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Messages - Scummbuddy

@Cassiebsg, I just tried the "Use a GUI as a Room-Darkening" technique. I was looking to use your method, but I found some issues with it, but it could work in a pinch on a small, easy screen.

First, I couldn't change the background color of the GUI to be "black" as AGS will use "(0 for transparent)". I did play with using just a dark gray color and changing the Transparency property to be 60 and that worked well enough.

But my background has some windows on it, and I wanted to let some "light shine through". So I instead changed from using a GUI background color, to a duplicated background image of my room, but with the window pane areas "cut out" (alpha) and the rest a 60% black covering. That looked like it would work out but then I hit another snag.  My room is a scrolling room and the GUI doesn't scroll along with the character walking. I then get a ghostly shadow of my window panes floating as I walk the character off from the starting view.

I'll probably just switch to an animated background and use SetBackgroundFrame... but then that will fail to darken any of my animated objects in the room. Hmm...
Besides dragging and dropping the existing button, there are the height and width properties to change along the right side. Change those properties to be the size of your new graphics.
Are you returning to the same dialog name of the same dialog we are looking at in your example? That may be recursive and it may not want to do that.

Also, you may want a "stop" instead of a return at the end of that example dialog text you have there.

Take a look at this new pass of the AGS tutorial dialog, here:

What's the video file extension/type? I'm even curious if it is something as simple as restarting your computer. It is odd that it had worked well enough before but not now.
Hey all. I've spent the last week updating and modifying the tutorial pages to include more images and match the tutorial steps with the updated editor and the updated Sierra-style template. I noticed the default background was recently updated along with icons and inventory item images. They're really nice but I had to make some extra steps to make the tutorial still fit. The only thing I wasn't able to make work was the "walk behind" tutorial as the new background didn't have any area to walk behind.
Well, there is this book: Rogue Leaders, but it was apparently "meh". I can't remember so much as to why it was "meh" but I'd look up some fan reviews first.
Boooo! Sierra suxors.  >:(

LucasArts is da best!  :=
Telltale did acquire the official replacement of Wallace, as you mentioned, they did not get the original. From what I read around the mixnmojo boards is apparently Pater is getting quite too old to continue the voice work. His replacement and him have been doing half-and-half work on the claymation movies, but I don't even know if Pater is still doing any of it.

By the way, I just watched the Wallace and Gromit in 'A Matter of Loaf and Death' last night.  Hysterical!
I believe they can check, for instance, flash movie files and see if they were done with the non-commercial student version and give you hell if you're a commercial company.
What is so pressing of the latest versions that you can not use an older version of AGS? I know several people that refuse to upgrade because of compatibility issues.
It looks like if you join with the site, you can download the file. Bottom-right corner of the videos page.
EPIC! I loved the cameos of people just enjoying the Mansion as all of this murdering is going on, such as me playing Space Quest when "Beverage" aka Nacho is getting smacked across the face.
I'm still lazy after the latest Mittens, if that counts.

Or maybe its that I'm stuck in Tales of Monkey Island, and also playing the Monkey Island Special Edition.

Busy, busy, busy.
General Discussion / Re: Playtesters
Sat 04/07/2009 18:55:17
[moved to general discussion forum]
Approximately within the month the Special Edition will be up for sale.
Terran is saying to change:



To those not at Mittens, you may find a "Mitteneer" in IRC over the next couple days as I leave a client window open for anyone walking by my computer.
I think it is only fair to let everyone know that the Pixel Blocks will be making their return.

There goes all of our free time.
Moving topic to General Discussion as it is not directly related to the AGS Editor.
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