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Messages - td

AGS Games in Production / The Station DEMO.
Sun 23/12/2007 16:12:01
The child's psychologist (the main character) goes on a search for his patient - a 9 year old boy that has vanished under unkown circumstances. Later the psychologist finds a letter stateing of a mysterious place, the station. In the same letter, the boy writes that the psychologist should see the station with his own eyes.


for download demo.

P.S. Thanks to terrorcell for english grammar support!
My demo in english so it is necessary competent english tester (im not english).
Mystic first person quest. Engine -  AdventureMaker, 21Mb.
Im sorry but have 2.8 version a global changes In comparison with more habitual 2.7 version?
Ok, how about AGS game settings title? It is possible to change on [MY GAME NAME settings]?
I have few question to autor:
1) Intro in Heartland is very stylish (maybe it's strange but Heartland intro remind me Max Payne story, so what soft and technic use autor?
2) Unbound: will commercial or free?
I tried to find, but has not found similar topic in Search.
So it's possible to do AGS settings and settings of Brightness and Music volume in game options?
How or where answer can be?
Thanks Monkey!
This effect such what I represented it. In some cases it is similar "to turn of a head"...

p.s. One detail:

2p.s. U didn't played in Barrow Hill? Wah! ;)
Give me some example code of slideroom someone! I need classic slide effect same as Barrow Hill for the RIGHT and LEFT rotate.

p.s. Readme file heven't example.
Quote from: Candle on Fri 01/06/2007 10:20:37
QuoteI. Creating the pictures for the 360-degree panorama

In order to create a panoramic game, you need panoramic pictures. Panoramic pictures are pictures obtained by projecting the 3D world on a surface.

To see an example of high-resolution (2048x2048), 3D-rendered panoramic picture for use with Adventure Maker, click the following link: panoramic_picture1.jpg

Adventure Maker supports the pictures obtained by projecting the 3D world on a cylinder. That kind of projection is very common, and is called "cylindrical panoramic projection". Other types of projections exist (spherical, cubic...), but they are currently not supported by Adventure Maker.

I think all have read it a long time ago...
Quote from: SteveMcCrea on Fri 01/06/2007 01:42:09
Again, can you post a screenshot to illustrate the issue?
Does the problem manifest itself in Heartland Deluxe or the demo posted above?

Here is my image:

This is window mode 640x480.
Yes the problem manifest itself in Heartland Deluxe and in the demo posted above.
It's "rippling" effect appear because "640x480/800x600 won't make the horizontal steps any smoother,..., due to a design feature of AGS?
Steve maybe u can make cubic panorama plugin like in PicMak engine or SCream engine? This method haven't rippling effect at all. I think it's possible because u made 3D plugin!
AGS need REAL 360 degree panorama plugin feature. In fact Steve did a much in this area, but AGS need more powerfll panorama, and I'm sure Steve do GREAT panorama soon?!
panorama looks like "the player looks through figured glass". For example Adventure Maker panorama plugin (not module(?)) looks more smooth, WHY??? Can u create more smooth panorama like in AM???
I thought it was because of i used cubic panorama, but in cylindric panorama distortion effect is stll appear!
So i have a two questions:
1) Why SCream engine haven't distortion effect?
2) I use 640x480 res. Exists some method how i can smooth distortion???

Yay!!! :D At last! I can not wait the days off to try my Cylindrical backgrounds!...
are u japanese or chinese?
General Discussion / Re: AGS is slow???
Fri 11/05/2007 17:48:28
Well im sure ... AGS is a powerfull engine and have most powerfull community!!! maybe coz it free? For example Adventure Maker comminity is dead  :-\, Poin and click dev. kit is to young yet...WintermuteEngine have NO friendly system for creators etc...
General Discussion / Re: AGS is slow???
Fri 11/05/2007 17:11:33
Quote from: Radiant on Fri 11/05/2007 16:59:02
No. It runs and edits perfectly fine on a 350 MHz machine. I assume you have better than that?

But if game is large ~ 50 Mb?
General Discussion / AGS is slow???
Fri 11/05/2007 16:48:58
Hey guys i was confused when i show my demo in some adventure forum and many persons told me that AGS is not best choise for creating 1-person adventure. They recomend me Adventure Maker or Scream engine. The reason why they told this was "AGS is slow"... (?)
Is that true???
Maybe this point have some true because AGS compiler create only one *.exe file and the other side Adventure Maker compiler create different files for periodically download in system memory...???
I like panorama module! And has created some demo for testing...
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