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Messages - Chomba

Congratulations to the nominees! Already sent my votes!

Good luck to everyone, this year the bar has been set high!
Ok, I applied it!
I had to delete the "i.e" because it took them as "undefined token" and change the eModeSomeMode to eModeLookat. Now it does all the functions well.

The only problem now is that (using the BASS demo) when I use an object with the hotspot, instead of doing the action defined for it (an unhandled_event), it performs the lookat action.
I didn't test assigning an action to use that item in that hotspot because I tested it in a free time. I will do more tests later.
QuoteMy module was built for the Sierra template

That explains it all! Well, it's still great to have it running somehow. It'll come in handy for when I do a singleclick type game. :D

Thanks again Khris!
I think a good way to get closer to the original style is also to use the same colour palette.
Here I took Khris's drawing and applied colours from the palette that were in the screenshot you posted... then I got excited and kept adding details and doing some changes to the elf's design :P

Great! it worked for when the action is "interact", but if the function is "look" it doesn't walk to a certain place to wait to say the assigned phrase. I guess it's intended for interact actions only and the "look" thing can still be handled as usual.
Thanks for the answers,
I downloaded the version you posted now and use the code as in the example, but it still doesn't work.

The character walks to the position, but does not execute the command.
I also tried the "look" function, only here it didn't even walk to the coordinates. If I clicked to look with the character standing still, it would directly say its phrase, but if I made the character walk (to any side) and clicked to look while doing it, it would walk to the coordinates of the code, but it wouldn't execute the final action either. Very strange...

Could it be that there are incompatibilities of the code with AGS version 3.6 directly? Am I doing something wrong? I'm testing all this in the BASS template demo game.
Hello people,

today I bring you something from the past (2008), but I was looking for a way to be able to interrupt the walk eblock for when you are going to do some interaction/look at specific coordinates and cancel the action if you want to. I found that the solution would be Khris's GotThere module... although it's been around for a while.

Anyway, I downloaded it, imported the script and tried to use it according to Khris' instructions in this forum topic. But I get an error.

The instructions:

The error:

(you can download the module from here):

Also keep in mind that I'm using AGS 3.6 - BASS template, and this is from.... I don't know which version, but I don't think that's the problem.
Any ideas? Can this be solved or is it because the script is obsolete by now?
I love boxing! this little game has a pretty fun premise and has just the right length to not become tedious, I liked it a lot. Congrats!
By the way, this game is already out!  8-0 8-0 (can be found on itch and Steam)
Was announced on the AGS discord!

Edit: I had not seen the post in Completed Games :P
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Tue 26/04/2022 00:46:27
British movie from the 40s/50s, right? Can´t remember the name...
QuoteI streamed it, the video will be up here shortly:

Thank you very much! I was able to watch the ceremony on delay thanks to you (it was complicated for me, because of the time zone here it was in the middle of the afternoon, something like 4pm).

Congratulations to all the winners and also to the rest of the nominees, to participate in the categories is already a great recognition from the community :D
QuoteWhat a lovely demo! I really liked the puzzles, because they never held me back for too long, as well as the animations. It was nice to see a dedicated animation to each action. I agree with everyone above sensing The Flight of the Amazon Queen or Indiana Jones vibes. Comparing to other AGS games I’ve played recently (only a couple, really) the voice acting was a nice addition. Also, I loved Miguel :D

Thanks, I´m glad you liked it :D. In fact, Miguel is very lovable haha.

Quote- I downloaded the game today from, and there was a warning txt file saying: Script : (room:3)[R 30] Wait() was used in Player Enters Screen - use Enters Screen After Fadein instead

- I got confused by one thing. When Harrison talks to Miguel, Miguel hints at the fact that they journey into the jungle took a full day. However, when being confronted by the Professor, it is shown that Miguel and the Doc are already tied up and kept at something that looked like a deck of a ship. Which suggested that the thugs already made their way back to the shore with the captives. I am guessing there might be other explanations for it, but I thought some may find it inconsistent. Sorry, if I am being too picky, but I just thought I’d share my thoughts. Don’t get me wrong, though, this was an awesome demo :)

- I have no idea what that is because the game runs smoothly, you are talking about the text inside the warnings.log , no?

- Miguel says it took them a whole day to get there through the middle of the jungle (on foot), which doesn't mean that the bad guys don't have cars or know about other roads.
On the other hand, when harrison is climbing the vine there are two time ellipses: "a while later" and "Incredibly later" which would have given them enough time to get to the ship. By the way, it was not Weaver and Mice who took them to the ship, but the other henchmen mentioned at the beginning of the conversation with Weaver.
Nah, don't worry, it's just a detail that I found curious.

Quotea way-too-short-play! Gimme more!
I'm on it!
Quotethis is great. I longplayed the demo

Thanks! technically it would be a shortplay, wouldn't it?  (laugh)

I have a query. Did you notice that there is a slight difference in color tones between the original and your capture? I noticed it mostly in the reddish tones, which in your capture look more like orange. Not that I'm complaining, but it caught my attention and I don't know if anyone mentioned it to you before. :grin:
The demo is now also available on its page  :grin::

(I will also update the first post with this info)
Alright, the definitive demo of Aboard the Adventure will be available from now on permanently on Steam! (updated, especially in the German texts thanks to Elvis Tanner  :-D)
I didn't know that by removing it from the store, those who downloaded it will no longer be able to play it. Sorry :P

I also plan to make an Itch page with the demo in the future (I'll let you know here too when it's ready).
Glad you liked it!

Quote(although you're playing on stereotypes, which I don't mind in this genre at all)
Yes, it´s all about the Pulp style, as the game progresses, the characters will develop and you will see that it is not really that way. :D

QuoteI also noticed the Spanish dialogue Rik mentioned.
At this point it is already fixed, we replace the demo file by a corrected one :).

Quotewhen playing with Spanish speech (I had to have a go just to hear it - did it with German subtitles just for the heck of it), the captain speaks English in his answer to Doc when he returns to the first chamber.
Thanks for the heads up! I'll check it out as soon as I can and hopefully we can update it soon too!!

QuoteIn conclusion, the demo is very promising and definitely makes the player yearn for the full game.

Thank you very much for your words :D, they serve as fuel to keep on making  (laugh)

 Thank you!

about the other things:

QuoteIt's sometimes hard to click the hole in the ceiling because the Iconbar is so big and almost covering it

Yes, could be. I did it before I had the inventory completely defined and it looked like that. But I didn't see it so inaccessible that it would be worth modifying it (which would take a lot of work because it would also mean modifying the animation  :( ). But yes, it is a bit annoying, will remain as a lesson for the future.

During the dialog with the professor, once back up, there is a sentence that's still written in Spanish while talking in English

YES!!! something happened with the translation file (some silly and unintentional modification in the root line of the dialog), I fixed it, now it's the editor's job to change the demo to the updated one!


Thanks for the feedback  :-D
Quote from: newwaveburritos on Fri 21/01/2022 04:42:10
Oh, excellent!  I've been looking forward to trying this one out for some time now. 

Great! let me know what you think when you play it!

QuoteThat's looking really great!

Thanks! I hope you ejoy it!
Hi, I'm just dropping by to let you know that the demo is now available on Steam if you want to give it a try!

It will also be part of the BAE Fest which will start soon and will be available JAN 20th-24th.

(I am going to modify the original message also these days to make it more visible)
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