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Messages - JimmyShelter

Hints & Tips / Re: This odd feeling
Wed 03/03/2010 07:35:21
Quote from: Tina on Wed 03/03/2010 07:15:11
i figured out how to get all the commodities, but trying to clean windows and the tractor, rosa says she will give me her sponge but it doesnt show in inventory, can you give me a big hint please enjoying this game thanks


She says you can have her sponge, but she doesn't have it with her. Maybe she has it stashed in her camping gear?

I did get just 490 or something points of the 900, so I probably still missed a few things.

All in all a fun little game, especially considering it was made so quickly. If Wyz puts more time into his next game, I'm certainly looking forward to it!
Quote from: Leon on Sun 28/02/2010 20:14:03
Did you speak to the fortuneteller? Then you must have the cards.

Use the cards while talking to the fruit & veg guy. At first it seems a bit strange when to use the cards but after a while you'll get the feeling.



After I found out how the cards work I got a lot further already.

Seems I got stuck again.

I asked Rosa about the dirty tractor, and she gave me a sponge, only I don't see it in my inventory. Is this a bug or don't I need the sponge?
I get stuck way in the beginning. Talked to everyone, but I have no idea what I can do now.

Can't buy anything, can't pick up anything, I seem to be missing something.
It depends a bit on how big the game is.

I don't mind returning to a location to retrieve an item my character just learned he could use, if it is just one or two rooms back, but more than that, it gets annoying.
Sure, it's meta-gaming/out of character to just pick up everything, but one thing to realize is that most people still playing adventures, have certain expectations of how the game should work. As with everything, only 'break' rules if you have good reasons, and have solutions to offer your users.

Most free roaming games are RPGs, with weight management included. You can take everything you want, up to a certain weight.
Inspired by the entries so far, I decided to whip up something quick

It's been a while since I pixeled, so I'm not to happy about the shading, and turned out a bit small.
What's the style you will use for your character sprites? Will you paint or pixel them?

If you do pixel them, you could take some pointers from ben's style:

He also paints his backgrounds, but at double size, and he resizes them to fit his sprites. That way the pixel and paint style don't clash as much as they might.
Nice, euh... details... ProgZmax.  ;)
Only after the last edit I saw it was a cliff, at first I thought it was an island with sea in front of it.
Maybe it's better when you look at it fullscreen, but on my monitor its seems a bit too dark.

Sure, it's night time, so it should be dark, but especially in the middle it's hard to make out anything. It does focus the eye towards the houses on the right, so if that's the goal, you shouldn't worry too much.
Otherwise I'd try to use some more contrasting blue and purple colours instead of only dark blues and blacks.
Quote from: GreenBoy on Tue 09/02/2010 19:24:41
He still needs some work, the cloaks all wrong it should be colour shifting acording to the books but I'm more interested in getting something workable to see if I can do the scripting side of things.

You could do the colour shifting by changing the colours between different frames in your walk/idle animations.
Critics' Lounge / Re: Alien character WIP
Fri 15/05/2009 20:28:28

Pff. shading the body is hard.

I hope his pose is more natural now, but I can't get it to be as good as I want.

Humans are easier, that's for sure.  ;D
Critics' Lounge / Re: Alien character WIP
Wed 13/05/2009 20:43:13
With shading:

I'm not to sure about the shading of the tail. I have the feeling I could shade him simpler while still making him feel roundish, but I can't seem to find the right way.
Another thing is animation. Is this shading too complicated to animate, or is it doable?

Any other comments, remarks are welcome ofcourse!
General Discussion / Re: Lens flare!
Mon 11/05/2009 21:24:56
Someone used this combo when filming the new Star Trek.

It's got more lensflares than a noobies background!
Critics' Lounge / Re: Alien character WIP
Mon 11/05/2009 20:30:30
I made his lower slightly shorter, and starting with some very basic colouring.

Time for shadows! (Unless someone notices something very wrong  ;))
Critics' Lounge / Re: Alien character WIP
Fri 08/05/2009 17:59:57
Thanks for your comments and edit!

Based on your suggestions, I made the following changes:

I missed your comment while working on it, fred. You're probably right about the arm length. Either his lower body needs to be less high, or he needs a longer arm. For the next edit. :)

About the shadows: I'm trying out to first be as satisfied about the outlines as possible before moving on to colouring and shadows.
Critics' Lounge / Alien character WIP
Thu 07/05/2009 21:03:12
This time I'm starting with the outlines before moving on to the next steps.

This is a slug like alien. I tried changing his lower body a few times, but it keeps looking strange to me. Anyway got any suggestions?
kaputtnik makes sense.

His skill table seems pretty correct.

As a dutch person, I still rather play the original English games, then Dutch translations. (The same goes for tv-series and movies I watch, and books I read: I always prefer the original english versions).

I only prefer translations if it's for languages I don't read well or at all. I could play a german or french game, but if there was a dutch or english translation I'd prefer that.
Quote from: boojiboy on Mon 27/04/2009 17:30:16
Oh and the whole game is set in the deep ocean.

Is he running under water? If so, I guess he should run a bit slower.
I've completed it!


I missed both the communication and the navigation devices.

If you'd at some way to see when you're above a hotspot, your game would benefit a lot.

Time for game nr 3.
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