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Topics - rock_chick

What is a Photoshop Phursday?

Photoshopping isn't drawing a completely new image -- It's editing images to create a new image, such as editing one image or combining several images. The contest usually lasts for a fortnight. Also, you don't have to specifically use Photoshop -- Paint Shop Pro, MSPaint, or any other programs can be used. Please make sure your image doesn't exceed the width of the screen.

Many Hollywood actors do commercials for practically anything these days, even doing hilarious ones in places like Japan, hoping others outside wont see it, of course youtube has easily proved that wrong.

Anyway this time around do a picture of an ad including well a known actor or actress selling something crazy or something normal but in a crazy way.

Okay the theme is Vivid memory or memories, basically the restriction is the  memory or memories need to be real in the story.

I'm not doing trophies myself because my pixel making is crap but if somebody wants to that's fine. 12 days for writing, 2 for voting.

Okay the competition has started up again.
I was able to work it out much easier in 2.72 or whatever version I used to use but I'm looking for a way to set it so that after a certain things happens when doing the same action on a hotspot after the first to display a different message, not only for that action but it could be for any action, for example say the hotspot is a box, the player interacts at an unopened unopened envelope, and therefore the message says they've open it and the letter is now in their inventory, so afterwards I'd want a message saying something different if the player tries the same thing but also if they use another action for the same object, how would I be able to do that? My example may not be the best but I think it sums up what I'm talking about.
I was told there was now a new, stable(I think they meant stable anyway) of AGS that followed on from 3.0 but the download page still has 3.0 has the most recent one, so were they incorrect?
Now I have only seen this question asked a few times and for goodness sake I asked it twice but because it was within almost a year between both posts I had forgotten about the first one or more likely didn't think it was the same problem. I read the solutions suggested for the issue and they work but I have found an ideal way of solving this problem, now firstly would I be allowed to post this, being just a regular member and all and considering the other solutions came from more senior members? Secondly, if so, should I post it in the area the threads relating to it are or somewhere else, if the answer is the latter, where?
I never intended to use this graphic in a game nor show anyone just yet but I suppose that's what the critics lounge is all about. Let me first say I can not draw anything decent hardly at all, either on paper nor a computer. I managed to perhaps pulls this one off because I was using MS Paint to make it and I was able to mainly use the line tools and the shape tools to make it.

So first what do you think, considering I'm a real newbie at this? Even though it's kinda obvious, it's a small, portable tv.

If anyone has suggestions to improve it and I'm almost sure someone does, please let me know but don't merely use the image to demonstrate how it can look different because I also want to learn to make things better myself, by all means you can but either way I ask that you tell me what program you used to make the changes and go into brief detail of how you were able to accomplish the changes.
Is there any way to de-activate the use button for an inventory item or simply not allow them to use it. For example one of my inventory items is just meant to be looked at for reference as it contains information they'll need or might not need to use in the game but that's about it.
I decided to post this as a possible bug after starting this topic

The topic should read
-10 line(possible bug), could someone please change that for me?
One of my room scripts is showing this error and upon checking my code I don't understand what to do to fix it.

Code: ags
// room script file

function painting_Look()
    character[0].FaceLocation(0, 0);

function Notepad_Look()

function windows_Look()
  if (Game.DoOnceOnly("bedroom windows"))

function Notepad_PickUp()
if (Game.DoOnceOnly("take first page of notepad"))

function paper_Look()
if (Game.DoOnceOnly("player name"))
Once hotspots have been made how can you competely delete them, the colour areas for them especially?
I don't know if anyone is familiar with the site but it offers interactive, online games where you play and have choices to make and sometimes they work and sometimes they don't.
Anyway if you want to know more about what I'm talking about the website in question is
Anyway I'm looking for similar games and/or sites, does anybody know of any?
I can save my game alright but when I try to test it this error comes up and wont allow me to.
I don't understand what it's talking about when it says I've got more than one thing labelled as inventory.

I haven't done anything with the 4th room yet like add any hotspots.

Mostly I'm happy with it, however I realise the bed is in a weird position but with the free graphics I'm using it didn't include a version of it in a vertical position.

Also perhaps the carpet isn't working but otherwise I'm happy with it?
First of all no disrespect to this forum's area to post for game making positions, I've already posted there and didn't expect to find one anyway, it would be more a bonus and that goes for anywhere that I ask. What I would like to enquire about is about other places that have similar threads or where I could try to put a team together for my game(even if the team consisted of just 2 people). It's also about increasing my chancing of finding a designer. I am aware of ways to attract designers or make the position appealing to them but not many places to find them as such.
Many game making forums don't allow advertising(including this one and this is not spam as I haven't advertised anything in this post) and I don't want to break their rules or spam.
So does anyone know of any such forums where I could somehow promote or let people know about (insert what I'd be telling people about here, relevant to game makers anyway).
Also I'm looking for free and legal options for promotion of it in general and to appropriate audiences.
I want make a link so by clicking it people are sent straight to a new message for me but I think it's based on your member number and I can't find what mine is. Can anybody please help with this?
I started a new topic because my old title wasn't relevant to this.
I made some changes to my background after being told it looked too 2D in comparison to the objects within it. I added corners but I'm wondering what else I can do. I'm going to change the door a bit and the room isn't finished.
Lots of tutorials and such out there for it are made for the pre 2.7 version so aren't that helpful. I looked through the manual but just got very confused trying to find what I was looking for. Basically the script to run the command for what each button does when it's clicked. Tried a few things but errors came up so I'm a bit lost here.
This is the background for the Loungeroom in my game, it isn't finished but I dislike the colour of the carpet and want some opinions as to what one would be more suitable to the walls. I really want to keep the walls because I like them. Just try to ignore the watermark, it's a standard for when I post images of my game on forums.
Been away from the forum for a very long time but I'm back and trying to actually finish one game!

Anyway I think my really old monitor is like only 15 inches or something and when I try to run my game that's set for 320x240 res in full screen mode bits of it are chopped off and the only way I can see the whole thing properly is to  stretch my screen smaller. I'm using 800x600 res for my desktop and can't even try to get it to 640x anything. So is this basically only a problem with my monitor or an AGS thing? Is there anything I can besides getting a new monitor(and yeah I'm hoping to get a bigger one next year!) or changing the res to be higher because my background is drawn in 320x240? ???
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