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Messages - What a loser.

It looks like Charlie from the Chocolate Factory. Great work. :)
I love underwater scenes using EGA. One question will our background be worth less if we did use EGA?
General Discussion / Re: F.E.A.R.
Tue 09/08/2005 13:23:28
I like DVD versions, its the only way to go. I have the DVD version of Farcry, Half Life 2, UT2004, etc... Its just better for when you are installing the game, you dont have to switch 6 CD's every 10 minutes.  :P
The first tow MI games were released together on a single CD with new music I think. Pitty they never got new voices to go with the new graphics, at least MI3 had amazing voice acting.
I love what you accomplished with EGA,  ;)
General Discussion / Re: F.E.A.R.
Tue 09/08/2005 11:55:12
662 Bloody MB, for a demo? They aren't getting smaller...

You guys should know better than to talk about FPS in a adventure game community. Shame on you. I'm downloading the demo and will leave feedback in 2045 when this download finishes.
Quote from: DCillusion on Fri 15/07/2005 07:50:38
Wow! - Thanks

I, honestly, didn't know so many would be interested in the project.  Converting from EGA to VGA isn't as much of a feat as CGA to VGA.  It's incredible to get so much feedback!

Thats because your bg quality is truly great. It would be cool to simulate VGA sprites but in a 3D model. I think that would be great because the bgs are very 3D.
Critics' Lounge / Re: Some music to C&C
Tue 09/08/2005 11:40:23
Quote from: Petteri on Mon 08/08/2005 13:49:05
I like it! I can imagine this playing in the background in your game, it's very atmospheric and creates a good feeling.

Same here! I really love the feel of the music, very good.  ;)
General Discussion / Re: F.E.A.R.
Mon 08/08/2005 12:18:31
Sierra is developing a game again? Or just publishing?
Amazing, I love the 3D VGA effects truly fantastic. :)
One day left people, for all you slacker last minute people, now would be a good time.  ;)
Well I found it very hard to try and link those images, maybe you guys shouls try and link better images together.
Maybe it was a program you were running in the background or something, but good to know its working now.
I noticed some people have had trouble getting through PiXiA: Rainbow of Havoc So eheres the walkthrough. Warning major spoilers ahead, you dont want to ruin the experience so try the game first.

Start of Walkthrough

- Watch patiently through cutscenes.
- Try to laugh at stupid jokes.
- Click yes, yes, yes.

End of Walkthrough

Game Thread:
It works for me, so give a error report to [...]. He knows his stuff. ;)
*cough* Of course its suppose to do that. *cough*

Actually no, but Im just playing along.  ;D
Try clicking Yes.  ;)
ProgZmax> That seriously is a great pieace of art!  ;)

Ali> Personally I hope this competition is judged on creativity as well as talent.

My Entry is a 'Dream Catcher' its a Indian Magical object, it is ment to catch all your bad dreams at night and when you wake up the bad dream will be distroyed. I hope this is creative enough certainly something unsually and un common that youd find in your average adventure game magic shop.

I hope this is worthy enough to prove competition.
Well, lets say you can't go wrong, it won't allow you. lol  :P
Competitions & Activities / Re: August MAGS
Mon 01/08/2005 08:53:18
Can we have credits & a title screen?  :P
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