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Messages - A-Hed

Sorry that I haven't replied sooner, but I got it working after creating a new game. I did exactly the same things so I still don't know what the problem was the first time.

It's great so far, keep it up! :)

Nothing like that, I have followed the walkthrough up to this point. Since I can't cast any other spell there must be something wrong. I know I have got all of the ingredients so far so I should be able to cast them.

I probably have to restart the game and see if the same thing happens.

Has this been reported before?

I was enjoying this game when I encountered a bug of some sort, I don't even know what I did wrong.


When I try to cast any of the spells from the spellbook he just gets killed. I have made sure I have all the ingredients for all of the spells I try to cast but he still gets killed. The only thing that I can think of that can cause this is that I have done things in a different order or something. Since I got stuck I looked up the hints and walkthrough, I had already done everything up to this point and I am now out of ideas. I supposed this can't be fixed but I dont want to restart either.

Has anyone else encountered this problem?

I appreciate any help on this!


Ok, what I want is to make the script for a label that works like the @OVERHOTSPOT@ and Iv'e run into a problem.

I get the error when I put this script in the repeatedly_execute section:

Code: ags
function repeatedly_execute() {
  // put anything you want to happen every game cycle here
  if (Game.GetLocationName(mouse.x, mouse.y) != "") {
    Names_Label.Text = Game.GetLocationName(mouse.x, mouse.y);
  if (Game.GetLocationName(mouse.x, mouse.y) == "") {
    Names_Label.Text = "Nothing of interest";

Is there a work around or am I just not clever enough? :P Im not a scripter, so please reply as simple as possible. ;)


You wouldn't have to be swedish to know that.  :P

The title of the picture contains the name of the artist ;)
Here is my attempt:



110x128, 32 colors + background color.

Im guessing that Swedish people will most likley recognize this character, but feel free to guess who he is.  ;)

Hi everyone!

I am quite new here but have been lurking the boards for a year or maybe even two. I am in need of help with my new game which I don't really like to expose to much of. I am seeking a scripter for the game because right now everything is going far to slow and if my demo should be out soon I must get someone to script for me.

Everything in the game is so far made by only me. And for those of you who thinks I am a person who makes rainbowcolored MSpaint games, you are wrong. ;)

I will happily send some BG's, Music, Sprites etc. to those who want's the job. So come on and send me some replies, as long as your a better scripter than me, your taken! :D

Hope to hear from anyone soon!

Thank you very much!!

I know what I did wrong now, very stupid mistake but it's solved now.

Thanks again, now I can get back to studying on how to script in of 2.7  :)

This is very strange, by looking at your scripting I can understand how it's supposed to work but when I test the game it's doing something completely different!

When I hold the mousecursor over the Guibutton it changes to the Guibuttons MouseOver image (to the image I used to have) and when I hold the mousecursor besides the Guibutton it animates as it should do. So when I hold the mouse over the button it changes to the mouseover image, when I'm not it animates correctly.

I tried changing some isAnimating from false to true and vice versa, it didn't help though so I changed them back.

Thanks for the replies, hope anyone can help me figure this out cause I'm stuck.

Thank you very much for the reply, I would have never thought of it to be that much scripting!

When I have copied this into the global script and am about to test the game it says, under the repeatedly execute, that isAnimating is an undefined symbol. I think that is quite strange because the isAnimating seems to work fine on the first part of the script.

If anyone has got a reason for why this is happening I would appreciate it very much!



Im totally new on scripting in 2.7 and am in need of help.

This is the problem: I am trying to get a gui button, Optionsbutton, in the upper gui menu to animate when the mousecursor is over it. The button needs a view for animating and thats where the problem is. I can get the button to animate either way and there doesn't seem to be a way to script it easily like using MouseOverGui.

Any help will be appreciated, this may be very simple.


General Discussion / Re: Any metal fans here?
Thu 14/07/2005 14:17:18
Yes!! I have just waited for this kind of thread to appear  ;)

The three kinds of metal I like is Deathmetal, Thrashmetal and Blackmetal. Though the last named is by far my favourite. As I also play in a blackmetal band its hard for me to listen to anything else.

Bands I really like are:

Mörk Gryning
Pagan Reign

...And many more that I dont want to bore you with.

There are alot of people saying: "They are just screaming all the time! >:( " and I just hate that. Because of this they think every Black or Death band is very bad music and hate it for that.

Sure, at first I didnt like either Deathmetal or Blackmetal but I started paying attention to the melodies and in some bands noticed very odd riffs that wouldnt be found in any other genre that I knew of. I like the singing in many Blackmetalbands to (not growl like in deathmetal though) because they are sometimes very different from band to band, or even album to album. Trying new styles, finding some style that havent been done yet.

I really like exploring, experimenting with new things when it comes to music, that may be why I like Black so much. And I really think that metal deserves more attention than it gets today.

And im sorry if im maybe offending some of you for saying this, but I really cant see anything good with the nu-metal genre.
Hey there!

Feel free to add me and my brother's demo for The Artifact:

I have also PMed you M0ds if any problems should occur, hopefully there wont be any.

Thanks Rui! I will try what YOke said, thanks to Chicky also for making making clear of what I was asking for.  :)
Ok, this is my first post in any of technical threads. I was wondering if it is possible to script so that my maincharacter is walking one step at a time without stopping in the middle of any of the steps depending on where I clicked for him to walk.

For example: if I want the character to walk to the other side of a table then this script should calculate so that he comes as close as possible to the point where I clicked without him stopping during a step (unless if he must turn to some direction and continue walking).

Is this possible to script? If it isnt, is there another way around this problem?
The song is Transcending from the album One Hot Minute with the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I really love that album, one of my favourite one's! :)

This was a very nice game, lovely graphics and a really funny ending. For a first game, it is very cool! And you made this in only two weeks? That's very good!

You know you got my vote on Mags, chick.

Cheers, and good luck with Guard Duty!Ã,  ;)
Critics' Lounge / Re: Grim Fandango graphics
Sun 18/07/2004 13:33:58
Or it could be about Glottis trying to get Manny back? Anyway, I found this site a while back, it's some Grim Fandango scripts.
Babloyi, that was the exact same thing I was thinking of, but as I haven't played Gabriel Knight it's hard for me to judge the seriousness/jokeness (?) of that game. But the same kind of small jokes, not story/plot-related, like in Broken Sword (which I think is the best game ever  ;D) makes the game much more enjoyable. I don't know what kind of game youre making so it's hard for me to say, but if you think it  fits into your game, you should surely consider some not story/plot related jokes as said. For example in Broken Sword, you have the red clown nose you get in the begining that you can ask everybody about and almost every time they answer with a little joke of some sort, stuff like that. I don't know about sidekicks though, haven't had so much experience with them. I would just settle with the jokes.
Hmmm... strange, seems like the server is down at the moment.

Try it here instead then:

EDIT: Noticed that some instrument blurred together to much, now fixed.
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