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Topics - AlbinoPanther

Well, I am a webmaster of and I managed to be 1 on 1 page for keywords like "docek 2009" "docek nove 2009" "docek nove godine" and for first 2 I even got sitelinks!

And that is where my lousy hosting came with 403 forbidden code for 3 days and google crawled my site and now you can't even find my index.html page on google! You can find other pages tough. But the index was my No1. I am angry and pleading for help.

Any good words would help, what will happend next?

Website is about New Year parties in Serbia and thouse keywords are the most used one in that period. My work depends on Google ranking (that brings people on my site and)

Will I be able to retrive my standings?

I am seriously thinking to sue my hosting because they claim that my index.html was somehow erased from the server ? Everything worked fine and in one moment it started to shows 403 code and I am 100% sure that I didn't done anything I didn't even log on to ftp in that period!

I putted a lot of work into this and now I am so sad

Thanks in advance
Critics' Lounge / Web design C&C :)
Mon 02/02/2009 00:05:55
Here is web site that I made for my father, he is a tour guide and among other destinations he is doing a rafting on reaver Tara.

Site is in Serbian :p

rafting and I have another one for c&c servis racunara

I just need a few tips to make it better, there are 2 pages index and gallery, for now.

Hello I am finishing my site for promoting forthcoming New Year's Eve celebration placed in Serbia. And now I need tip or two, any critic would be appreciate :)

Visit it at:
Critics' Lounge / web design help :)
Fri 04/01/2008 21:51:17
This is what I've done:
1. Drawed all graphics in Photo Shop
2. Saved it for web (PS automactly generated html code)
3. Ajusted it a bit in Dreamweaver
   - I centered all generated html cod with <div> tag
   - I putted new bg
   - Made buttons rollover effect
   - And finally started to put text in whole thing
     I made new layer and typed some randomly sentence just to test it.
     The problem is that this new layer (text in it) isn't centered along with
     generated html code (I can move it manualy and center it for my
     screen resolution but that don't solve my problem)

download my web site below, please.

And if you have any additional suggestions about design please feel free to say it.

Thanks :)
General Discussion / I need help :(
Sun 23/12/2007 02:31:26

This awful thing bothers me for awhile I tried everything and still it's there it keeps poping up every time I click ok. I tried spybot s&d ADaware ZA spywere and such.

In task manager when I click on go to process it takes me to CSRSS.exe I can't delete it even with unlocker tool/program.

I would appreciate any help
General Discussion / Little help, please
Wed 12/12/2007 18:48:18
What number shows how many unique visitors my web site has?



Well, some of you already had a chance to visit my ( our team's, I am a webmaster  :P ) web site in c&c thread. Now it's finally finished, and we already have some customers ( banner buyers ).
The main idea is to advertise New Year's Eve parties in serbian capital city of Belgrade.
So here it is:

I hope you like it, and find it useful :)

One question:
I know that this probably isn't a right place to ask this but, I like to catch two flies with one try (I changed this phrase a bit because I dislike killing  :-\).

How could I compress gif files, more than they are compressed in Photoshop? Our site isn't that big and it takes a little more time to load it than I would be satisffied with.


ps. I would like to give special thanks to InCreator and Evil for their unselfish help :) thanks guys

Here is my latest version of head Banner for my new web site. I am mainly unsatisfied with that text in top right corner. Any suggestions would be of great help.

Thanks in advance.

Critics' Lounge / C&C my web design...
Sun 02/12/2007 22:50:18
It's in some ancient language that even dinosaurs have forgotten! Ha :) I'm funny am I :P

Just give me some pointers so that I could improove my basic web design skills, please.


General Discussion / I won YAY ?!?
Tue 20/06/2006 22:50:16
This is stupid, I know that this already was a topic but I recive this kind of mails every week and they got so boring and LOL stupid



BATCH NO: 8735237-ANL/06
REF: 06/EXD646509/WN
YOUR REF NO:AD/GT888/59/06.NL.


We are
delighted to notify you of the result of the DAYZERS LOTERIJ , programs
held on 12th of June,2006 your email address was attached to one of the
ten winning ticket numbers (63426) - with game Number (35042). You have
therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of 500,000.00 euros(five
hundred thousand euros)


All participants were
selected through a computer ballot system from our sponsors databases,
including over 8,000 companies and 30,000 individual E-mail addresses
and names submitted by our agents drawn from Asia, Africa, Europe,
North And South America, Oceania and around the world. To file for your
urgent claim, please contact our affiliate agent.

TELEPHONE :0031-652-271-492.

It is part of our security protocol to avoid
double claiming and to minimize identification difficulties advise you
to keep this information confidential until your claim is processed
successfully and to avoid unwarranted abuse of this program by some
participants to please note that you will be required to pay for the
issuance of your winning certificate and all winnings must be claimed
not later than July 5,2006. After this date all unclaimed winnings will
be null and void.

NOTE: All winnings must be notarized to complete the
claim process; winners will be referred to the Foreign Transfer
Manager, to have their winnings notarized, all winners are to cover the
legal charges not DAYZERS LOTERIJ,
In Order to avoid unnecessary delays
and complications remember to quote your reference number and batch
numbers in all correspondence. Furthermore, should there be any change
of address do inform our agents as soon as possible.

once more and thank you for being part of our promotional program.

Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified.

Yours faithfully,
Award Centre Co-coordinator.

Do they think that there are people who will fall for that?

Can you post here your award winning mails I realy find them interesting to read, stupidity is greatÃ,  ;D
General Discussion / Where is Buloght ?
Thu 23/03/2006 19:22:16
Hey can anybody tell us where is Buloght ?

We were not here for two weeks and suddenly he vanished ?

Anybody knows where did he go and why is his account deleted ( now it's just guest Scourge )


Hey we are quiting this AGS thing.There are a lot of reasons for that real life etc.Ã,  :D

So this is our goodbye present to somebody who finds it usefull:

It's a character with full walkcycle one BG and inventory save load graphic.


If anybody make somethiong out of this please e-mail us at

Bye and be sure to vote for usÃ,  ;)

General Discussion / an wallpaper
Mon 06/02/2006 05:33:40
Hey we made a studio GHIBLI wallpaper ( anime cartoons makers: My neighbour Totoro, Spirited away .... )

So HERE it is if anybody is interestedÃ,  :D

If you think that it's empty we wanted it to be because we have quite a lot icons on desktop so this is perfect.

General Discussion / Story Gen
Sat 28/01/2006 01:55:26
Sorry if this was allready posted but This Story Gen is so cool just go HERE and continue the journey.

Click on archives and read it from the start first ( it' is short about 12 storys each with 25 frases ) IT IS SO LOL ;D

General Discussion / Blender 3D good tut?
Sat 21/01/2006 05:01:44
Hey guys we just downloaded Blender 3D and from the images that we saw on it's site it is very usable tool.So is there some Blender users who would and want to help us starting to using it?And can you give us somekind of tutorial for starters?
You can post your work here we would be very happy to see it.

Any kind of help is appreciated

Thanks :D

General Discussion / broken sword 2.5 intro
Thu 19/01/2006 06:47:51
here see it sand enjoy:
INTRO 42mb

they don't use AGS (they use their own engine) but the game will be like the original


new version:

he is suppose to be faty baldy anoying guy with skiny legs but kinda good person.

Please help paintovers are welcome but don't do something that we are not able to repeat (you know why) thanks :D

General Discussion / One short question?
Sat 17/12/2005 00:28:47
Where is this c.leksutin guyHe is a moderator and he was here last time in mart 2005
Is he still alive
Critics' Lounge / Alien character C&C, please
Thu 15/12/2005 05:28:34

Ã,  EDIT: 1

Ã,  EDIT: 2

We want him to be simple.But not too simple we need a few details?
And his arms are not quit right but how to improove them?
Every advice is helpfull :D

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