Nightmare Frames (Demo on STEAM)

Started by Postmodern Adventures, Tue 10/11/2020 11:31:39

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After Urban Witch Story, Dead Dimension and Billy Masters Was Right I´m happy to share with you my new project. It's my more ambitious game to date. I hope you like it!


A frustrated slasher writer sets out on a quest for a lost film: the scariest movie ever made. From the Hollywood in the mid-eighties to a small town  where strange things happen.


- 320x200 pixel graphics.

- Two button click-interface

-Music by: Heclysma.

Overall Progress: 65%


Looks good, PA!  ;)
But  slasher writers are dangerous?  (laugh)




More screenshots:

There are three acts in the game. One of them is complete and all the music of the game is done.


This looks really cool.......
This is the Way - A dark allegory. My Twitter!  My Youtube!


Oooh, great lighting effects!  (nod) Looks like another high quality game from you.


The background art and atmosphere are so cool! I'm looking forward to the game!  ;-D


This looks better every day. And if you are more that 1/3 that is a steady path!


I hope he ends up finding La Fin absolue du monde  :-D

Like your previous game, I will certainly be looking forward to playing!
This is the Way - A dark allegory. My Twitter!  My Youtube!


Love the concept, mixing adventure games with 80s horror cinema?? I'm IN!!! Can't wait to play it.

Update the main message with trailer, promo art, Steam page and some screenshots!


Looks really good!

I'm curious, the lighting effects from the police car's lights, how were they achieved? They look like a shader effect almost, but as far as I can tell, AGS can't really render that in real time.

Looking forward to this one - wishlisted on Steam!

Thank you, Hobbes.

All the lightning effects are animated .png's.

The Last To Know

This looks great. I really enjoyed your previous games so I'm looking forward to this one. Will this be a commercial project?

Oh, thank you! Yes, it will be a commercial game.


Looks great, best of luck!


This looks so good! So much atmosphere. Looking forward to playing this!


is already on my wish list!
Impossible not to remember 8mm with Nicolas Cage, so cool!


Love your work mate. Just came here to say that :)

Thank you to all!
Here's a pic of a bunch of characters for the first act (Hollywood):

One of the most gratifying things when developing the game is that having a template for the sprites for the characters, there are no limits to implement them. Not only the key characters, but people who pass by on the street, extras, etc. It's easy and fun!

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