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Messages - Le Woltaire

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Sun 14/01/2018 16:01:22
Okay, but simply having a device won't automatically make games interesting. Someone still needs to program it, therefore same game design issues will be met.

BTW, I do not know if other countries have this, in Russia a new entertainment industry appeared in last several years, which gives you a "real life" adventure in a limited enviroment, with something similar to "escape the room" tasks.
EDIT: Probably like this:

Definitely. But the design issues will be contemporary at least.
Or if they would be done today they would be the work of a pioneer.
And they will include much more dimensions.

The AGS Design issues are very conservative.
Take a engine like Unity for example which is basically free.
The possiblities are contemporary and not totally retro.

My position always was, as long as AGS does not understand basic contemporary formats
it is and remains an uncomplete conservative thing that will be forgotten sooner or later and therefore a time waster.

- I proposed the support of vector based file formats. (2D at least)
- I proposed a deep understanding of 3d max and maja files and characters with animation support.
- I proposed subpixel rendering for scaled sprite movements.

None of these important steps has been realized in the past 10 years...
That's not a real developement after all...
There is no progression.

After all tradition is based on progression.
it comes from the latin word "Tradere" and means "develope, trade, progress"...
My conclusion is that the problem is not the adventure game genre.
It is the mouse and input device driven game play and the morphology that does not allow
the full perception of the games possiblilities.

The real future of adventure gaming can be found in the holodeck.
As soon as a holodeck is possible where people can life their adventure truly,
any computer based game will not make sense anymore.

So we theorically should focus on the developement and usage of a holodeck engine.
That's the one and only way into future.
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Fri 12/01/2018 00:44:57
Hey, but I can tell the same about books. They let you live through someone elses stories instead of doing your own. Is not it?
I guess, escapism did not start with videogames.

I think it is more a theme about haptics.
Certain media try do eliminate a complex usage of the hand.
But the human brain developed through the usage of the hand.
This was the first step of human evolution.

If one eliminates the usage of the hand, he eliminates the productive sites of the brain.
The adventure game genre has eliminated the haptic question for sure from the beginning.
Point&Click is a reduction to keyboard and mouse.
Most working places have developed into this type of situation.

The most complex way to train your haptic abilities is to play an instrument and make music.
Another example given: Why should one read or write a book about Kung-Fu or make a game about it.
The next Kung-Fu school is probably right around the corner.

The only reason why adventure gaming would make sense nowadays is in order to warn and remind players,
of what is going on in real world and motivate them to become more active.
So if the adventure game confronts the player with what he really is or became,
it basically does the job.

The problem is that most adventure games are drifting into a feel-good direction.
And those who do not usually drift into pseudo-intellectual manierism or are simply just remakes.
There is a similar developement in movie industry.
The biggest problem that I see with adventure gaming is that it is virtual.
It has nothing to do with the real existing world and it's true perceptions.
That might be the wrong thing about gaming in general.

I reached about 200.000 people with my games.
But I never really saw any player in reality.
Objectively these persons do not exist in my life and they never existed.

I can reach real persons and adventures in my daily life as a practicing architect.
I saw people dying on constructions sites, cheating for money,
workers going into jail because they tried to beat each other up,
corrupt politicians, great successes, big failures and so on...

That's the real adventure after all...
And it is not a game...
Virtual worlds seem to kill reality and want to make us dull.
They create wrong dopamine paths and are often a vortex of no return for the users.

Ron Gilbert was the first developer to warn about this development in the outro of Monkey Island 2,
when he gave the players an instruction about what they could do else instead of playing a computer game.
Later he told Tim Schaefer on YouTube that Monkey Island 2 "is just a stupid computer game".
"War. War never changes.
The Romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth. Spain built an empire from its lust for gold and territory. Hitler shaped a battered Germany into an economic superpower.

But war never changes.

In the 21st century, war was still waged over the resources that could be acquired. Only this time, the spoils of war were also its weapons: Petroleum and Uranium. For these resources, China would invade Alaska, the US would annex Canada, and the European Commonwealth would dissolve into quarreling, bickering nation-states, bent on controlling the last remaining resources on Earth.

In 2077, the storm of world war had come again. In two brief hours, most of the planet was reduced to cinders. And from the ashes of nuclear devastation, a new civilization would struggle to arise."

Make a tune until 28. November 2015 about a future war event.
Describe what war event is awaiting us in future, so we can get ready.
I used the line pattern of my vacuum cleaner robot.
It sometimes bounces against the furniture...

Vacuum Cleaner Robot Music

Well, you are the only participant.
So I declare that you are the winner.
Thanks for your entry.
It is up to you to decide a new theme now.
Thank you. That was an interesting sound!
Do you plan to make a larger piece of it, or is it the finished entry?
Hey there.
Mods, since you make music aswell.
Why not make a 10 second entry for this theme.
It would take you 3 minutes I guess...
Yes, certainly.
Go for it.
It can be fun!
The following picture shows a hand movement that is very important in Golf.
Use this hand movement and make some music with it.

Example: You could use this movement to smash a guitar, or hit your piano in a particular way.
Or you could ranscribe the animation sequence into a rhythm.

Whatever you do, post it until midnite on 31. December 2014.
The beginning of my piece represents an embryonal state where cells start to grow. Music is not defined but grows at a cellular level. Similar beginnings exist in Bruckner's eight symphony or the cellular structure in Morton Feldman's pieces. It is a state far before the birth of music. Suddenly forms an chords start to appear. But their shapes are only partially defined. A general break in the middle initiates the actual birth of music. The piece starts to get prospective in the deeper and hihger sonic spectrum. Structured cluster chords are generated from the cellular material that could be heard at the beginning. Shapes and forms get more clear and less edgy. Music is now in a state after its growth and birth. Similar clusters and shapes can be heard in the piece "Lontano" by Gyorgy Ligeti.
Ok, I thought I might enter, because there are no entries.
Quote from: chaosgodkarl on Sun 06/04/2014 08:29:17
Any news on A Second Face - May Sunlight Be With You?

Thank you for asking.
I am working on it, but it is a neck breaking project...
The above topic that you mentioned was closed on this forum.
Please moderator reopen it and pm me afterwards, so I can make a post in it...
Thank you!
Quote from: Nikolas on Tue 26/11/2013 13:24:11
EWQLSO (EastWest Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra). Gold or Platinum.

Thank you, that was what I was looking for.
I knew vienna symphonic library but it really is too expensive.
I ordered the gold edition of EWQLSO now.
24 GB of samples...
My current sampling library just has 1 GB of basic samples.
Hopefully it will boost my music a bit up.
1: I use my dreams at night to make up the story.
2: I drink lots of alcohol while I script.
3: I smoke cuban cigars when I compose the music and make the backgrounds.
4: I eat chocolate for the puzzles. (good for nervous system)
5: Characters get developed from people that I encounter in my daily life.
6: I sleep with a dictionary under my pillow while the game is proof read.
7: I try to get as many women as possible into the beta test team.
I have the box checked "use low-resolution coordinates in script" for a very old game project that was imported from ags 2.6 to 3.21.

Does this in any way affect the game? (like the finding of correct walking paths, or precision of walk behinds etc.)
Is it better to rescript the whole thing into normal resolution?

At the moment I continue to script everything with a division of 2 like:
player.walk (145/2, 123/2);
Like this I have to think less and can use screen coordinates...
I am currently composing and sampling the music for my adventure games with Finale 2012 and the Garritan Symphonic VST library.
Then I pass every single voice through Ambience Plugin and remix it with ProTools to get some dynamic details.
The results are OK. However I would like to get more perspective and deepness and details.

Is there a better VST library / plugin combination that someone can recommend?
Do results get better if I'd use a special sampler to resample everything
before mixing like native instruments kontakt 4 or similar?

What do you use to make your midi music sound better?
Oh ok...
that explains everything.
What is the easiest way to change background volume music in a room sequence then, with the new sound system?

I had big problems when I converted my work from ags 3.12 to 3.21...
All my music commands didn't work anymore.
Music didn't change at all from room to room...

It seemed to me like a gigantic bug...
Because sometimes it worked and sometimes not...

So I passed through all PlayMusic commands and rescripted them to the new music system.
However sometimes I had to insert a StopMusic() command at the fade in settings in order to start the new music.

Now it seems that I have a stable version but I want to focus on the details that got lost...

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