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Messages - Resulka

Really? Yeah! That would be an awesome thing to do. - Though that pushes the idea that I definitely need to develop a adult-content lock for cases that are more risque.

Since I'm spending all my after work effort at the moment getting a demo ready for GDC the next case pack won't hit until after March 20th at the earliest, But the Wiki for case building suggestions should be up in the next week or two while I render. Might even make it a double case pack to make up for that. 6 cases instead of 3.

Mandle, if you're interested in joining the Beta Testing team (Which I've sickeningly referenced as the Hawklings) or talking more about Comprehension Sheets, email me at
Well for those of you who have trouble with Game Jolt, The game is also hosted on our website: here. I'm surprised that Game Jolt's giving you trouble but at least there's always alternatives! Thanks for checking out the project!
Quote from: bicilotti on Sat 10/01/2015 22:59:08
Looks really nice and I would love to play it, but I am on Debian Linux (which doesn't get together well with RAR self extracting archives). Do you think you can upload a .zip?

Sure! Sorry about the late response - I was finalizing the other project I've been working on.

Zip Version

Hello all! I hope you're well. Why it feels like only yesterday (Monday) that I was telling you about a game I released.(Though back in November; Reallllly behind on that one)

Today I bring you Hawk Eye Quandaries, a parody/homage to EA*Kids/Stormfront's amazing edutainment title "Eagle Eye Mysteries!".

Welcome to Anytown USA... USA! You play as either Justin or Josie Hawk, a Pair of Twins who go around solving crimes although crime can be the most loosest definition of the word!

I'm fairly happy with the way the games has turned out. The idea is that I needed a little more practice before turning my hand at a bigger project which I'm now developing and I thought something that once I built the main concept, I'd be able to add to with ease.

One of the things I love about Eagle Eye Mysteries is not just the concept, but how vast it was, the original easily had 60 cases in it... Well this build of the game has... 3. But I have made plans and a pipeline to add three new cases a month, and now that I have method to my madness I think this will be easily achievable (For at least the next couple of months anyway) and my plan is to have a site where anyone can suggest a case to be built.

Since I've created the game to have it's own saving technique rather then using the standard AGS saving technique, adding cases won't invalidate previous saved games and I can work on giving the game improvements.

Anyway, If you'd like to give it a try, the link is here.
Hi guys,

I'm really bad about posting to the forums, been meaning to do this for ages. But I was hoping you might like to play my point and click Jam entry, Abel Mabel gets a job?

It was made in 10 hectic days where I essentially ran around like a chicken without a head, spurting game assets instead of blood and viscera about and may have slept very little during this period.

Here's a little description of it (And an image!):

This is a twist on the fairy tale "The old Witch" wherein 2 sisters take turns taking a maid job with an old witch to earn or steal money from her.

In our version, You've been taken on for a day's trial against another applicant. Can you beat the other girl to get the job? Will you be victorious and the hired help??

Download Able Mabel gets a Job

I designed the game to evoke the minigame style of Manhunter, but hopefully the minigames are a little bit less annoying, they're certainly shorter! But if you have RSI, you might want to think twice about it. I have made the minigames as well, easy as I could try a leisurely pace at first, you might find you won't need to go like the clackers. <3

Thank you for trying out my game and hopefully I'll be better at remembering to post here on my next game release... Which should be any day now. Just need to finish beta testing!

And not a single question of mine about starting a new project was answered!

Basically wanted to hear their tips on how to approach the implementation into AGS. Start at first playable scene or Introduction cut scenes or I dunno, crazy like the last scene of the game and build backwards....
Quote from: HanaIndiana on Tue 25/03/2014 19:07:46
I'm a fan of Laura Bow and the Dagger of Amon Ra, so I was excited to see this. I like the voicework, it's bizarre at times, but that adds to the entertainment value. I like the animations, and art style in general too. I really get a sense of the characters. And you keep the dialog at a nice pace.

I haven't finished the game yet. I got stuck:
when investigating the murder. I didn't find everything, and I got frustrated and couldn't save :) But I plan to go back to it.

Look forward to finishing the game, and any future games!

Ah yes, If it helps, In the murder scene, the Do/See buttons at the top still work, And Do to an object to leave the scene! Hope it helps and thanks for enjoying it so far!

Quote from: Mandle on Sun 30/03/2014 07:23:09
Do I detect voice actors from Heroine's Quest?

Specifically Lorna herself as the little street urchin thief and Herme?

If so...then no wonder she kept going all "Southern" during the outtakes in the special features ;)

Alas, no. The only other voice work for games I've done is Ben Chandler Paranormal Investigator: In Search of the Sweet's Tin. I do really like Heroine's Quest though!
Quote from: Khris on Thu 13/03/2014 11:33:53
This game looks great and it is quite clear that a lot of effort went into it.
Which makes it all the more weird that it suffers severely from technical issues:
- debug mode is still on
- the game doesn't use walkbehinds, it almost looks like the designer didn't know about them, this makes Lorna circle around the table instead of going straight
- the walk speed is ridiculously slow, especially walking to the left and right, and again, the animation doesn't even fit the speed
- some characters' sizes do not follow the room's perspective at all, which looks really off occasionally (and is an easy fix; again, it looks like the designer simply didn't know about scaling)
- saving or loading is not possible, and while the game uses checkpoints it doesn't inform the player when they reached one
- very minor issue: at the crime scene the cursor does not switch to one of the verbs automatically; so until you click one of the verbs, the cursor suddenly does nothing
- some characters are clearly paintovers of the familiar horrible poser walkcycle
Sorry, but had to be said.

All fair points. This game to me really is sort of a proof of concept to me and I personally went through many different incarnations of the art. The majority of the more technical issues can be explained by the fact this really was our first game. And while it doesn't really work as an excuse when there is alot of literature out there on the topic. We'l strive to do better in the future.

You're a little off about the poser walkcycle. I imported them from 3Ds max, but that is pretty much when I had decided I just wanted it all over and done with, but it is my bad that they're so obvious paintovers. I was just looking for consistency since as the other walking sprites will attest, I'm very shaky on my walk cycles. I'm going to be practising them more over the next couple of weeks so I don't need to use the crutch of 3Ds sprites to rotoscope.

Thanks for the Critique! We can't improve without it! <3<3
Hello all!

I hope you don't mind the intrusion into your morning/afternoon/evening routines, But I hoped you might be interested in playing my first game, The Glass Splinters!

While it's not a long game, I like to think you'll all have fun with Dorcas the Donkey Girl as she dances and woo a Prince that was originally intended for Cinderella!
While the game can be wielded with the mouse and cursor, point and click style. I really recommend playing with the num pad to dance around in full style!

Get it here!

I did get some help with coding from Grundislav and Ben_304. They are the best!

Anyway, Hope you enjoyed and I'm really looking forward to some critique!
Resulka <3
Quote from: Darth Mandarb on Tue 30/04/2013 12:42:26
I'm not going to lock this as it does, technically, meet the rules' requirements; but if those two in-game shots (which are the same background) are all you've got for playable areas you really should have waited a bit longer before announcing the game.

Well essentially the game is a two room game. One with walkable areas and the 2nd is a murder investigation scene. It is a very short game and it's pretty much code complete - Largely the reason why it isn't already out is that I work a 60 hour a week job and I'm doing the majority of the art for the game. The plan of making such a short game to begin with is to stir up interest for some other artists and team members!

(Is it working?)
Oh Wow! I've been looking for a game just like this for years!

... Oh wait. I'm the Game Designer and the artist. Never mind... ;p

Dhel, you naughty boy. You need to mention both of us when it comes to announcements. ;p

Either way, We're both really excited to complete this project so we can launch into a full lenght game. The Coming Of Age is much of a prologue story, To introduce the character and so that we could prove to ourselves that we could make such a game.

We have many plans for Lorna Bains! Many many many plans! <3

Hints & Tips / Re: Ben Jordan Case 8
Wed 08/08/2012 13:27:30
Ah, thank you! Thank you! <3
Hints & Tips / Re: Ben Jordan Case 8
Wed 08/08/2012 12:47:08
Quote from: Noat on Wed 08/08/2012 12:39:43
The town records is in one of the buildings, but you can't rely on that entirely. If only there was another place where they write down the names of dead people...

Oh yes, I've been to the cemetery, Many many times. He reads the names of the tombstones but seems content to leave it at that.
Hints & Tips / Re: Ben Jordan Case 8
Wed 08/08/2012 12:22:08
I'm stuck getting the headless Vamp's Name to search through the town records. Percy = no help. I may have tried to stake him a couple of times.
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