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Messages - Bavolis

Quote from: TheFrighter on Sat 15/05/2021 08:34:24

This could fits a Clive Barker tale!   8-0

Definitely an influence of mine!
Behold, the darkest thread necromancy at the end of a year's worth of plague! I apologize for the lack of updates, but after I did the Knobbly Crook patch/additions, I wasn't sure where I'd go next and I had to convince myself I really wanted to go back to this one. As you can see, I switched Something Seeps over to Unity/Adventure Creator, both because I wanted to learn the tools for other potential projects down the road and I wanted to work in much higher resolutions with a lot more parallax scrolling and fog.

It does seem like I'll still be working in AGS in some form because my daughter wants to start up a new game project of her own and I promised to help teach her my awful way of coding and shameful hackery.

Here's a new HD screenshot! I've already reworked several of the previous rooms and sprites into 1080 hd, but this is a new one.

The following video shows how it now looks in motion, but there is a bit of EXTREME GORE at the end. Something Seeps will celebrate killing you in many horrible ways, but it will not result in Game Over screens.

Quote from: TheFrighter on Thu 25/02/2021 08:12:19

Thank you, Bavolis! Is it intended as the final version?


It is, unless people find a new walkthrough break. Content-wise, there won't be more additions. But if I have somebody eager to translate/port it, I might end up with new builds for those.
The 1.5 patch with many, many small fixes as well as a slightly extended ending is now up and free to download here:

It's also updated on and game jolt, but not on Steam yet (a bit more complex to update there - should be up in the next day or so). 
Quote from: Mandle on Fri 12/02/2021 09:07:04
I think this will be a game that develops into a cult-game.

I've always wanted to be a cult leader!
Quote from: Blondbraid on Wed 10/02/2021 23:46:57
QuoteI saw the video, and I must ask

It's a very real possibility :)
Digging up some old bones here, but I have a patch coming to address a few bugs, a few typos, fix a couple of logic issues (why *can't* I use that with that?!). The biggest change, however, is due to the amount of feedback I got about the ending being way too abrupt. Originally, my thinking was the game itself ended at the credits and all the stuff that followed was a playable ending, which, of course, just felt like more game. So, I've added a little extra segment to make the cliffhanger cliffhangier. If you played through the game and just want to see the new ending, it's here:

For anyone who hasn't played yet and plans to, I should have the new patch up at, gamejolt, indiedb, and Steam within the next week or so.
The Rumpus Room / Inauguration Mood Bernie
Thu 21/01/2021 04:17:36
"I am once again asking you to turn this boat around."

Thanks folks! As for the hole in the windshield, I think I can live with the flaws peeping through in that one little spot :)

Although I probably *am* picky enough to consider redoing the entire sprite set for 30 pixels of visibility. No... must resist...
Quote from: Matti on Fri 03/01/2020 00:42:08
It looks great!  :)

Thanks! And thanks to Haggis above, too. Somehow I missed your post :)
Aiming to get more weird perspective shots in the scene, I realized this one caused Jeremy to look like a tiny gnome. After working in AGS for years and releasing a full game, I just now realized you could increase the scaling above 100%. Duh. I'm trying to mask the distortion a bit through a grungy window, which works pretty well, but may end up just going for a touched-up jumbo sprite set. What do you think?

Working on a style for intro/credits sequences now. The text is placeholder because I'm not obnoxious enough to put in two "game by" screens. Yet.

I used a photo of my wife as a reference for this one. Tear my wife into pieces, this is my title screen:

Incorporated the old short story book covers from the Something Seeps "universe."

Quote from: rongel on Sun 15/09/2019 18:00:56
That final version looks amazing! Have fun animating it! It would be great to see the animated version here too.

Thanks! I think there's a fun/sanity balancing act with this one, which is appropriate to the subject matter. I'll likely throw it in youtube and link it here when I'm done :)
Final version, but now I need to animate all the parts. Phew.

For fun, here's the original rough sketch:

Quote from: mkennedy on Tue 10/09/2019 13:46:50
Anybody else think shoggoth from "Mountains of Madness" when seeing this?

Kind of a Lovecraft/Warhammer Chaos hybrid :)
Working on a new Gnarled Scar logo since the last one was specific to the Knobbly Crook. This one is pure chaos and I am having way too much fun:

Quote from: Blondbraid on Tue 27/08/2019 17:12:00
Wow, that looks menacing!
It reminds me of the other world from Coraline!

Funny coincidence, I also have a character would could be called an "Other Mother."
Lots of structure work done with the house exterior, including the backyard abyss. Watch your step:

Hurray for western point-and-clicks! The art is amazing. Question: Do I have to stay on the good side of the law? :)
Quote from: TheFrighter on Mon 24/06/2019 07:56:27
Hey, there's a scratch on the door! Those stray dogs! :-D

You may be onto something...

Quote from: Wiggy on Mon 24/06/2019 12:10:33
Looks marvellous! You are a genius - any proof reading or Q/A let me know.

Thanks! I am still  pretty far from the proofing stage, but I will remember your offer :)
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