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Messages - cobra79

Idea               - Geraduatuza

Atmosphere   - Snarky

Composition   - Geraduatuza

Technique      - Geraduatuza

Functionality  - Geraduatuza

I am really impressed by the underground tank facility. The Lighting is great as is the composition. Imho this would make a great game background. Second for me is Snarky's tunnel. You have captured a nice mystic mood.

Thank you Snarky and the posterized color fields and the overall unfinishedness are due to time contraints.

I don't have the time to put more effort into it, so here is a fast one.
The problem now is that you have no space behind that door, because your house does not have enough depth.
Another alternative is GameCam, which has an in-built divx encoder so that your videos don't need 200MB for 30sec.
Noticed it on the BBC, not much of it in our news though. Merkel/Bush in Crawford had priority. Kudos to Juan Carlos for saying what had to be said and to Zapatero for keeping his cool like a real statesman and demanding respect for his predecessor.

Spain 1:0 Venezuela  ::)
Critics' Lounge / Re: Designing a band logo.
Sat 03/11/2007 17:44:46
The german word would be "Ereignishorizont".
I prefer the first design, but it is too dark and therefore barely visible. Maybe you can add a circle of some kind to it.
The dream of Oenghus
Poem after a legend from the "green island"

in nightly tranquilness

a bit calmer, but flowing nonetheless

flowing calmly, getting more lively little by little

more emotions


calming down a bit little by little
I think it is obvious that a tablet was used and what does "Oh man, you need to stop pressing on the pen then!" mean? Could you perhaps elaborate what you think is wrong?
I like cats entry (nice colors) even though it has some slight perspective issues, but my votes go to TheJBurger. Fantastic sky and a great idea. It could be even better imho if it was a little sharper.
All votes for Seaduck. Even though it does look like your average european town square a guillotine, or some fleurs-de-lis would make it french.

Too busy :)
My vote for Jens.

Amazing idea and it fits so well.
Critics' Lounge / Re: More sierra stuff
Sun 02/09/2007 06:24:21
If you want your background to look more realistic you should not give the moon a face.  ;D
Seriously it is much too blurry. It feels as if I had to squeeze my eyes to see it sharply, but when I do it is still blurry and that gives me headaches. Also the roots of your trees are too pronounced, almost like tentacles. Your stone is hovering.
The fog effect looks decent.

Sharpened twice with some added lines. Done in less than 5minutes and it already looks better imho.

You should give your sprites eyes. Just 2 dark dots. and in the sideview your witch looks as if she was wearing a breastplate. Also lengthen her arms a bit
It is the same location, same photo reference and the same project.


Tell me what you think. I am especially interested if there are shadows in a full moon night, if so how they would look like and if the shading or highlights are believable as they are. Any other critique is is welcome too of course.

Edit: Thank you. I changed the floor tile color and added a knight statue.
No it was not based on a photo. To be honest though I wanted to draw a tree...the tree-house was just an afterthought.  ;D
All my 6 votes for Neil Dnuma.

It is a great idea with wonderful colors and great attention to detail - a fantastic background.
Depending on what you intend to do with this background you could either redraw it in real isometric perspective or use vanishing points.
A football field is huge, even if it is a small stadium, so in order to see both ends of it there has to be some distance between the viewer and the stadium. That makes the surroundings more important and at the moment your background has none. Add parking lots, trees, houses or something similar, but there has to be more than just grass. Above all like Smash said a sky is needed.
I made a crude little sketch in a different view, but keep in mind that I have never seen a football stadium :D
(American football that is.)
For the spectators a lot of colored dots would suffice if the people in the front rows are a little more detailed.

V. Lain Real Estate offer of the month:

"Tree Manor 3000" for the evil ambitious and misunderstood visionary of tomorrow.

ONLY 999$*


*- self installation
  - 16% provision and VAT to be paid in addition
  - tree and rope-ladder not included

A Lair does not have to be a cave right? I wanted to have a dramatic perspective to give this tree house a bit of an evil touch. Unfortunately this kind of perspective goes beyond my current abilities and it just looks odd. Therefore I lost interest in it and can't find the motivation to polish it, but since I really like the idea I publish it anyway.
Idea - Creed Malay, an original idea which captures the topic of this blitz very well.

Atmosphere - Creed Malay dark, gloomy and desperate. Not a place I would want to spend eternity.

Design - Tiki It is a well designed interior, which reminds me of my grandmother's house. Runner up Creed Malay.

Composition - Creed Malay It is simple and effective.

Functionality - Abstention, I can't decide on that one.

Technique - Creed Malay I like the color choice and the rotated canvas is also a nice idea.

Let me add that the WIPs and sketches make the competition much more interesting.
Indiana Ivana Jones

74x130 16colors


Edit: I had to look up what "Camel toe" means and I had not noticed it.  ;D
I also made some other minor modifications.
Critics' Lounge / Re: Dott Background
Wed 08/08/2007 17:57:09
I really like it.
Maybe you could add something to the foreground though.
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