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Topics - space boy


- No modification of the shape of the outline, you can draw on it though
- No drawing outside the outline(you can draw within the 3 inner shapes though)
- No color limit

Submission phase ends on 12.09 at 20:00 GMT.

The winner will be determined by voting:
- which will start on 12.09 at 20:00 GMT and end on 14.09 at 20:00 GMT
- Only participants and the host are allowed to vote
- The hosts vote counts as two votes
- Participants are not allowed to vote for their own entries
- If a participant doesnt vote the host will vote on his/her behalf
Critics' Lounge / Iso space ship
Sat 26/04/2008 11:06:30
Your comments please.

Draw a creature that is part organic and part machine. Organic and machine parts must be visible.

24 colors + transparency
128x128 pixels

Submission phase ends on friday 5.10.07 at 8:00 PM GMT.

Winner will be determined by voting:
- Voting begins on friday 5.10.07 at 8:00 PM GMT and ends on saturday 6.10.07 at 8:00 PM GMT.
- Only participants are allowed to vote.
- Participants who withhold their vote give their voting right to the host who votes on their behalf.
- In case of a draw the host picks the winner out of the submissions with the most votes.
Evolution of Mankind

It's the year 100 000 AD. Humanity has colonized myriads of planets. Over thousands of years they have evolved and adapted to their new homeworlds. What do they look like now?

Draw an evolved human from the year 100 000 AD

24 colors + transparency
96 x 96 pixels

Competition ends on friday 7.9.07 at 00:00 GMT.

The winner will be determined by voting which will begin on friday 7.9.07 at 00:00 GMT and end on sunday 9.9.07 at 00:00 GMT.

Votes count as follows:
Host and participants - vote is worth 2 points
Non-participants - vote is worth 1 point

Have fun!
General Discussion / What is a game?
Sun 08/07/2007 17:49:02
My personal definition:

Game - an activity that is both fun and challenging.

Fun means that it makes me want to continue doing it.
Challenging means that it tests my skills or abilities.
No more attributes are required for the activity to be a game.
If you take away either of those attributes the activity stops being a game.


So, what do you call a game?
Do you think it's a good or bad idea and why do you think so? Please give examples of adventure games with good and bad combat mechanics.
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