Political Enemy (demo)

Started by Vincent, Tue 18/06/2019 20:31:19

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PAINTED BRAIN STUDIO is proud to announce:

The story is set in an old mansion and sees guests for a political confrontation between two possible candidates for mayor and to examine their proposals. You will take on the role of Norman, a former cop, who now works in private and will have to solve a dark mystery in that mansion as the political challenger has mysteriously disappeared.

Vincent Cortese: Programming
Fabio Forte (Aka Johhny Di Elea): Story, dialogs, graphics, music and sound effects

Development Progress:
Story: 70%
Scripting: 40%
Graphics: 40%
Sound/Music: 20%

Special Thanks:
Khris - Keyboard Movement, Chat Display, SmoothScrolling
Ivan Mogilko - Key Listener
Edmundo Ruiz - Tween Module

The default language is set to be in Italian. You can switch to English via winsetup!
Some graphics and some aspects are temporary and don't represent the final game be understanding. Thank you ;)
If you spend more than 45 minutes in the mansion you will have surprises!

Movement: Arrow keys
Menu: Key Escape
Map: Key M (Zoom in-out Key Return)
Move Map: Arrow keys
Close Map: Key Escape

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