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Messages - Knoodn

I had issues when adding my game to the game page.
Now it exists three times.
Could you please delete the two incorrect ones:

This happend when first tried to add the game and I just got a black screen. I then I reloaded the page.
Then it happened again.

Thank you.
The game has been released and can be found here:

RETRO -angle-

A 2D Graphic Adventure


The Barbarian accepts an urgent quest to battle an approaching menace.
The Robot takes a critical path to investigate a threatening phenomenon.

Two worlds collide.


  • Two playable characters
  • Multiple multiple endings
  • Pointing and clicking the old-school way (with verbs and inventory)
  • Retro style graphics and audio
  • Some fun


          The BARBARIAN and the ROBOT.

Receive the King's orders.

Process instructions from the Supercomputer.


Story, writing, art .......... Tino Bensing
Writing, consulting ....... Morgan Willcock
Music ................................. Florian Stracker

AGS Database Entry

(c) MMXXV RETRO -angle-

Quick News:

I'm still putting the finishing touches on the game and if nothing serious comes up, I'll release it tomorrow, Sunday the 2nd of March.
Keep your eyes peeled!


Story ................ 100%
Puzzles ............ 100%
Writing ............. 100%
Scripting .......... 99,99%
Graphics .......... 100%
Music ................ 100%
Voice Acting ... 100%
Hooray, it's done!

All the voice files have been edited and added to the game.

I'm starting a final test round - if you're interested, please drop me a message.
If there are no serious bugs, nothing stands in the way of a release in the next few weeks.


Story ................ 100%
Puzzles ............ 100%
Writing ............. 100%
Scripting .......... 99,9%
Graphics .......... 99,8%
Music ................ 100%
Voice Acting ... 100%
Late 2024 update:

Unfortunately, I was unable to meet my target release date at the end of 2024.

But ... now all speaking roles are cast and about 80% of all lines have already been added to the game.

I think there will be a final round of testing by the mid/end of January.
If anyone is interested, please feel free to PM me.

All in all, I'm aiming for a February 2025 release.

That said, I wish everyone a good start to the new year.


Story ................ 100%
Puzzles ............ 100%
Writing ............ 100%
Scripting .......... 99,8%
Graphics .......... 99,7%
Music ................ 100%
Voice Acting ... 80%
Quick Update:

Maybe a little plotiure here and there, but the game is finished. Hooray!
At the moment I am working on additional things like the manual etc.

As the game is to be released with voice over, I am still looking for talented actors.
If you are intereseted please have a look at the Help Wanted Post.
A 2D graphic adventure about the Barbarian and the Robot in retro pixel graphics.
AGS Game in Production Thread

I am looking for voice actors for various characters.
An English pronunciation is preferred - good recording quality is a must.

BARBARIAN - main character - male - 480 lines:
  He is a brave guy, always ready to act immediately.
  He always insists on doing everything the barbarian way first. However, this often doesn't help and that's fine for him.
  He is easily impressed by the things around him.
  No stupid, simple-minded or harsh acting. Not to deep voice.
  Age about 25-35 years.

ROBOT - main character - male - 696 lines:
  He performs the tasks assigned to him reliably.
  He is convinced of the science. Nature is not his favourite thing, but he is not afraid of it.
  He pronounces all words correctly. So not "can't" but "cannot", not "don't" but "do not", and not "I'm" but "I am" and so on.

  Not to technical sounding.

I don't want to reveal the other characters, so here are just the descriptions:

Female character 1 - 50 lines:
  A friendly manner but nevertheless strict.
  Soft and intense voice. Age about 35-50 years.

Female character 2 - 174 lines:
  She is chaos, she is fun – and she is mischievous.
  She likes all beings.
  A friendly, but a little crazy voice. Age about 25-40 years.

Male character 1 - 107 lines:
  A conscientious character with a penchant for games.

Male character 2 - 44 lines
  An older authority. Age about 40-60 years.
  A wise way of acting.

Please PM me if you are interested.

Hello out there,

The next milestone has been reached. The game as such is finished.
Both the Barbarian and the Robot can make their way through their world.

What it needs now is a proper test phase.
I'm looking for a handful of testers - if you're interested, just send me a PM.

The statistics now look as follows:


Story ............ 100%
Puzzles ........ 100%
Writing ......... 100%
Scripting ...... 99%
Graphics ....... 99%
Music ............. 100%
Greetings adventurers,

here is a short update.

So far all the puzzles have been worked in and the graphics are almost finished.
A few pieces of music are still missing and a few dialogues are also still being reworked – but everything is progressing very well.


Story ............ 100%
Puzzles ........ 100%
Writing ......... 92%
Scripting ...... 94%
Graphics ....... 96%
Music ............. 76%
Thank you all for your kind comments.

@bicilotti - Well spotted. Some good old C64 games are a major inspiration for me.

@The Last To Know - Thanks, and you're absolutely right, Zak repixeled has had a significant impact on this game.

@heltenjon - I really appreciated your offer of help back then, and I hope you are back in good health again.
As soon as the project is ready for testing, I'd love to hear from you if you're interested.
And yes, Morgan is doing a great job and I'm very happy he's helping me.

@Rik_Vargard - Thank you.
The new upcoming game by
RETRO -angle-

A 2D Graphic Adventure


The Barbarian accepts an urgent quest to battle an approaching menace.
The Robot takes a critical path to investigate a threatening phenomenon.

Two worlds collide.


  • Two playable characters
  • Multiple multiple endings
  • Pointing and clicking the old-school way (with verbs and inventory)
  • Retro style graphics and audio
  • Some fun


          The BARBARIAN and the ROBOT.

Receive the King's orders.

Process instructions from the Supercomputer.


Story, writing, art .......... Tino Bensing
Writing, consulting ....... Morgan Willcock
Music ................................. Florian Stracker


Story ................ 100%
Puzzles ............ 100%
Writing ............. 100%
Scripting .......... 99,99%
Graphics .......... 100%
Music ................ 100%
Voice Acting ... 100%

Planned release: mid 2024 - early 2025
Thank you very much for this. Now I can finally enjoy playing the demo.
Is there a chance for a STEAM free version? I would really like to play the demo.
That sounds great, thanks. I will test it when the next build comes out.
A 2D graphic adventure about the Barbarian and the Robot in retro pixel graphics.

It's a short to medium length game and it's already 66% complete - still missing 2 sections.
The plan is that it will be finished this year.

Positions Available:
I am looking for someone with good English skills to help me with my writing.
In particular to give more depth to the characters, to make the dialogues more fun and to revise descriptions.
The game is more of a comedy style and the writing should not be too wordy.

Also, I'm a bit stuck in the design right now and can just use some new input for the remaining part of the game with the rest of the puzzles.

The game will be free and the job is an unpaid one - but it will be fun for sure.
If you are interested you can contact me via PM.
Quote from: morganw on Thu 02/02/2023 11:24:13
Quote from: Knoodn on Thu 02/02/2023 00:10:50When I have revised a series of sprites (without a linked source file) and use the option "Replace sprite from file..." for each sprite, I have to scroll through the files list again and again to open the same file.
I'm not quite sure that I follow this part. When you have revised a series of sprites doesn't that mean you have made changes to a series of files. Why would re-using the same file be useful in this context? Do you mean that you just want the selection to default to the previously used source directory?
I probably expressed myself in a misleading way. The term "tiled" was misunderstood by me.
What I mean is one graphic file with several frames of an animation. I want to replace the already existing sprites in AGS with the frames from this file. Since the project was started with an earlier version of AGS, there is not a source file for all sprites. So I use "Replace sprite from file..." and open the specific file with the several animation frames.
What I don't mean is an extra file for every sprite.
Thanks for the clarification.

Yes, what I want is to replace an already imported sprite by opening the "import sprite" window which shows me the file the last sprite was imported from. I dont't use the tiling.

When I have revised a series of sprites (without a linked source file) and use the option "Replace sprite from file..." for each sprite, I have to scroll through the files list again and again to open the same file.
But I'm fine with that if the option was removed for a good reason.

QuoteJust to check though, are you looking to set the same single source file for multiple sprites?
But that would also be interesting. Is it possible?
Hey Dave and Team Disaster.

It is good to see that the Captain is back!
Everything sounds and looks very promising. I am really looking forward to it.

Keep up the good work.
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