
I also find the text in the verb menu hard to read. I "guess" it more than I actually "read" it.

This is easily fixable and the rest of the graphics are amazing though! It has a really nice comic book feel that I wish we'd see more often (there was a pretty cool action game on the Megadrive called Comix Zone which was like that, and also the scrapped, epic AGS community project called Awakening of the Sphinx).
Quote from: jamesreg on Sun 16/02/2014 01:47:31
Are those Ultima 7 tiles?
She just said those are from an MMORPG named Tibia.
AGS Games in Production / Re: Spring Break
Fri 14/02/2014 13:12:08
Woah, that looks amazing! Is this set in the same universe as Once Upon A Crime?
Critics' Lounge / Re: A Love Theme
Tue 11/02/2014 18:25:09
This doesn't really sound like "Indiana Jones" to me so I'm curious as what the rest of the soundtrack sounds like.

Still, this is a pretty nice track that adequately conveys the idea of love :)
Thanks :)

Eric: Is it the same location? I was hesitating between something from "The Twelve Tasks of Asterix" and "Asterix and Cleopatra" at first.
Very impressive list! Thanks for the hard work 8-)
Quote from: DoorKnobHandle on Wed 05/02/2014 12:47:45
I would not remove the line because it's pretty nice to be able to find out what the game's native resolution is.
That could be put in the game's description (on the AGS site, game site and/or readme file) along with the other technical information like color depth and stuff.
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