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Messages - Cassiebsg

Unless it's a drive away from me, I won't be attending, but considering the unstable situation in the US, I would probably suggest Canada instead, as it would still let US citizens get there "easily" (unless the US also starts a war with Canada).  ???
I usualy use the short version, didn't know there was a long version. Now I do. :)
Just remember that even though pretty design is nice, functional design is essential and much more important. ;) Which seems like a lot of websites/UI designers (or their clients) forget, and seem to prioritize the "looks pretty", while making the site/program less functional.
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Wed 27/11/2024 21:47:07
AI and all needs to connect to the wifi these days...  >:(
Damn, RL keeps getting in the way.  :-\
Not looking like I'll finish any of the MAGS games this time around either.

@jwalt, if it's a very very short game, what I usually do, is make it a single savegame slot. F5/button saves to that slot, and F7/Restore restores that slot (if it exists). Easy and fast to code.  ;)
Okay, tks for the extra info. :) It confused me.
Now, if I stop procrastinating, I might actually have one finished this time around.
I'm confused. If this is  "finish your mags game", then isn't it normal that a lot of the game is done? Or is the theme "discarded mags ideas"?
For reference I've got a Chuwi LapBook. Battery's been half-dead for a couple years now (it coincided with a Windows update, so not sure if the update did it or if it was "coincidence"). So I have about 15-30 min of battery left... meaning I need a plug close by to use it.

Other than that it works and it's useful for when I'm away from home. I'm happy with it.

However, if you do stumble with a problem, expect little to no help.

My husband used to do tech support for them back in the days (when they were at least trying to care), but he gave up some years ago, because he was trying to help their customers, while they were sending the wrong firmware update for their tablets and bricking them in the process (and they were already been warned that that was the wrong firmware)... and then they stop pretending to care and most good people that were helping them quit in the process.
I noticed it.  :~( 

I was still using it. Albeit I was the only one still using it, all my friends/family moved to something else. But I liked having it there lingering, for those "old" friends to still be able to find me (if they wanted to).
Besides the alarm clock/radio and a LEGO model, only my wrist watch an glasses (when I don't leave them elsewhere).

And yes, Bots are getting sneaky.
cool, I love RD as well. Can imagine a crazy adventure (cause they all are) :D
Good job. I do think Dave should have a little darker skin tone though.
Good luck if you decide to make a fan fun game.  (nod) You already have the start, and there's plenty to do in that room already. ;)
Scavenger is our 8-bit resident, he might have some tips for you. :)
Cool, thanks for doing this. :)
A little off topic, but not entirely... :)

CaptainD made this game some time ago:

It's basicly MineSweeper, but blind... the game "graphics" is just a black screen, and you play by sound alone. Maybe worth a try? ;)
I'm one of those that use the internal editor... mostly cause I didn't knew it was even possible to export/import masks when I was learning the software, and then I just got used to it. :) I tried using export/import but ended up with a weird result of my mask becoming half the size of the room (no idea why though). But at the end of the day, I decided to keep using the AGS editor, mostly because I get all my BGs are rendered in Blender, and not having to then open an extra program to do the masking is great.
Besides, this method allows me to test the regions and adjust the regions on the fly.

I would love some better painting tools in AGS, but what I would kill for, would be an increase on undo steps (maybe 3?) in the editor. ATM one false click and I might end up having to start from scratch (I'm careful, but it has happened more than once).
But we already have year-long "Finish your MAGS", after all we can finish a game anytime. Having a deadline is the point, at least for me. ;)
Having no deadline, means the old projects always stay in the back-burner, because we tend to do stuff that "need" to be finished first.
The old template had one of the inventory items (the pipe flutes) set to InstantUse, it would make the character play them , instead of picking it up from the inv. window. Maybe the new template should also have one item set in InstantUse ('m assuming it doesn'y now)?
I haven't looked at the new BASS template, but the old already had that coded in.
It's called InstantUse. Select the iBook and go to it's properties, if it's there just set it to True, no extra code needed. :)

If it's not there, I wonder why it was removed from the new template.
Rats, haven't had time this week to even touch it, and this weekend won't be gold either. :/
Too much overtime at work, atm.
I have no idea about what the problem might be. I'm more wondering how nobody has given you an answer on this issue for such a long time.

Hopefully someone with knowledge of how to sound works/should work, will see this post and give you an answer.
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