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Messages - KristjanMan

It's more like super-duper mega incredible I mean... :o :o :o :o

How long did it take to do this?
Here is my entry:

P.S If you didn't know it's Sid from Ice Age and Ice Age II
Today our whole school (thats about 1000) went to the cinema to watch a movie about our school. The film was created because our school is turning 125 years old this week. Our school was the first building that was built to be a school in Tallinn (capital of Estonia). It has quite intresting history, but I'm too lazy to write.
Watch the sky!

The angry jello people are coming!
That second parkour pose seems weird...but then again most pictures of David Belle seem weird so if it's not a photo trace the pose needs some work. Usualy when you use parkour jumping tehnicues (spelling?) hands go straight foward and legs are almost together.
wow 2 3rd places in a row  ;D ;D ;D :)
Critics' Lounge / Re: Outlaw sprite for C&C
Thu 14/09/2006 13:56:38
*WARNING*Noob comment*WARNING*

I think the face and the hat is too blurred.
About the torso I think it shold be like grren/yellow/brown/orange mixture.
before this gets locked
first line: Dumbledore is really dead. He is not in hiding and is not coming back. (Thats not a theroy JK sayd that)
Here's my edit:
I made the sky a little more orange/yellow and made the whole setting bit darker and made the lighthouses light a little yellower.

I call my entry: The green cell with green glowing things.

image is 401x240
I bring you the... Shield of History:

As the shield tells the story a nation was burned out from their home and they set sail for another land. After some days they found a beatiful place to live. For years they lived there and consturcted a mighty stone tower. From the tower they saw the same tribe who once destroyd their home. A war started.The barbarians lost and thei leader was killed and the nation had it's revenge.
I must say these throphies deserve a throphy.
Some things I noticed: shouldn't the flower thingy with leaves on it be green or something and (might just be me but) the kings ear is too big. Other than that this is  :o
Be afraid....
The Chalice of....
the DEAD is here:
Today I realised that I like cheese.
Thanks works now! Now I can say something about the game too. I think that the graphics are good but not great, but the lighteffects IMO are very very good. The movement is kinda hard (for me atleast) but everything else is good. Now i wonder how much will it cost when it comes out...
Yes I have few games that need DirectX9.0c and they run without problems.
I downloaded it from gamershell installed it tryed to run it and it says that "This application has failed to start because d3dx9_29.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem". So i tryed to re-install it (twice) but it still gives me the same error. Any suggestions what should I do?

6 colors I think

P.S he's a hero ;)
Before i write anything else: I used to use firefox so I know how it's like.

The new IE 7 (witch is still in beta) is pretty much the same as firofox.
It uses tabs and it has built in pop-up blocker.

So my point is that IE has moved one step foward and isin't so crap anymore.

Sorry for off-topic!
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