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Messages - Tijne

I preferred Calin's entree myself, I thought it was hilarious. :D
I was absolutely amazed at what he could do in such a sort time.
The F2 key exits the game, so you might have pressed that by accident. :)

Poor placement now that I think of it. D:
Huh, that's weird. ..  what error message did you get when the game crashed?
I'm glad people enjoyed this game. :D

Quote from: wonkyth on Mon 05/07/2010 13:50:33
some of the dialogue get's a little tedious the 20th time around, but that's just my failing.
Err.. It's probably too late to tell you now, but the "Esc" key skips the dialogue. ;)

Quote from: [ Arj0n ] on Wed 30/06/2010 08:55:25
Did I saw a cow walking on water?

It's the much talked about "Holy Cow"!

.. actually the water's not really that deep.. ;)

Link to Database

Download Link

DESCRIPTION: On a deep blue day, as the dawn began to approach, little Ruby awoke
to an empty house. There was no waft of tuna in the air to fill her
nose. There was no blair of music nor crackle of television, nor even a
hint of sizzling bacon to perk her ears. There was only silence, and a
stale smell of burned rubber. Something was wrong. She was alone.

Help this poor lost kitten traverse across great obstacles, battle against vicious creatures, and discover what happened to her owner.

This is a Platform/Arcade-game entry for the MAGS June 2010 competition.
I don't really need an extension...
My entry's been done for a few days, I'm just reluctant to release it early incase there's something I want to change/fix....


EDIT: Actually I may as well just post it now.

Link to Database

Download Link

DESCRIPTION: On a deep blue day, as the dawn began to approach, little Ruby awoke
to an empty house. There was no waft of tuna in the air to fill her
nose. There was no blair of music nor crackle of television, nor even a
hint of sizzling bacon to perk her ears. There was only silence, and a
stale smell of burned rubber. Something was wrong. She was alone.

Help this poor lost kitten traverse across great obstacles, battle against vicious creatures, and discover what happened to her owner.
I have an entry I'll be posting at the last possible second... about 20ish hours, I think? :D
I'd also like to know which second the "last possible second" is?  :D
I'm not a fan of 8hour games.  Yeah, they -could- work out..  But what 8 hours are we talking about?  I live in US, other people live in the Russia.  There's a huge time difference --   Would I be having hours between 10pm and 6am so they can work between 1pm and 9pm?  Or what?  This is my current trouble with the Hour games! X_X

24hrs gives everyone an equal chance to do it at their own leisure within a time period and makes them feel less stressed for time when their wife/kids/husband/friends/ex-roommate pops in and needs their help with something for an hour or two.   
There may be some people who take full advantage of the 24hrs, but I don't think it's a big deal or that common for a short time frame. ^_^
I'm not very certain about this;

Do you have the "Movement linked to Animation" box checked? ; If so, then your limiting factor could be the character's "Animation Speed".
Completed Game Announcements / Re: Cold Meat
Mon 05/10/2009 06:13:25
Quote from: CosmoQueen on Mon 05/10/2009 03:10:23
Umm I need a bit of help. Nothing happens when I click on items like the purse on the ground or the statue. Am I doing something wrong?

I believe you hold down the left click button and then chose "eyes" "mouth" or "hands" to interact with objects. ^_^

I have yet to finish this game though, so I may not be the best person to help. xD;
Quote from: Dualnames on Mon 28/09/2009 15:24:09
2)Partecipators are allowed to patch their games even while the voting but I should be informed via pm or here.
Woo!  My new absolute favourite rule. :D
Congratulations Helme! :D
Ex. Code:
Code: ags

bool DidAction = true;

function repeatedly_execute()
  if( !IsKeyPressed(eKeyLeftArrow) && !IsKeyPressed(eKeyRightArrow) && DidAction == false)
   DidAction = true;
 else { DidAction = false; }

Hope that helps! 
Yeah, I thought your painted backrounds were very well done. ^_^, 

I just couldn't help thinking that
There was a princessess still waiting her loved one to return home safetly.  Sure, he's taking better care of the ecosystem.. but at the expense of treating the one he loves, their familes, and the entire kingdom Dx.
.  It was still an awesome story though. ^_^

My comments on the games --  Read at your own peril.

--The Deed--
Best:  -- Story, Artwork, Atmosphere
Good: -- Puzzles,
Weakest Aspect -- Ending, Standard GUI Interface*, Lack of Animations
Other than the depressing Endings.. (both of them Dx), the GUI was the only thing I actually -disliked- about this game.  If you had a custom GUI, you would have secured my vote. xD  The game also lacked animations in comparison to the other two, though it's not really a big deal since it's a MAGs game and you had the best Artwork.^^;
When first playing through, I thought, "Why is there this huge empty space in the middle of the area that does nothing?", but that was excused later. :x  All the puzzles were solvable and logical (Booyah, I got it without any help! :D), the Atmosphere was -very- nicely put together via the artwork music and writing.--  speaking of which, all three of them were done very well.  Nicely done Crimson. :D   Oh;  No bugs found and the game was in the bounds of the rules, so again, Nicely done! 

--The North Crown--
Absolutely Bestest Best:  -- Writing.  You rock at this.
Good: -- Story, Atmosphere, Artwork
Weakest Aspect -- Lack of Music*, Making Sense? Heh..
There was no music/sound effects?  Or did I just not get that in the download? @_@  Made me very sad as Music is very important to me to set up the atmosphere.  However, you did Very well with including the Atmosphere in both the writing and backgrounds.  If you had any hint of music, I would have said you had the best atmosphere out of all the other games since the quality of the other two were high.  Oh well ;_;.  Other than a little few bugs, the game played out well.  Or so I think.  I'm still a little completely lost in what happened.  A few parts of the story are still blurry/unclear to me.  On the up side, you have ABSOLUTELY FANTASIC writing.  And you were obviously within the rules. :D

--Minor Minion--
Best:  -- Puzzles, Humour
Good: -- Story
Weakest Aspect -- Artwork, Writting/Grammar*, Ending,
  Aside from the fact that it was made in German, there were a few, what I felt was inappropriate or misleading responses when combining / using items or trying to use/look at certain things during certain parts of the game.  That may be due to translation problems though so I excus'd those. ^^;.  Other than that, the Ending was kind of sudden and didn't feel very satisfactory, to -me- at least.  Though it did make me laugh a little. ^^;   The Artwork didn't seem as good as what Cold Mead had, but that could just be me. @_@

I wasn't sure whether the game was trying to have a comical or 'dangerous' atmospheric mood half the time, between the music, writing, and artwork.. so it gave off a kind of confused feeling overall, though individually worked well :).  There were also a few small bugs, bugs similar to the ones found in Cold Mead which made me a little sad that those same bugs existed. @_@;
On the other side, the game -really- shines in its puzzles.  Very, very creative yet logical, though sometimes difficult, ;).  The finely salted humor was also a nice break from the other two more serious-ish games. :D  It was more ''fun'' playing this game than any of the others!

Who to vote for?  I'm not really sure.  All of the games were excellent. @_@;... I think I'm going to go with
The Deed, as the story and atmosphere appeal to me more than the other two.  ... ^_^ ... though I wish I could have found a happy ending. :p  Ditching a loving princesses and the right to rule a kingdom to become a secluded farmer surrounded by magical red flowers that have very cruel magical thorns...or... desecrating the magical holy-like land the flower grew on0 just to give one of the flowers away a 'wedding present'..... .... ...yeah both are sad. ;_;
Hints & Tips / Re: Ardent Fever
Fri 25/09/2009 17:42:01
Oh yes.  There was a slaughter in the game's plot; and there's an army of little bugs like mentioned....
So long as you don't post who you're voting for, and list a (more or less equal number of) things good/bad about each game, I believe things should be okay.. 
...And since Crimson is a participant, we know he's slightly biased. ;)

...Though I could just feel this way because I agree completely with Crimson's assessment of my entry's general flaws..... and want to create my own list of comments later today.. xD
No worries, I'm fairly new at this as well! @_@;

And I believe that your game is excellent, as is everyone else's. ;_;
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