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Topics - Mel_O_Die

so, all is in the title

i habitually declare variables in top of global script like:

int hour;
int hour=1;

but it's only works with code in the global script, i can't use them in rooms

so for each new variable i need in room (like, if the player have done a certain action, the "action" variable, will increase of one etc.)
i had to create it with the interaction editor/new action, select "variable is set to a certain value" and "edit variables" in the "change" button and finally create a new variable in that window

so if you see what i mean, it's a very complicated method to do that, is there any easiest way in ags to do that? (i made some searches in the forum and in the notice but i found nothing interresting)
like create it in script with a simple line?


I have made a gui with a label who displays the object/hotspot/character name when the mouse is over it, and that gui appears at the mouse coordinates

that works fine, but my problem is that the GUI position is exactly my mouse.x and mouse.y and when the mouse is at the bottom of the screen or at the right, some part of the text is out of screen.

how can i do to have the text not going off the screen?

the only solution i found is to make 2 Gui, one with label text aligned on left, and the other aligned on right and switch between them at certain mouse coordinates. but this isn't smooth and natural, there is a more easy way to do that?


(i hope you understand what i mean :d:d)

I've a little problem with my "time of play" counter, i have it on a gui to show how many time the player has spend on the game.

i have that code in my repeatedly execute allways part:

Code: ags


if ( timecount==0 ) {  // Once the timer has expired (one second)
  second++;                     // Increment seconds
  if ( second == 60 ) {      // Increment minutes and reset seconds if needed
    second = 0;
  if ( minute == 60 ) {      // Increment hours and reset minutes if needed
    minute = 0;
  timecount=GetGameSpeed();      // Restart the timer
counter.Text = String.Format("%02d:%02d:%02d", hour, minute, second);
counter2.Text = String.Format("%02d:%02d:%02d", hour, minute, second);

My problem is the following: when changing room, time bouncing up for approximatively 30 seconds (for an action who takes only a second or two)

do you have any idea to fix it?


I here again with a new little question :)

I can't found how to say it simply, but i will explain it as i can :d

I have a little icon in the corner of my game used to acess inventory window, the thing i want to do, is to make appear over it the item just picked up (at the moment of the player picks it) make it blink 3 times and desapears.

i've no idea how to do it

hope you understand what i mean :)


I want to play a little buzz when the mouse activates a GUI butto's mouseover mode

how can i do that?  ??? ???

Hi! I'm here with a new little question,

when a dialog starts and we have to choose something to say, there is a black rectangle at bottom of the screen with the possible options in it.

The thing i want to make is to customize this black shape with my own graphics

what should i do for it ?

making a gui ?
wich items does it contain to display the dialog options ?
how can i declare it and make it replace the rectangle ?

thanks :)
Hi! I made some research on this forum but i can't found anything about my little problem

i just want to skip the walking sequence on double click (or re-click) on the exit area and directly go to the next room

i have try with a "while" loop but it doesn't work

how can i made that easy?

thanks :)

I'm a big fan of the point n'click games from the 90's to nowadays. i've been planning to use my graphic abilities and my twisted mind to create a game for years. After a bad try in 2004 i'm restarting all now and will try my best to realize it

Emma Roïde, a little strange girl, is locked in her own bedroom without any reason. After she's got out, some particular events happens in her world. She will have to investigate about them by solving the clues that stop her anytime.

Detailled Features
- Realisation: Mel_o_Die (Kyt_n8 is my other nickname if you see it anywhere)
==>Design, Drawing, Animation, Programming, Setting up, Sounds (except music), Webmastering, Scenario etc.

- Used Engine: AGS (Adventure Game Studio)

(project in progress, the following informations will be modified)

- 50 Animated Backgrounds
- 10 Interactive Characters
- 4 Hours of game
- Voice talent recorded
- Unique true type font
- Sound FX

- Original Version in French, texts translation in English available
- Fully hand-drawed on computer, without any 3D
- High Resolution 640/480

(updated on 16 december 2006)

[■■■■■■■■■■] Graphics & Animations (redrawing the main character to a better way) (100%)
[■■■■■■■■■■] Scripting (details)Ã,  (100%)
[■■■■■■■■■■] Scenario & Puzzles (100%)
[■■■■■■■■■■] Music & SFX (10%)
[■■■■■■■■■■] English translation (100%)
available now on official website

Contact me for any bug repport, comment, suggestion, english translation errors etc. thanks!

(updated on 14 december)
Click to view in 640/480

Demo preview:
Ã,  Ã, 
First: Emma's Room, beginning of her adventure
Second: Rooge's Room, a friend of Emma

Ã,  Ã, 
A discussion with Rooge about a mysterious Soda

Old ones:
Ã,  Ã, Ã,  Ã, 
first: Residence outdoor
second & third:The Parc & The Fountain (animated water elements)

(X MAS VERSION! on 8 december 2006)

Offcial Game's Website, check it out!


Old News:[/u]
(14 december, 2006)

- Website updated
- Emma is on Myspace now!
- Demo will be available on december 16 (estimation date)

Hi! I'm just starting to use AGS (very cool program!) but i don't understand all :s

I'm actually testing program possibilities and i'm locked on many thing, but the one i wish to solve is the following:

What should i do exactly (how & where in the program or script) for having voice & text (display message when looking at a hotspot for example)

I've made some search on the manual, forum & google searchs but i found nothing working or explaining how that works...

i found that thread but it doesn't work cause i don't know where i have to put that:
Quote from: strazerOh, and you have to do
Ã,  Display("&1 Hurrah, I have a voice!");
for NARR1 of course, just like with DisplaySpeech.

Thanks for helping me :)
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