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Messages - marlamoe

Hints & Tips / Re: earl mansin
Tue 03/07/2007 20:05:25
Thought I had, but guess not.  Thank you, got it now. ;D

Quote from: on Tue 03/07/2007 20:03:28
Quote from: marlamoe on Tue 03/07/2007 20:01:57
I have tried the scissors on the sheets about a hundred times now.  It won't work.  Am I missing something or found a bug and need to start over

Did you go back and get more sheets?
Hints & Tips / Re: earl mansin
Tue 03/07/2007 20:01:57
I have tried the scissors on the sheets about a hundred times now.  It won't work.  Am I missing something or found a bug and need to start over
I really enjoyed this game.  The graphics were fantastic, unbelievable in fact for being a Mags game.  I really hope to see more from you very soon.

I played the first game and it was fantabulous.  I am SO excited about the new game.
Great little game.  I enjoyed it but;

After you go up the rope ladder and get the message, if you go up again, there is no way to exit that I could find.
AGS Games in Production / Re: games galore!
Tue 24/04/2007 02:26:31
$2.00, are you crazy?  That is robbery; down right robbery.  I am going to have to ask my elderly parents for a loan and they will charge me interest. I see bancrupcy in my future.  I also see spelling lessons because I am pretty darn sure I mispelled.   :D

I look forward to the game.  Your price is very reasonable.

Quote from: Jon on Fri 13/04/2007 20:27:36
Quote from: Kin on Fri 13/04/2007 20:23:34
I've got the short stick from the boy. Where is the cheese I'm supposed to use it on?

Use floorboard

Ok used wrapping paper on machine, but don't know what to do next. It seems that I have to use the safe code somehow..

use chalk on machine
There is a loose floorboard in the kids bedroom

Quote from: Inkoddi on Fri 13/04/2007 20:26:34
All this pixel huntring frustrates me slightly (1929):
The rat ate all of my disgusting sandwiches, and apparently there's a piece of cheese somewhere... I can't see the slightest hint of it anywhere though. Where oh where can it be?
Thank you!  I had searched for a hot spot there several times and this time found it right away. :)

Quote from: Jon on Fri 13/04/2007 19:43:09
There is a hotspot 'Behind Screen', you do the next bit ;).
Thanks Joyce but
I haven't found the yo-yo Could you help me out there?
how do I reach the cheese?
You may find some help here
If not, you can ask a new question about where you are actually stuck there.
Hints & Tips / Re: Nelly Cootalot
Wed 07/03/2007 06:13:57

Quote from: marlamoe on Wed 07/03/2007 05:35:45
you need to go to the tavern and ask the pirate to teach you to be a thief.Ã,  Be sure afterward to talk to the towns people (and creatures) again for further hints.
Hints & Tips / Re: Nelly Cootalot
Wed 07/03/2007 05:35:45
you need to go to the tavern and ask the pirate to teach you to be a thief.Ã,  Be sure afterward to talk to the towns people (and creatures) again for further hints.
Hints & Tips / Re: Nelly Cootalot
Wed 07/03/2007 05:16:25
If you have not gotten past the barrier to the island yet, you cannot get them.

Quote from: Malaleb on Wed 07/03/2007 05:13:12
Nobody else has asked this yet, so I'll probably feel like an idiot when I get the answer, but...

How do I get the money for the donation box?
Hints & Tips / Re: Nelly Cootalot
Wed 07/03/2007 04:18:36
You need to make the water cloudy, is there something you took from the baron?

Quote from: Da_Elf on Wed 07/03/2007 04:17:21
ok. I'm just stupid i guess, the cats looking at the damned fish, whatnow?
Hints & Tips / Re: Nelly Cootalot
Wed 07/03/2007 03:26:09
Peter, I am not sure how to help you with that puzzle without telling you exactly what it says.
you have to switch the letters two at a time until it reads as the oath.  I will tell you the first part is "I swear".  If you cannot get past it, pm me.  I will go back and give you the whole thing. 
Another bug
Ã,  I cannot remember what order I went in for sure, but was doing another run through the game and after getting the letter on the lawn, I went and won the rainbow scarf prize.Ã,  When I went back to the castle, the letter was laying on the lawn again.Ã,  I could pick it up and then had two letters in inventory.Ã, 

Fleshstalker:  I played for about 6 or 7 hours.Ã, 

Just finished.  This is on my list of favorites
Hints & Tips / Nelly Cootalot
Tue 06/03/2007 23:51:27
Nevermind.  Figured it out right after I posted this  ;D

Ã,  I am in the mine behind bars.Ã,  Talking to the Baron has gotten me nowhere, and I cannot seem to use any items.Ã,  Hint please?Ã, 
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