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Topics - Blake00

Hey guys :)

I’m on the Hunt for big Civilization game series total conversion mods & scenarios with a particular focus on Civ2 & Civ3 (but am now expanding to Civ4, 5, 6 & spinoffs) relating to a whole bunch of my favourite fantasy & scifi movie/TV/gaming franchises (of course there's no bloody trace of any Sierra or Lucasarts P&C adventure game related Civ mods sadly). Been posting in a few different Civ forums and getting great feedback, plus whenever someone has told me about an awesome scenario that’s disappeared over the years I’ve managed to track it down and bring it back from the dead to CivFanatics/ModDB/InternetArchive hosting, so helping me has helped the community. Hell in some rare cases I’ve even filled a gap by making the scenario myself haha!

Anyway I figured it was finally time to hit some of the other communities out there for help too (since fans of Civ and these franchises are everywhere haha). Many have already been found so make sure you check my list in the link below BEFORE making suggestions to save yourself time & effort lol!

At this stage I'm looking for Civ scenarios relating to...

- Mars / Lunar Colonization
- Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (& other alien world colonization)
- Command & Conquer / Red Alert
- Dune / Arrakis
- Master of Magic
- Sid Meier's Colonization
- Master of Orion
- Heroes of Might & Magic
- Babylon 5
- Star Trek
- Star Wars
- Stargate
- Apocalypse (After WW3 / Fallout / Mad Max / Judge Dredd / Doom / Terminator / Zombies)
- Lord of the Rings
- Game of Thrones
- The Elder Scrolls
- Warcraft & Starcraft / Warhammer & W40k
- Final Fantasy
- Civilization Crossover Mods (Make a Civ game look like another Civ game)

If you're unable to help then that's fine, as maybe my list will still help you find something cool! :)

General Discussion / Star Trek Picard Series
Sat 01/02/2020 10:41:16
So what does everyone think now that the show has started?

My thoughts (SPOILER ALERT):
I loved the opening shot with the camera closing in on the Enterprise D (which had some interesting design modifications) and going through the window into to the room.. the kind of shot you always wanted to see as a kid watching TNG but knew they couldn't really do effectively (well not without spending some heavy money lol, which is kind of ironic considering the 60s failed trek pilot sort of has a camera through bridge window shot)..

I enjoyed the whole episode but I feel like I can't quite give judgement yet. I need to know more about what's going on and need to see how things pan out story wise.

Also the zero mention of Lal and Lore seems a bit strange in a world where the daystrom institute desperately wanted to replicate Data. I mean what happened to their parts after they were disassembled? B4 was in a drawer so where's the Lal and Lore drawers haha?

First thought was.. did the writers forget them?.. but that seems unlikely consider they brought Hugh back which means they clearly remember Descent 1 & 2 which Lore was in. The whole Daughter 2.0 storyline suggests the Lal episode is something they know too. Plus Frakes directed that one and he's involved in Picard.
Hi guys :)

I figured it was finally time to drop by and publicly announce my Quest for Glory IV 3D project. After years of tributing other peoples awesome QFG AGS fan games at Blake's Sanctum I decided to have a go at making my own QFG fan game.

QFG4 3D is a total conversion single player 19 map mod for the classic game Hexen with the ZDoom enhancement. The mod contains new levels, textures, decoration, weapons, monsters, NPCs, cutscenes, music & sounds taking players on an old-school linear 3D action adventure set in the world and story of the great classic Sierra game Quest for Glory IV - Shadows of Darkness.

Before anyone else says it I'd like to say that QFG4 doesn't need to be in 3D, nor is my project an attempt to convert every single part of the game to 3D (if you want to do everything in QFG4 then go play QFG4 haha). I created QFG4 3D just for fun and to see if I could actually do it lol. Plus it was rather fun to create new areas/views not seen in the original game (eg I show more of the town & give you 360 degree views of each original game location). So if others happen to enjoy this project too then that's a bonus, but if you're not a fan of retro gaming & graphics then this probably isn't going to be of much interest to you.

I used the old Hexen/Doom engine as I lack the graphic & programming talents to use a modern game engine, plus I wanted it to retain the look at feel of the era when QFG4 came out. However the ZDoom/GZDoom extension updates the old engine quite a bit to use true 3D, OpenGL effects & now in 2016 it even supports VR! So if you ever wanted to walk around Mordavia as if you were there then this is your chance (at least until someone else does a much better job haha).

Hope you guys enjoy this first demo below. Be warned that it will likely be a long time before there's another demo, I've spent nearly 2 years on this & another project and have sacrificed a lot. I'm burnt out & want to do other things, including getting back to PLAYING games instead of making them lol!

For more information, more screenshots, animations+descriptions of all weapons & monsters you'll face, and of course the download links for the demo and required files check out my QFG4 3D website here:
Blake's Sanctum – Quest for Glory 4 3D

If you just want to see it without all the hassle then here's a playthrough/walkthrough video series I made..

Part 1 - Character Selection, Dark One Cave, Swamp, South Western Forest & Rusalka Lake.

Part 2 - Rusalka Lake, North Western Forest, Borgov Castle Gate, Town Gate, Exploring Town, Burgomeister Office, General Store & Adventurers Guild.

Part 3 - Adventurers Guild, Thieves Guild, Monastery, Monastery Basement, Exploring Town, Dr Cranium's Lab & Hotel Mordavia.

Part 4 - Hotel Mordavia, Exploring Town at Night, Nikolai's House, Town Gate, Central Forest at Night & Graveyard Wraith Battle.

Part 5 - Graveyard Wraith Battle, South Eastern Forest, Eranas Peace & Storming Borgov Castle.
Hello Adventurers! It’s taken me a while to get around to doing this but today I’m releasing Version 1.1 of my QFG 4 ½ Walkthrough. I released version 1 at the end of 2010 and got a lot of helpful feedback over email and from the various forums. I certainly wasn't planning on taking a year and half to do implement the changes but it was hard to find the motivation to come back and replay the game multiple times as multiple characters, all for a second time haha! But now it is finally done.

As always if anyone has any new information or errors to report after playing the game please let me know. I promise further updates will happen much quicker if they are required!

You can download my map and updated walkthrough from my Quest For Glory 4 ½ Webpage . There are also some quick tour videos on the page that I made a year ago if there's anyone out there who's never seen the game. Much to my surprise they've been getting more hits than my other QFG videos which just shows there is still interest out there for this old crude buggy game. ;)

Version 1.1 Changes (thanks to lots of helpful feedback from fans!):
- 2 new compatibility suggestions to get the game working.
- Meeting a band of forest adventurers who can teach Magic Users the Leprechaun Gold spell.
- Using Leprechaun Gold on various NPCs.
- How to break in and steal from the Jones’s House.
- Many more fixes, changes and improvements to various quests.

Known Bugs & Issues:
- Random crashes when sleeping till day or night (not the smaller rests)
- Random crashes when looking at your stats (particularly at start of game)
- Always crashes when you try to play cards with the rednecks
- Rumoured corrupt savegame issue (I didn’t succumb to it through because I rotated between 4 savegames to be safe).
- The food on the tree at Erana's peace (after kicking out the hippies) doesn't seem to sustain you.
- Stealth & Run modes don’t seem to work
- Stamina & Mana potions don’t always work. Health potions can become everlasting.

Unsolved Mysteries In The Game:
- The true purpose of the Camouflage cape is unknown
- You cannot seem to do anything in the spores area, may just be authentic decoration this time
- You can visit and chat with the now alcoholic depressed Hermit at his cave and at the bar yet he appears to have no related items or quests.
- The ghost’s murderer is almost impossible for the Thief & Magic user to defeat in combat due to it being monumentally difficult to raise their health & stamina points. No alternative strategies have been found to beat him.
This may have already been posted here but if you haven't already you should check out this poll thread over at AGDI and vote on your top 3 most wanted remakes you'd like AGDI to do (IF they actually do another one).

Needless to say along with requesting a KFG4 remake to complete their series as a die hard QFG fan I couldn't resist voting for the two QFG options haha. Don't get me wrong I LOVE QFG 3 and 5 but I'm dam curious to see what AGDI could do with them.
Hey everyone! :)

I've been working on a Quest for Glory section on my website with information, pictures, videos, walkthroughs & maps (some made by me), and downloads for each of the games as I play through them.

I've also been working on a large QFG related fan games section devoted to all the successful and particularly the unsuccessful projects (AGS & MAD etc). I've noticed over the years as many of them have died and their websites have gone down resulting in all their great work disappearing never to be seen again by the fan community to inspire new projects. Despite the many closures I've been hunting down old previews, old site hostings before they moved, and even web-archive on the dead ones to find any pictures and information that I can save & create a tribute page to each fallen game.

Some of you may recognise me as I've already posted this in a couple of AGS/QFG fan community forums (AGDI, IA, QFMG) and got some extra names I didn't know about but you guys may know more. I also worked with the afore mentioned forums a few months back when I was constructing a detailed Quest for Glory 4.5 walkthrough, map & fan page which is now all finished! :)

This is my latest summary of the website list below.

(Note: Originally built in 2001 this website is still deliberately very late 90s early 2000s retro in design. So if you're not nostalgic for old retro websites with music, animating gifs & left click browsing then you probably won't like it)

QFG related game projects list (Updated 2/1/2017) :
- Hero-U (New series of games from QFG creators the Coles themselves)
- Quest for Glory IV 3D Project (my Hexen mod project)
- Quest for Glory 2 Remake
- Hero6
- Quest for Glory 4 1/2
- Quest for Infamy (New version of project)
- Mage's Initiation
- Heroine's Quest: The Herald Of Ragnarok (New version of project)
- Hero of Infamous Kingdoms
- Quest for Yrolg
- Betrayed Alliance
- Quest for Glory I Redux
- Quest for Glory ZZT
- Quest for 3D
- Quest for Glory I: Extended Edition
- Quest for Glory I 2.5D
- QFG6 Hero's Legend
- Grim Quest
- Heroism: The Art of De-Fence
- Quest for Infamy: So You Want to Be a Villain? (Old version of project)
- Heroine's Quest: The Legend of Fair Spring (Old version of project)
- Project Katrina
- Destiny The Lost Soul
- Hero of Odarin I: Nightfall (Previously Adventurer's Quest I: Flight of the Vampire)
- Struggle For Life & Honour
- Peril Quest
- Quest for Glory 3D (Previously Re-Quest For Glory)
- The Unknown Hero
- Glorious Quest
- Unknown QFG Project: By Dormant
- Legacy of Glory
- Unknown QFG Project: By Jimbeanus
- Conquests of a Hero (Also known as A Hero's Tale & Quest for Heroism)
- Quest for Orgy Series
- Luke 3D
- The Last Call of Avoozl
- Quest For Glory: A Hero's Death
- Project Midgard
- The Glory Project

For more details on these games you can now visit my finished Quest for Glory Page. If you have demos, videos, and pictures that I don't have for projects in my list please contact me. Also please let me know if there are there any other QFG related projects out there that I haven't listed here.
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