Congratulations to the nominees! Already sent my votes!
Good luck to everyone, this year the bar has been set high!
Good luck to everyone, this year the bar has been set high!
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Show posts MenuQuoteMy module was built for the Sierra template
QuoteI streamed it, the video will be up here shortly:
QuoteWhat a lovely demo! I really liked the puzzles, because they never held me back for too long, as well as the animations. It was nice to see a dedicated animation to each action. I agree with everyone above sensing The Flight of the Amazon Queen or Indiana Jones vibes. Comparing to other AGS games I’ve played recently (only a couple, really) the voice acting was a nice addition. Also, I loved Miguel
Quote- I downloaded the game today from, and there was a warning txt file saying: Script : (room:3)[R 30] Wait() was used in Player Enters Screen - use Enters Screen After Fadein instead
- I got confused by one thing. When Harrison talks to Miguel, Miguel hints at the fact that they journey into the jungle took a full day. However, when being confronted by the Professor, it is shown that Miguel and the Doc are already tied up and kept at something that looked like a deck of a ship. Which suggested that the thugs already made their way back to the shore with the captives. I am guessing there might be other explanations for it, but I thought some may find it inconsistent. Sorry, if I am being too picky, but I just thought I’d share my thoughts. Don’t get me wrong, though, this was an awesome demo
Quotea way-too-short-play! Gimme more!I'm on it!
Quotethis is great. I longplayed the demo
Quote(although you're playing on stereotypes, which I don't mind in this genre at all)Yes, it´s all about the Pulp style, as the game progresses, the characters will develop and you will see that it is not really that way.
QuoteI also noticed the Spanish dialogue Rik mentioned.At this point it is already fixed, we replace the demo file by a corrected one
Quotewhen playing with Spanish speech (I had to have a go just to hear it - did it with German subtitles just for the heck of it), the captain speaks English in his answer to Doc when he returns to the first chamber.Thanks for the heads up! I'll check it out as soon as I can and hopefully we can update it soon too!!
QuoteIn conclusion, the demo is very promising and definitely makes the player yearn for the full game.
QuoteIt's sometimes hard to click the hole in the ceiling because the Iconbar is so big and almost covering it
During the dialog with the professor, once back up, there is a sentence that's still written in Spanish while talking in English
Quote from: newwaveburritos on Fri 21/01/2022 04:42:10
Oh, excellent! I've been looking forward to trying this one out for some time now.
QuoteThat's looking really great!
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