[TEMPLATE] Kyrandia / BASS hybrid

Started by brewton, Mon 22/02/2021 07:18:09

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Hello, all.
I've been working on this for a few days. I'm pretty proud of it, and I'm looking for some feedback.

This AGS interface template combines my favourite interface features from the BASS template and The Legend of Kyrandia.
Initially based on the BASS template by Ghost and the AGS team. Features a heavily modified TwoClickHandler script.
Intended to serve as a template with the full functionality of the interface used in The Legend of Kyrandia by Westwood Studios.

The compiled version uses assets from the Legend of Kyrandia for demonstration purposes ONLY.
These assets have been removed from the template.
Sorry for the uggo asset replacements.

The scripts in this project are released under the MIT license.

Single click on inventory items to pick up or pop out of slots.
Single click on screen to drop items in a room.
Retains useful right-click and left-click handling from BASS template.
Custom room text in the status until timeout.
Kyrandia style - Player can carry items between rooms without having to slot them in inventory.
Kyrandia 2 style inventory scrolling (non-looping)
Custom cursors for displaying room exits on mouseover.
Dummy item generation.

Requires AGS version 3.5.0 or higher.

Project page: https://github.com/brewtonian/ags_kyrandia
Documentation: https://github.com/brewtonian/ags_kyrandia/blob/master/documentation.pdf
Demo Game: https://github.com/brewtonian/ags_kyrandia/tree/master/Compiled


Hey, if you want a gitignore for AGS to help avoid adding some binaries on source control, there's one here .gitignore

I don't understand the need for the gems at right in the template.

It's also a bit weird that some parts of the menu are skinned and others are not. I don't understand much of the intellectual property note you added, but I would recommend either redrawing or using public domain or other creative commons assets from a website like opengameart.org.

If you don't have strong reasons to have audio in the template, I would avoid having them there, unless you really mean to have them in a place with some comments for the game developer to modify them. Same notes regarding copyright for the graphics apply to the sound.

I don't understand much what are the said implications about the walk behind, but the drop and grab of itens appear to work.

I also noted you actually made a manual but you didn't store it's source or mentioned it in the thread.


Thanks for the constructive feedback eri0o!

Quote from: eri0o on Tue 23/02/2021 00:42:51
Hey, if you want a gitignore for AGS to help avoid adding some binaries on source control, there's one here .gitignore
I appreciate this but I'm not sure how to use it. Do I just drop it in the root folder?

QuoteI don't understand the need for the gems at right in the template.
That's fair. They don't really do anything. I should pull them out. They were mostly there as reference to the original game.

QuoteIt's also a bit weird that some parts of the menu are skinned and others are not.
Do you mean the options menu? I used the save/quit/restore game menus from the BASS template. I could make them uniform if that is preferred.

QuoteI don't understand much of the intellectual property note you added, but I would recommend either redrawing or using public domain or other creative commons assets from a website like opengameart.org.
Just making sure you're talking about the template and not the compiled demo game. The demo game is more to show off 'look what it can do', while the template game is a 'here, now you do it' kind of thing.
I had stripped all of the Kyrandia assets from the template and redrawn them (very badly). If it's also a hint to replace my 'art' with other assets - that's also fair. :-D

QuoteIf you don't have strong reasons to have audio in the template, I would avoid having them there, unless you really mean to have them in a place with some comments for the game developer to modify them. Same notes regarding copyright for the graphics apply to the sound.
Already pulled the audio files from the template. The only thing that's left is a public domain 'click' sound from freesound.org.

QuoteI don't understand much what are the said implications about the walk behind, but the drop and grab of itens appear to work.
It's to stop items from being dropped in areas that would prevent the player from picking them up again - like behind a tree.

QuoteI also noted you actually made a manual but you didn't store it's source or mentioned it in the thread.
Ah, yeah. I didn't see the format thread until after I had posted. I'll reformat it all soon, though I did include a link to the documentation at the bottom: https://github.com/brewtonian/ags_kyrandia/blob/master/documentation.pdf


Yes, .gitignore files are usually located on the root folder of the repository.

To add a new .gitignore file to an existing repository, simply drop it there, add it to the list of tracked files by the repo, and then commit the change. From there on, git will not show you the files that match a pattern described in the .gitignore file as new untracked or modified files to add to new commits.

However, it's not retroactive, so this will not delete existing files in your remote repository, you will have to do that by hand.

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