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Messages - CheapAlert

That little clause has been in the TOS since 2000 iirc.

Also AIM banned me :(
i really hate how AGS had you make Chris Quest at first because chris jones is too lazy to make his own chris quest so he is trying to trick and force someone else to make a chris quest by accident!
yikes, 300 ping
General Discussion / Re: Quake 3 Arena
Sat 21/01/2006 22:46:13
1.32 can join 1.30 servers so that's not a problem.
I don't know if the invite feature really "works" anymore. I tried inviting a friend and gmail said i'm abusing the system. wtf, and it was my first invite too. :S
General Discussion / Re: Music Software
Wed 18/01/2006 06:08:53
i'm a tracker, so I use Modplug Tracker's old version. Imagine it like you're placing WAV samples in a sequencer with different pitches and some effects, and you get the idea of what modules are.
General Discussion / Re: 1337!!
Wed 18/01/2006 06:04:21
0.119. I win.
then again, i haven't been here in years. It may be an error of date calculation (my reg date is unknown and no i haven't been on the ezboard)
Quote from: Mr. Hyde on Tue 17/01/2006 16:41:10
I think you can use most of them if you like, but you'll more than likely have to give credit of some kind.

wierd, considering it's not their artwork to begin with
General Discussion / Re: Quake 3 Arena
Tue 17/01/2006 06:48:36
maybe me if i bother installing my models
General Discussion / Re:psp trial
Mon 08/03/2004 23:35:17
You can always go for The GIMP

And for those non-M$'ers
Man, was it quite foggy today. As a car comes as I walk, I had to jump out of the way into the snow to save myself :O
Quote from: Punch on Sat 16/08/2003 13:00:47
Gargoyle's Quest was on the Gameboy, GQ2 was on NES and Demon's Crest
They aren't RPGs, they're "upgrade-yourself-as-you-go" platformers like Mega Man X. Why would an RPG last 6 hours anyway? :P

Nethack is the best RPG, 'nuff said.

General Discussion / Re:Your language.
Sun 10/08/2003 09:21:07
qa'tar ta'pok
General Discussion / Re:Hello
Wed 06/08/2003 20:24:29
Welcome to AGS!

I'm a nothing. Shake my claw.
Take anti-depressant prescription drugs.

Well, that's my cheapo way. Don't do drugs.
General Discussion / Re:Popups
Sun 27/07/2003 01:51:52
I had pr0n popups. Until this came along and tied my shoes.

Not only they were pr0n popups, but gargoyle pr0n popups! Spyware is obvious sign.
I am the ultimate Bucky O' Hare collector. I have all ships and action figures, VHS tapes, halloween costumes, comic books, even game cartridges.

Little did I realize my collection was complete in 1992.
General Discussion / qExpo 2003
Fri 11/07/2003 19:32:20
In case for those who are interested in the wonders of quake and it's ever-so-happy and proud mod community...

2D cam is a funky thing.
Cannon Fodder's pretty funky also.
My entire booth is funky. This is what I wasted my adventure-making opportunities on.
The thinking anims don't get imported or exported.  ::)

That's all I have to say.
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