EDITOR THEME: Dracula (Dark)

Started by vga256, Wed 06/10/2021 23:30:24

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After recently discovering that 3.5.x has had theming for a long time, I decided to port my favourite VS/Notepad++/everything-else theme "Dracula" to the AGS Editor, in time for Halloween! :)

Dracula is meant to be gentler on the eyes than the current AGS VisualStudio Dark theme, using lower contrast highlights and softer background colours. The entire AGS editor has been recolored, including the scripting boxes - with some exceptions, see below.

Please let me know if you run into any strange coloration or visual anomalies. I have tested this with v3.5.0.x.

Version 0.2

Download here.

1. Browse to AGS Editor -> File -> Preferences -> Color Theme -> Import Color Theme.
2. Select AGS-Dracula-version.json in your downloads folder.
3. Restart AGS.

Known Issues
- Combo Boxes are missing the proper dropdown arrow colour. This bug has already been reported.
- Frames, Panels, Scrollbars, Textboxes, and certain buttons could not be recolored according to the theme, so they remain white. I am assuming these are tied to default Windows System/winforms theming that I have no control over. Please let me know if you've got a workaround.
- Hyperlinks on the Welcome page are not colourized properly for AGS 3.5.0. This problem was patched in March 2021, so recent versions (latest 3.5.1) of the Editor should look fine.



Sorry, but how do I download and install this? The download link took to me a page which contained a bunch of code which I assume i the code for the theme. I copied and saved that into a notepad, but when I open the folder for themes in the AGS Preferences tab, it just opens that notepad file, it doesn't change the theme.

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Custerly on Mon 02/12/2024 20:17:18Sorry, but how do I download and install this? The download link took to me a page which contained a bunch of code which I assume i the code for the theme. I copied and saved that into a notepad, but when I open the folder for themes in the AGS Preferences tab, it just opens that notepad file, it doesn't change the theme.

1. Copy the theme file into the Themes folder.
2. Restart the editor, the new theme should be in the "Color Theme" selection.


Also, you don't need to copy the text to Notepad.
It's a .json file. Just save it with the browser (usually, Ctrl-S on most browsers) and the original filename will be kept. (If you save it in Notepad and use say, .txt as extension, it pwobably won't be recognised unless you rename the file properly.)


There are more themes here https://github.com/adventuregamestudio/ags-themes (to download click the green button and then download or here master.zip).

The classic ones are meant to work with AGS 3.4.2 and forward and the modern ones work with and forward.

I don't remember why themes weren't distributed directly with the editor beyond being linked in every editor release thread in the forums. I guess exactly to motivate others to create their own themes. But now that we have a few, perhaps they could be included in the archive and in the installer?

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