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Topics - krum110487

Advanced Technical Forum / AGS translations
Fri 07/01/2011 06:07:40
Ok, I want to start off by saying, I don't want to rub anyone the wrong way!

I wanted to challenge myself with a task in something I have never done before, so I decided to make a program that can read the compiled .tra files.

I have it nearly fully functional (except non-alpha/Special characters).

I don't want to be disrespectful and release it without permission. I am creating this specifically for translation of games, because it would be nice to have a program that can be used without tracking down the owner and getting the source to the translation. (not sure if a program exists already)

I am not sure how you feel about this topic, and as I wont release it if you are totally against it. I think it would be a great tool for the community to easily translate games!

if you agree to allow me to distribute it, I plan on making a simple column based editor, which will use google translate + other methods to help the translator.

Thank you for your time!

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