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Messages - Leon101

I'm trying to think up some other freaks to be included in the travaling show.  :-\
My RON game is coming along. I have a general plot, which involves my new character, Roddey, who after surviving a plague on his star base, SS 2010, though badly mutated and forever in a cy-borg suit, crashes down upon Earth, in a forest located nearby RON.

While wondering about to find help, he gets knocked out by an owner of a freak show, and taken captive as one of them. Time for an escape plan.

Besides Roddey, my other new character (the owner of the freak show) will be introduced. He is:

Chrazee Freek-

Owner of the travaling freak show circus, 'Freeks on the GO'. A friendly father like figure, who, after being
mutated by a vat of scolding butter (don't ask, just don't), started his own travaling freak show, picking up any freaks
along the way.

As his given name should suggest, he is a bit on the insane side, thinking of all freaks as his children. Each one taken
captive he gives them his last name, Freek. To officially make them one with the family.
Update: After much thought over time, I finally have a new character to add. He hasn't been drawn or put into a game yet, but I'm working on that. Here is his background story:

The Technician on the Space Base, 'SS 2010'. A terrible outbreak struck the base, mysteriously, and by surprise.
All the crew became infected, including Roddey. As time passed, the crew got sicker. They went from mild coughing and
sneezing, to puking up various fluids, including blood. Their limbs grew weak, and would tear and fall off from their bodies.

Death would follow soon after. Roddey, reaching his ropes ends, began working on a Cyborg suit, shortly after his decease
began to worsen. He was successful at building his suit, but--- by then, the decease had spread throughout his body, and
his lower jaw broke off, his tongue drooped, and slid out of his mouth onto the ship's deck.

With an artificial brain installed into the suit, he was able to upload the last of his memories and past onto it, from his
old, decaying brain, before it too gave out. If it weren't for the suit, he would have died just like the rest.

Mutated from the decease, and forever stuck within his new found Cyborg suit, he now longed for a new home to call
his own. But how would he ever be accepted into society again, now that he was a...

And, now for something completely different.

So I came up with a idea I liked better, and due to it's extreme silliness. I decided to stick with it. Then I realized a problem, we're not allowed to kill off characters, that have been grounded,lol. Then I decided, then they will all act out... in a play!

I am in fact working on a story/game, or interactive fiction, for RON. Seeing as I am not a programmer in the slightest, I am using ADRIFT. The story is a tale of Gower's past, when he was murdered by his wife, and for what purpose.

Seeing as RON tends to be a little on the strange side, I am going to try my best, to make the reason behind his murder, well, reasonless. In other words. Strange. Should be quite challenging to do, but I will try my best. Any suggestions, to better myself with RON?
Reality-on-the-Norm / Re: Music or No Music?
Sat 26/09/2009 19:18:10
Could I use official music from Lord of the Rings soundtrack I bought from Itunes, or is that a no no.
Umm, yeah that flash is like Phantasmagoria. The character doesn't full move. Just like some other flash games I have played, such as Slacker (maybe I should do it like that one, should be easy for a huge noobie such as myself)
Actually, in both games, the character does not actually walk around. They just stand in one place until you click somewhere. Here, how about this flash adventure game. I want to do it in this style:
Say, how would I would be able to program my adventure games in the way of that Phantasmagoria game. Where your character stands in a room, in a predetermined spot, while you move the mouse around and interact and such.

I hope someone understands what I mean.
I was thinking of purchasing it from Steam. Hurm...
Reality-on-the-Norm / Re: Music or No Music?
Fri 11/09/2009 18:17:02
I'll be using some mp3s in mine. But I'm keeping the length of them short, the ones I am using are from newgrounds. This is going to be the town square song in my game:
The few songs I got so far for my game, are from newgrounds audio portal.
I know I did. Thanks for the new template. I won't actually use any of backgrounds, but I will use them for reference, so that my own drawn versions of them will be correct. I want my strangely drawn characters to fit in better.
Alright, can't wait. You are far better with storylines than I will ever be.
Doesn't matter. I've scrapped all that RPG biz. My story has gone through a lot of changes recently. So, I can't really tell you want to expect. But it will be and Adv game in Adv Game Studio.
Well, I haven't got far with my game (still working on the details) but I did finish drawing The Farmer in the style I will be using.
Quote from: Renegade Implementor on Thu 10/09/2009 00:26:44
The links work again, so you can download the music files you need.

Thank you very much.  ;D
Change of plans! I won't be making an RPG for ROtN. (Maybe once I have gotten used to using that system  ;D ) Instead, I'll just work on an adventure game, using Adventure Maker (that creator is so easy to use). This will move things along, because now I can the character sprites already made... or at the very least backgrounds (the game will be in first person view, so the sprites probably won't look right). By the by, does anyone have the town square music, the download doesn't work.
Quote from: Renegade Implementor on Sat 05/09/2009 15:19:29
QuoteOh, that's because most (read all, as of now) RON games are adventure games

Well, there have been a few non-adventure games.  The quiz games, Men of War, and Michael Gower's Zombie Hill spring to mind.  It is nice to see that other game genres are being considered, and a RPG sounds interesting.

What's the pixel size of the character sprites, if you don't mind me asking.  Also, is the battle system similar to the earlier Final Fantasy games, Phantasy Star, or Dragon Warrior/Quest games?

Character sprites are 32X35. And they consist of nine sprites, three each for up facing, down, left and right facing (plus walking animation for each facing). And the battle is Dragon Quest, first person style.

Quote from: ProgZmax on Sun 06/09/2009 00:56:16
A story like this would definitely work if the game began with standard RoN graphics and then Melt and Drake smoke some happy grass and the graphics turn into old NES style stuff or something similar :D.

The general story idea at the moment, is that they become legendary heroes, that are destined to save a world, inhabited by living illegal drugs, from a evil tyrant known as the Narc Lord.
Quote from: Chicky on Fri 04/09/2009 20:49:06
I've never used any RPG maker, i just figured that most RON games are puzzle based so if you want to hit a larger audience i'd include some item based puzzles. I think it would work, just some friendly advice.

Oh, that's because most (read all, as of now) RON games are adventure games. I'm breaking that trend, by making mine a small traditional RPG. Where you fight enemies, gain EXP, level up, buy stronger equipment, items and of course thwart the villain's evil plan. The general idea of my game has changed to:

Melt and Drake awake in their apartment, with massive headaches and no prior recollation of what happened the night before. That day, a mysterious hooded man visits them in their apartment to tell of a prophecy that foretold about legendary heroes, who possess a great power that would save Dopetopia, a faraway realm habited by strange narcotic beings, from the evil Narc Lord. Melt and Drake are those heroes. Be forewarned though...

This adventure is about to get trippy!
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