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Messages - Kaio

Okay, thank you for your help, Khris! I thought I'd have to do it this way, but simply hoped for a more elegant alternative (laugh)

Hey, thanks!

I want the keyboard GUI to pop up whenever the player has to type in something (e.g. a text box on another GUI, Save/Load etc.). Right now, I don't know how to perform a keyboard button press when clicking on a GUI button. I haven't found a way to do that...
Hi guys!

I have a quick question and hope someone here can help me out. I'm trying to code a keyboard GUI for my game. The main platform should be Android, which is why I want to include the keyboard as a GUI.
Now, there's a function called ProcessClick. Is there something similar for the buttons of the keyboard? If the player clicks on the letter Q on my GUI, the game should emulate the button press on the keyboard.

Any suggestions?

Thank you very much
The second version is much better. I think the problem with the first was that the arms seemed like they were in front of her (which might be the case), but because of the shading the position of the arms makes more sense. Like I hope this post does, too.
I also have this problem: I get better with every background I do, so I can't really create a consistent game :D. I always have to go back to the older bg's and overhaul them. And then, I got better again and must overhaul the newer ones, too. It's a never-ending circle of redoing, so the game never gets done. :D
Evil cat is evil.  :)

(It's on purpose, btw)
Thanks, Andail, for the more detailed feedback! :)

I also got feedback from other places and they also complain about the anatomy. Apparently, the shoulders are to broad and the right arm (from the viewers point of view) is to short (what you said, too).

So there really must be something wrong with the picture.

Anyway, thanks again. I don't know if it would make sense to fix the picture, because it would probably end up in a total redraw. Then, there might be new flaws.
I think the smartest thing to do would be leaving this picture as it is, and seeing it as a reminder, that I have to get more busy with serious anatomy tutorials in the near future ;).

 :o Really?
Well, the body is supposed to look not very human, in some way, but twisted and sick. I didn't intend to draw a perfect "sixpack", because I did that often enough. It's more supposed to be an evil caricature of the human body. I should have made this clear in the opening post, I think.
The only thing that I wanted to look somehow realistic (in terms of human anatomy) is the arms.
So, under these circumstances, would you be "willing to discuss other aspects of this piece"? ;)


Hi guys,
I didn't post a lot here in the past weeks. One reason was, that people kept saying: "Looks nice, but try not to stick to the reference too much!" and "Just paining the reference isn't art!".
So I took my time and tried myself on some paintings without any references. I'd be happy about any kind of feedback!

Here's my current piece "The Dark King":

The contrast is low by purpose to create a certain look, it's nothing wrong with my screen ;).

The proportions might be a bit off, but that happens when you work with nothing but your imagination, I guess.

Critics' Lounge / Re: Beach background
Sat 31/07/2010 20:48:28
It looks awesome! But I agree about adding more contrast to the sand. Other than that, it's great :).
Quote from: Kaio on Wed 07/07/2010 08:56:17
The overall perspective should be right, though, because I had a good reference pic. :)

Hey guys, I'm quoting myself here.

Of course I know that painting with reference and not free doesn't require that much artistic skill. But this wasn't meant to be "artistic", I just wanted to capture the look and feel of the character.

See, every great artist did start with painting strictly after reference. Still lives, portraits, whatever.
When someone can't even get something right WITH reference, how the hell should he or she do without?

And this is me trying to get some practice, not being Picasso. ;)

Anyway, my own fault not making it clear in the OP, that I used reference.

:D Thanks.

Now that you mention it - I see what you mean. I need to paint over the spot, I hope it will solve the issue.
The overall perspective should be right, though, because I had a good reference pic. :)

I just finished (?) a portrait and try to get as many opinions about it as I can get:

It's Clint Eastwood, starring in "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"

I did this in Photoshop, using my Wacom Bamboo Tablet. It took about 3 hours...

What do you think? :)

I like the perspective...looks kinda like a wierd dream I had a few days ago.....
Anywho, if I was you, I'd try to "clean" things up a little. Let me show you what I mean:

Sorry 'bout the bad paint-over, I'm kinda in a rush. Just try to get rid of the "white" spots that are in your background an smooth it out. Look at the bar, where the telefone stands. And the door.
If it looks to blurry, add some outlines, maybe, or some contrast.

I hope this helps. Keep it up. ;)

:D I tried this once, too.
Turned out to be the same problem: my greenscreen was shit. Maybe because I didn't have one in the first place and just used my wall...
Anywho, I gave up on it after the 1st animation, because it was as much work as doing it from scratch. Other work, yes, but it took as long as my old approach.
You, on the other hand, did a very nice job on this :).
Yeah, shame on me. Never promise what you can't keep :(.
Thanks^^ I'm glad you like it.
I'll participate, too! Just need some more time, but I'll make it till deadline. :)
I was not familiar with the fact that there ARE indeed some people, who don't know the mighty Dr. Cox. It's a sad world.  :'(
Ahhh! I had to rush this, because I didn't want to miss the deadline. Aaaanyway, newbies, I made my all-time role model:

I hope some of you will recognize him.
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