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Messages - Djokitzaaaaa

Quote from: triton9000 on Wed 12/04/2006 09:25:05
Hi all! I'm new to the forums, just wanted to offer some of my knowledge to work in a new AGS game, most likely on the amateur level. I'm very motivated to work in a game, and I think I have a good knowledge of many genres (I mostly play abandonware though).

Just in case it matters, I'm from Argentina but living in Belgium (Its the same to speak/write English or Spanish to me, and I'm doing quite good with Dutch)

I work/ed with (never for games, thats why i want to get started):

Graphics: 3d Studio max, Poser, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, DAZ Bryce, Swishmax, Dreamweaver

Sound (I'm a Technician in Musical Production): Protools, Cubase, Sonar, Reason, Ableton Live, Sound Forge, Acid Loop etc...

AGS: I know all the basics, and I've read all the manual, but haven't found any ideas or motivation to start alone. Im not afraid of having to learn scripting either (I'm completely self taught in everything I put above)

Text: I do read A LOT all the time, so I think I could tell a weak story from a solid one, or be able to do basic improvements to dialogues (no experience, but would be very interesting to try)

Maybe this short clip I made will show how I use many of the programs stated above (it was made in less than two weeks a couple of years ago)

Thanks a lot for reading, any proposals/ideas/offers etc... just send me a PM!



yo yo!!! can you do town bkgnd,forest and sewrs bkgnd???
please,if you can...send me your works!!
Quote from: Y-Cat on Wed 28/06/2006 18:35:06
:I'm looking and available to collaborate with others on story/dialogue/plot for a AGS game.Ã,  I write in my free time constantly, and plan to turn it into a profession in the future, possibly game design.Ã,  Right now, I'd love to put my efforts towards a project with others.Ã, 

While I am very versatile with my work, I have to say that I am very good with humor, whether it is light hearted or crude, along with fantasy settings and stories.

If you'd like to get in contact with me, drop me a line on AIM(prefably) or YIM, or e-mail me at eckostyleATgmailDOTcom.

well,HERE I AM :)
send me some of your plots/scenarios...and i just might make something out of them :)
urgently needed help!wanted (live and kicking): graphic artist for adventure game!
needed city backgrounds(dark alley,park,town square,few indoors,police station),forest background,sewers bgnd...and sprites of main character (PI),couple of NPCs...

thanx for replying (if any)
AGS Games in Production / New RON game...
Fri 07/07/2006 17:50:00
i have just start a work on new RON game...(no name for now)..
the story says this:
in Reality comes an policeman from scotland,in pursuit of a long time ago escaped convict..only thing he has is an old photo sealed on convict's ID...investigating around it's becomes clear that convict is beloved mayor of RON-Michael Gower!!!
this story is modificated from 'ron forums-games and plots' idea..
when i finish he game,you will be noticed :)
by the way-a scotish policeman is NEW character in RON..hope he will stay there :)
and that explained everything!
thanx man!
next time i wouldn't screwup things :)
peace out
of course i like it!
just go ahead and do it
there's a problem in config file :)
if you want to config the game differently,you MUST rename it into 'RoN-DayOfComet'
it was working title for my game and i screw something up when i finish it :)
So,here i am again!
Just finished new chapter of Dodger Mulcox adventures in Reality-on-the-Norm..
This time story is this:
It's been a few days since strange disease rules RoN...many people get sick ...and many people dies after 3 days of illness...Dodger have to find the cure,because his friend Davy is infected...
Mistery and intrigue...connected with  cooperation of Dr.DeeVeEs and Mr.Namyah (highschool coach)

Quote from: SergioCornaga on Sun 14/08/2005 06:46:14
It's almost impossible to get! I tried four times then gave up. Get a new host- you've "exceeded your monthly bandwith" so the files not there anymore.
download it from mirror site...
and enjoy
Anyone finish the game???
guys,are you playing it?
So,this is second of 'Dodger's series' in production.
And this time story goes something like this:
There's a numerous information from RoN hospital about new,uncureable disease.It is described as 'number of cancerous growth protruding from the skin'.Dodger's friend Davy is infected for three days,and if Dodger doesn't find a kind of cure-Davy will die.

On work for this game i have help from Sektor 13 (upgraded graphics) and deviantartistÃ,  Tomi (

So far,the progres is this:

Story -100%

i'll post sequel to this topic when some more job is done!
Hints & Tips / Re: Belusebius
Fri 05/08/2005 11:31:50
in THIS version,you have no need to open delivery door...i mean the first door from coffehouse...
screwdriver is used on Brown's back of town square

try that way :)
Hints & Tips / Re: Belusebius
Wed 03/08/2005 13:52:50
Quote from: Djokitzaaaaa on Sat 30/07/2005 19:01:41
and that means -no giving a cigarettes to sherrif.
those actions were there just to explain a story of a game.

I finally fix the bugs! download fixed version and enjoy complete game (with some more locations)
download NOW!!
Quote from: Dark Comet on Fri 29/07/2005 21:55:08
Just playing it now. Not too bad. I like the story. The graphics, while not bad themselves, don't have any order to them. For example, the door to the back alley in Scid's doesn't lead into the Cloudy Days building.

A little more tweaking, though, and this could be a very good game. RON could certainly use a few new ones.
Hey!It's me again!
I just fix all the problems with game...bugs etc...
and now all the backgrounds are RON order :)
download it here:
(if server reports SITE FROZEN,try again after augustÃ,  4.)
and the mirror is:

Let's get ready to rumbbleeeeee!!!

i am djokitzaaaaa....from serbia....and i am teen :)....born in 1974
i am lookin' for somebody with good drawing skills help me in creating adventure game
my very first game could be seen HERE- belusebius arrival.

c'mon artists-calll meeee
Hints & Tips / Re: Belusebius
Sat 30/07/2005 19:01:41
and that means -no giving a cigarettes to sherrif.
those actions were there just to explain a story of a game.
Sat 30/07/2005 18:58:48
thanx to jenny for finding a major bug (but this bug will not stop you for finishing the game)!!!

the first door after coffehouse CANNOT be opened (the screwdriver was ment to be used for that,but bug pops out and screw all)

but it's not essentialy for succesfull end of game.
Hints & Tips / Re: Belusebius
Sat 30/07/2005 14:25:22
and by the way...i did not have any intenton to offend you,or anybodu else
so..i am very very very sorry about it  :-[
Hints & Tips / Re: Belusebius
Sat 30/07/2005 14:11:33
Quote from: jane on Sat 30/07/2005 12:57:11
Thanks for the advice...............I'm not actually a novice at playing these games and I do realise that I have to do more than talk to person in a game! I thought the point of hints and tips was to get some real help to progress with the games?????

As for not having any bugs...............why does the zombie disappear but I still keep getting a note coming up that the zombie will eat me----------where is he and how can I throw the meat at him if he's not there????

Also when I try to get pass the sherrif it jumps me back to the zombie scene I had to do it several times before it would work.

I also can't get the screwdriver to work on any door :-\

when you throw meat to zombie,he should stop...then you can pass him... and are the first to report this bug..i'll fix it up!
but,try giving a cigarettes to sherrif and then pass him

screwdriver is operational on door after 'dave's coffehouse'
it's the only way to enter that room (restourant)

send me a privat message if you still have troubles
Hints & Tips / Re: Belusebius
Fri 29/07/2005 21:31:32
there is no bug in the game!
the key disappears coz it was used  on the door with a wolfman behind (that's the room where you find the meat)

talkin' to persons is only FIRST half of task for any of NPCs
second half is giving the right item ti NPC..
for example:
sherrif needs cigarretes...luigi needs rope...mortician doesn't need anything :)
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