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Topics - sonneveld


I think most people are keen on migrating to YouTrack another bug tracker? Especially since it seems the forum based bugtracker project hasn't been maintained in years. One step towards that would probably be to disable/remove the old forum based bug tracker.  I see this involving a few steps:

1) Make current forum bug tracker readonly with a link to YouTrack another bug tracker
2) Export tickets from forum bug tracker. Is there an export facility?
3) Import tickets into YouTrack another bug tracker.
4) Completely disable forum bug tracker.

If there isn't an export, does anyone mind if I do a bit of web scraping? I could add delays so it doesn't overwhelm the server.

Since most of it would be automated, it wouldn't be too much work to transfer over old closed tickets, does anyone care about that?  Otherwise I could just transfer over current open tickets.

Who can I hassle about this? :)



There's a PAX AU coming up at the end of the month in Melbourne.  Who's going to go and also want to have awkward conversations about adventure games?

Quick question, does anyone use the iOS port of the AGS engine for jail broken iOS devices or do are people only interested in it for publishing their own games on the App store? 

I only ask because running on jail broken devices doesn't exactly interest me and I'd rather refactor the iOS port to be a library that people that use to make their own publishable games. (much like VLC's VLCKit)  This would be a departure from the Android and PSP ports as they let you run any game but I think the Apple App Store restrictions limit our options here.

Engine Development / AGS script examples
Sat 22/08/2015 10:48:56

I'm not sure if this has come up before, but I'd like to start up a collection of AGS scripts that have appeared in games.  I would hopefully use them as test cases for the AGS compiler.

Has anyone done anything like this in the past?  Would other people be interested in it?  I suppose the scripts wouldn't make sense without the rest of the game resources though.


edit: hrm, maybe I should have posted this in the editor forum

What is it?  A port of AGS v3.2.1's engine to Mac OS X

What does it support?
- runs on latest mac os!
- ags v3.2 games
- graphics and sound
- mouse, keyboard input

What's missing?
- midi support
- backwards compatibility
- other stuff? (eg avi/flc playing)

Games tested against:
- Demo Quest
- Gemini Rue
- Eternally Us, ^_^
- Blackwell games
- Aeronuts
- Beacon
- Space quest 2
- Concurrence (seems to have weird issues with input)
- Prime Ministers Questions
- Unga needs Mumba
(any others to suggest?)

How to use?
See README for instructions.

Where to get?
github branch:

Hey guys,

I did a partial port of the AGS engine to the SDL library.  This enabled me to compile on the latest mac osx.  There's no sound, and obviously no plugins will work, but demo quest and gemini rue works (although slowly, probably because sdl has to convert 16bit to a 32bit surface? edit: fixed).  I only just got it working but I wanted to share some screenshots.

Cool hey?  I'll clean up the branch and commit to my repository tomorrow if anyone's interested.

Why sdl?  Allegro 4 seems to be a dead end and A5 doesn't support all the pixel drawing/palette manip stuff that the engine supports. Also it helped me figure out what parts of allegro were actually being used.  Finally, it might help if we own our own versions of the pixel drawing routines to ensure compatibility.  Later on we could write enough of an abstraction layer to port to other platforms.

The engine works by reading resources out of its own app bundle for now.

- Nick
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