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Topics - Sephiroth

Critics' Lounge / Background and palette
Thu 24/06/2010 01:00:27
Hi, I was off for a while and decided to come back and work more seriously on a project. So here is the first background I came up with:

I would love some help on colours, it is so greyish it almost look like a flashback scene... which is not what I want. I think the colors for the door and shutters are good but I couldnt find a matching color for the rest.

Any crit or help is welcome, thanks!

Critics' Lounge / Woman Sprites (updated)
Mon 27/04/2009 08:02:21

I've been trying to create some characters sprites, this is my first attempt and they should fit a 320x200 bg.
I could really use some help, they are simple enough for animations but maybe i should work a bit more on them before i go further, that's why i'm asking for your help once again, pls don't laught at my skills ;)

Some of them are nude fairies, click here, x3 if you are at least 18 years old, i warned you :p
Here are the others:

I'm not really satisfied with the face details, and of course arms are to be added for a normal pose. Any idea or comments welcome!
Critics' Lounge / Blueish pixels for c&c
Tue 21/04/2009 05:20:26
Hi everyone,

I would really appreciate some c&c on this "title screen", took me quite some time to achieve but it has no special purpose yet.
Could you please help me to improve it, any ideas and crits are welcome.

Also, would it look good if i made a game with this palette and res, i mean only 8/16 colors blueish gradient? Just a thought.

Normal size:


Hello AGS World,

I'm new to ags and would like to says thanks for this great game making software, instinctive ide, nice c++ like syntax allowing almost everything to be done (exept passing custom struct as an argument?).
I've spent a few days trying to get a ff like atb battle system up and now its almost all good.

What's implemented:

- 1vs1 fights (for now)
- Testing gui (basic stuff for display and actions)
- Keep track and display HP/MP/XP/LV etc
- Physical attacks (handling physical_def)
- Crit/Miss chance (using)
- Magic casting (Using a magics table)
- Looting  (Using a loots table)
- Level up (upgrading stats and full heal)

The code for this battle engine is not that complicated and i will gladly help anyone or give explainations, i will also give a link to the demo source code once i have all options implemented and a "user-friendly" clean code :p 

Right now i'd need some help for advanced stuff like xp progression, here is what i have running when the fight ends and xp is given:


Happy coding.

The link:
Use spacebar for actions/skip button and escape to cancel submenus.
Using spacebar on the closed door will start a random encounter. for demo only

First screenie :D
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